Inexplicably Legal pharmaceuticals, and their side-effects. What are yours?

Yeah, not surprising. Most friends, acquaintances, family I know over 50 are on multiple pills a day, for one thing or another, no wonder there's so much of it leaching into everything. Most if not all ills are manageable with diet, exercise, and/or natural remedies like ganja. When I went though C treatments I proved that out in the recovery stage. It knocked the shit out of me so I couldn't exercise like I normally do, and was eating whatever I could hold down, not necessarily as healthy as I'd normally eat. The treatments and not exercising regularly for a few months resulted in sciatic nerve pain, lower back issues/pain, and my docs would offer all kinds of options, all pharma shit. Once I was off all meds related to the treatments, I suffered through it only vaping or eating MJ, started eating properly again, and slowly started exercising again. 2 months later it was all gone, and I wasn't hooked on the pharma wheel, you know, take this, then take that to offset the first, then more, and on, and on...