Inexplicably Legal pharmaceuticals, and their side-effects. What are yours?

not enough time in a day to list what I take and have taken....
what I do find kinda of funny is how a pharmacist can tell you the drug interactions that you will experience
when taken 25 different types of meds....I can see them knowing what A will interact like with B and even C and D
but no way they can tell you what A and B interact like with C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y
and all the possible combo's of reactions......
sorry feel like a guinea pig....big time.....
Fortunately I've had little experience with pharma shit. I took quiet a few when I was going through chemo about 4 years ago. Worst one was prednisone. It was like taking the biggest line of coke you ever had 10 times a day, kept me awake for 20 hours/day while on that shit. They put me on that same shit when I went septic after chemo treatments one time for 5 days, then cut it off with no weaning, I went through 3 days of withdrawal symptoms after being on it for only 5 days #$%!. Don't take that shit unless you have no other choice. Other than ibuprofen when I get bad migraines, all I take for ills now is MJ, drink it, vape it, smoke it and eat it, cancer free for 4 years now and they had given me 6-12 months when first diagnosed, idk if it's MJ but I know after taking some of those pharma drugs, approved by HC btw, I'll only take pharma meds if I have absolutely no choice. The pharma industry and HC are the most corrupt and biggest health problem we have.
I have a long standing problem with DDD, osteoarthritis, stenosis and bulging disks. I am in pain 24/7, I have tried many different Meds for the pain, mass dossing ibuprophen and Tylenol no relief. Next oxycontin/percocetes stayed on these for 8 years, also taking amitriptyline, celexia, lyrica, cymbalta, cipralex, naproxen with no real pain relief.
I have tried chiropractic, low level laser therapy, inversion table, pool physio, tens unit (helps a bit while its on), acupuncture, yoga. The pain worsened so I opted for surgery on my lower back this also did not help at all.

I tried fentanyl patches for 5 years up to 150 mcg/hr as well as the oxycontin daily for breakthrough, side effects through the roof but the worst was I could not remember conversations with my family from 5-10 minutes before, I felt so stupid ever forget your families name horrible.
I got mad at my self because of the memory issues and being addicted to the opiates so I took the patches off and went cold turkey and weeks of pure HELL. I had severe withdrawals cramps, twitching, sweating, shakes, insomnia, restlessness, plus many more.

I tried 7 spinal cortisone injections in the lower spine and 28 injections of nerve blocks, these did help me a fair amount but after 4-5 months the pain is back from the waist down.
A family member suggested MJ and I was skeptical to say the least, a friend made me MJ butter (strong) and I found taking the butter 3 times a day has helped more than anything, I am not constantly lying down to relieve the pain, can finally help me wife with the house work etc. What a blessing I tried MJ.

My friends all compliment on how good I am moving around and how much better I look now I am off the opiates. I tell them it is the MJ that has helped me.

It is worth a try.
my sympathy's willie11...I have some similar issues with my back.and neck... it can be hell on earth....
Willie11 said
"I tried fentanyl patches for 5 years up to 150 mcg/hr as well as the oxycontin daily for breakthrough, side effects through the roof but the worst was I could not remember conversations with my family from 5-10 minutes before, I felt so stupid ever forget your families name horrible.
I got mad at my self because of the memory issues and being addicted to the opiates so I took the patches off and went cold turkey and weeks of pure HELL. I had severe withdrawals cramps, twitching, sweating, shakes, insomnia, restlessness, plus many more."
I'm only 2 and 1/2 years into the fentanyl ride......and I will back you up on your description of withdrawing from fentanyl
It is by far the worst opioid med to quit cold turkey...
The pharma industry and HC are the most corrupt and biggest health problem we have....

