Inflation and Biden

The Heritage Foundation is one of the prime engines of seditious untruth in the nation today.
But they wear Wing tips & Windsor knots and Bow ties with a Blue blazer with white shirts with thin blue stripes and khaki pants of course
And if their really daring, Black Penny loafers minus the penny & have 1/2 the SCOTUS going out to dinner with them.
They are strict Constitutionalists and got pissed off when women got to vote, as that was never mentioned in the Constitution,
They must be speaking the Truth
No fake news there,
It's Impossible. (think Princess Bride)
But they wear Wing tips & Windsor knots and Bow ties with a Blue blazer with white shirts with thin blue stripes and khaki pants of course
And if their really daring, Black Penny loafers minus the penny & have 1/2 the SCOTUS going out to dinner with them.
They are strict Constitutionalists and got pissed off when women got to vote, as that was never mentioned in the Constitution,
They must be speaking the Truth
No fake news there,
It's Impossible. (think Princess Bride)
When I think Princess Bride, it’s always rodents of unusual size.
Gonna poke my nose in this one.... you truly never own anything. I own 12 acres (512,000 sq ft) of land, 2 homes, and 3 shop buildings outright. But, my property insurance just went from $2024 a year to $3645. I don't have any interest to pay, no loans or mortgages. This is horseshit. I don't see how people are getting by trying to buy a new home. The feds have jacked the prime 7 times (check me on this) in the past 18 months. Even people trying to buy a home are having to downgrade mid process due to .75 or .50 bias points, and it throws thier whole buying process into a clusterfuck because it swings thier payments by $700-$900 a month. That's huge for a home buyer. 401K is good (decent) Oil stocks are good, but fuck sake....I just want to own something for nothing. I worked my ass off for it. Property taxes due in a couple of months.....Im less than excited to see what that's going to be like.
Numbers are real. And thanks to Bidenomics it's now even harder for the average American to buy a home.
I was in construction for many years and do you want to know why the average cost of a new home today is probably 30-40% higher than pre- Pandemic cost.
It's primary cause, besides greed, is cost/shortage of material.

Everything imaginable in construction material increased by at least 30% due to the world wide effects of Covid.
We buy most of our materials from foreign sources, such as lumber from Canada, electrical components from China/Germany, and the most basic material, besides nails and screws (Mexico), is Sheetrock/Drywall and 70% of that is from China (Don't forget Trump's Tariff on Chinese products that we pay.)

You couldn't even start construction, never mind complete for months at least and sometimes over a year because of factory closings, shipping delays, entire countries shutting down essentially.

So Economics/Capitalism raised it's ugly fucking head and viola, a $400,000 house became $650,000 overnight. (with profit of course)

Surprise, Surprise!

Again, it ain't fucking Biden.

And do you want to know what else ain't Biden's fault?
He won't be the one responsible for the prices never coming down that much again, to pre-pandemic levels.

Why would they?

Greed makes the world go round.

Gotta play it :hump:

I was in construction for many years and do you want to know why the average cost of a new home today is probably 30-40% higher than pre- Pandemic cost.
It's primary cause, besides greed, is cost/shortage of material.

Everything imaginable in construction material increased by at least 30% due to the world wide effects of Covid.
We buy most of our materials from foreign sources, such as lumber from Canada, electrical components from China/Germany, and the most basic material, besides nails and screws (Mexico), is Sheetrock/Drywall and 70% of that is from China (Don't forget Trump's Tariff on Chinese products that we pay.

You couldn't even start construction, never mind complete for months at least and sometimes over a year because of factory closings, shipping delays, entire countries shutting down essentially.

So Economics/Capitalism raised it's ugly fucking head and viola, a $400,000 house became $650,000 overnight. (with profit of course)

Surprise, Surprise!

Again, it ain't fucking Biden.

And do you want to know what else ain't Biden's fault?
He won't be the one responsible for the prices never coming down that much again, to pre-pandemic levels.

Why would they?

Greed makes the world go round.

Gotta play it :hump:

This is no shit.... I have a 2013 Ford Platinum. I bought it 6 years ago with 16K miles on it. I can sell it today for the same amount I paid for it. But, what am I going to replace it with?.... I'll drive it till the wheels fall off. Same with my home. Built the home and 12 acres for 134K.... it would go for $700K+ now....... Im stuck. ...... but, I really like my place, so..
This is no shit.... I have a 2013 Ford Platinum. I bought it 6 year ago with 16K miles on it. I can sell it today for the same amount I paid for it. But, what am I going to replace it with?.... I'll drive it till the wheels fall off. Same with my home. Built the home and 12 acres for 134K.... it would go for $700K+ now....... Im stuck. ...... but, I really like my place, so..
If I had 12 acres, 1 acre for veggies and the rest Ganja.
Next life, maybe :bigjoint:
I will say that I got away with a tax increase for 3 years. After I built a second home (barndaminium) , they come and check every 4 years. My shit went up, and I asked why, and this lady swung the screen around, and there was a picture of my dog smiling in the foreground of the new construction. Busted.
This is no shit.... I have a 2013 Ford Platinum. I bought it 6 years ago with 16K miles on it. I can sell it today for the same amount I paid for it. But, what am I going to replace it with?.... I'll drive it till the wheels fall off. Same with my home. Built the home and 12 acres for 134K.... it would go for $700K+ now....... Im stuck. ...... but, I really like my place, so..

I hear ya. I paid only 50KCan for my 7.5 acres with a 1990 16x80ft mobile with all the nice trim, vaulted ceilings and 6" thick walls for our northern climes. The guy I bought it from 20 years ago this Halloween was a master carpenter/cabinet maker and built a 17x38' shop also with 6" walls and one of those gas heat pipes running the length of the ceiling. It's all attached with my little 16x12' mancave in the middle and a mudroom about the same size going out to a 17x34' carport. Middle of nowhere with no industry to attract buyers and I'd be lucky to get 100K for it now. 6G left on the mortgage. At my age I'd never get another mortgage in any city where a place with the same square footage on a city lot would go for 500K here in Alberta and closer to a mil out on the west coast anywhere. 2,500 for rent here in a city and probably double that out on the coast. Still want to end my golden years on Vancouver Island and fish 'til I drop tho.

Safe from most of the calamities clobbering a lot of places. Back in my old stomping grounds in the Fraser Valley in BC they are having really bad floods and fires every year and there's still that big quake a coming someday. Will be a lot worse on the island if it does show up.

Yes Biden is responsible for a lot of it. His economic policies suck and thankfully more people are finally figuring it out. It's pretty obvious how it really is in the polls including the one in your post. He can keep telling everyone how great Bidenomics is working but most of us see it's bullshit. I get the tactic though. Repeat the same bullshit over and over and people will believe it. It's like flushing.

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"He sucks."

Oh wow, that tells me a lot. How does his policies suck? Which ones, there usually is some good and some bad, sounds like you think everything Brandon sucks.

On the Fed raising rates, they are doing it to take inflation, inflation caused by all the covid money that people socked away and then paid whatever the seller wanted as the other guy would buy it if you do not. Like a supertanker, the economy does not just turn around on a dime. Then there was the mess with the cargo ship in the Suez Canal, the plugged up ports, sawmills closing down durring covid and not expecting people sitting at home will suck up all the materials increasing the prices. I was expecting a recession and it seems we are heading to a soft landing.
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Regan took the deficit from 70B to 175B
Bush #1 took it to 300B
Clinton got it to zero
Bush #2 took it from zero to 1200B
Obama halved it to 600B
Trump took it over 1000B in 2019 before covid and it skyrocketed after that

The republicans constantly whine about the deficit when in reality, they've created it almost entirely through corporate and the top 1% tax cuts.
Trickle-down my ass
That’s real talk bro… money talk, one of my favorite subjects.
Humans are so quick to point the blame at the person in charge when they don’t really know what’s going on.
For instance, I get up and go to work so that 25-33 % of my salary can go to taxes.
After that, I go shopping and another 10% is taken because I’m spend my money…
What’s going on? You are paying some one else’s taxes while they earn interest on the money they collect. The reason they push for higher interest rates.
Most Americans don’t understand that these tax collectors are also earning interest aim those taxes. For those who don’t know interest is free money. So of of course those in charge want it to be as high as possible.
Here is some money talk for those who like chasing dollars. The dollar isn’t even worth it’s. manufacturing and transport cost. Electronic transfer eliminates physical waste in so many way. Unfortunately none of these savings benefit the people.
So back to the real matter at hand. Why has inflation skyrocketed. Reportedly the us ow China 850 billion and is paying interest on it.
The us rebuttals and say that China owes us a billion dollars. That’s a lot of rice. … get smart people. The us purchased that rice for pennies on the dollar because it is being purchased from themselves. Aka govt subsidies. Anyway, ship loads of rice isn’t free.
You are probably saying what is this nut talking about. Let me explained. The first question you should as is why does China need to buy rice from the US in the first place. Especially when it neighbors Vietnam, Thailand Laos, Cambodia, all of which are rice producing countries.
Do any of you guys remember the war in that part of the country. Of course you do because many of you come from parents who fought in the Vietnam war. Of, now I have your attention… poppies weren’t the only thing being destroyed. So was the rice.. you see all those movies where these guys are fighting in the rice paddies and the jungles, aka very fertile land.
Taken from Google…. Agent Orange, mixture of herbicides that U.S. military forces sprayed in Vietnam from 1962 to 1971 during the Vietnam War for the dual purpose of defoliating forest areas that might conceal Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces and destroying crops that might feed the enemy. …. Better yet, to starve out neighboring countries that’s also being feed with these same crops.
Therefore who suffered the most? Vietnam, or China. If you listen to the Us China is still suffering good shortages. let the us tell it. So you mean to tell me that a technically advanced country like China is starving. You are saying this starving country is capable of producing the Covid virus. Something besides my rambling isn’t making sense… that because you want me to believe that a country that isn’t capable of feeding itself, is capable of creating the Covid virus. So keep believing all the bs that being pushed down your throat.
I digressed. So what those this have to do with the US economy. Everything. Because no longer are the days of the barbaric wars being fought with bombs and missiles. Todays ways are being fought on a more strategic level like chess. Many of you may not know that the Chinese are some of the smartest people on the planet. The art of war… duh! These are the people they US chose to go into battle with… expensive physical battle. All I can tell you is remember the Foo fighter. Technology so advanced that it was thought to be alien. Never underestimate the enemy. Ahem…Somebody had do up their game. You shouldn’t have to loose 58,000 men to know that you are fighting a loosing battle.
Looks to me that someone is working really hard to get China back it’s money. The worst part is that they are bleeding the American people to do so. Trump made sure of that. How so when he signed the rights of the American country over to the Chinese. My first thought is why hasn’t this man been hung for treason? Saddam….. because that’s what they do to these type of people, yet this man is still freely walking around as if he is daring the US to do anything about it.
All the evidence points to trump being a double agent who is working for both the Chinese and the Russian. Nuclear football… keep playing as if you don’t know which side this guy is on. I’m just wondering why they haven’t changed the name to the United States of the Republic of China yet.
Under the pretense of business as usual, the American people continue to work instead of putting up the fight that they are known for. Also make them fight amongst themselves because that is something that they highly believe in as well. Race relations takes the American people minds off the real problem. Just incase they get out of hand, futuristic technology is always there to persuade them… if you know what I mean, Mr. Byrd.
Numbers are real. And thanks to Bidenomics it's now even harder for the average American to buy a home.
To encapsulate this post in a meme;