Lets hope the courts finally make light of this...with cannabis being the KEY to show how truly fucked up it really is.
When you step back and look at the pharma industry logically, it's hard to believe the ridiculous practices they get away with. All you have to look at is any prescription information sheet to realize there's corruption/pay-off's happening. How else can they get this crap approved for market consumption? Would a car roll off the line with potential life-threatening defects like braking systems that were known to malfunction? Wheels that could fall off? Of course not, they would be liable as they should be. Yet the pharma industry is allowed to put out pretty well anything they manufacture, as long as they document the potential side-effects? The hypocrisy is what gets me going the most, we have to hide in the shadows and defend our right to use something natural for medicine while HC, who should be protecting us, dismisses its benefits and does everything they can to put hurdles in our way. #$%!
Canadian...I don't think I would ever go cold turkey again, one particular event stands out in my mind. I was 2 weeks into w/d and in the living room, my wife got in the morning and found me kneeling beside the couch with my head on it and my arms holding my stomach, rocking trying get any relief at all and I kept repeating one more day of this.
The hell kept on but this was how I managed to get through it. Clean since April 28th 2014.
I hope you find relief with it. It does have its merits. In my city the pharmacists, Doctors and Police opted for the exchange program bring the used patches back to get your next ones, no patches no new ones. They are trying to keep the patches from ending up on the streets.
Wish I had the butter before going c/t.

GroErr... I totally agree, we should have the option/choice on what we put in our bodies. We can go to a Naturapath to prescribe natures herbs for healing, but we cannot use MJ to ease our daily pain. The government is slowly turning towards legalization, hopefully sooner than later.

Im on celexa. I hate it and have all the complications that come with it.

Im also on naproxin, trazodone and percocet.

Its tuff to which one has the worst side effects.
The 220 perks a month probably have the most negative long term effects.
For all the negative effects i do have to say that i only think about suicide a few times a day instead of a few times an hour like i was

I tried to get an mj card but no dr i see wants to tie their name to it.

So in the meantime i am a zombie.
Im on celexa. I hate it and have all the complications that come with it.

Im also on naproxin, trazodone and percocet.

Its tuff to which one has the worst side effects.
The 220 perks a month probably have the most negative long term effects.
For all the negative effects i do have to say that i only think about suicide a few times a day instead of a few times an hour like i was

I tried to get an mj card but no dr i see wants to tie their name to it.

So in the meantime i am a zombie.

Are you saying you're not using mj because of no card?
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Im on celexa. I hate it and have all the complications that come with it.

Im also on naproxin, trazodone and percocet.

Its tuff to which one has the worst side effects.
The 220 perks a month probably have the most negative long term effects.
For all the negative effects i do have to say that i only think about suicide a few times a day instead of a few times an hour like i was

I tried to get an mj card but no dr i see wants to tie their name to it.

So in the meantime i am a zombie.
You're in Toronto, right? A friend of mine goes here:

His doctors did not feel like they knew enough about MMJ to prescribe, but they gave him the documentation he needed to get into the clinic.

The only issue I have heard with doctors prescribing is with schizophrenia and psychosis because THC has been found in studies to exacerbate the symptoms (being a hallucinogen and all).

Couldn't hurt to ask though.

The only drug you're on that I have had much personal experience with is the Celexa. If you are considering getting off this drug, make sure you do it very slowly, and talk to your doctors about it first. It made me very sick at the end of my 2 years on it.

But now that I'm off it, I feel so much more like a human person.
No i use alot of mj
I gave up on getting the card. In fact im not sure i even want the card now since theres no more growing your own and the laws are so up in the air now.

My therapist says since i have all the medical documentation as long as im not being an asshole then no judge would charge me.
I may be paranoid but im glad im not on any lists right now too. Besides i morally cant get behind the idea of having to pay a dr hundreads of dollars to sign.

I would gladly give up all the meds and plan too as soon as i get my insurance settlement and move up north.
And today on the news they're discussing low level pharmaceuticals showing up in drinking water. Isn't that lovely. I thinks it's kind of old new news, as I'm sure it showed up well before this time.
Maine is in the middle of an epidemic that started with pharma.
Oxycontin was huge up here for a long time until the OC formula was dropped for the almost non ab useable OP's.
That caused most to switch to IR 30's (roxies), but now that those are 45-50$ for 30mg pill almost everyone is switching to heroin.
Supposedly the heroin in the area is some of the most pure and is cheap compared to roxies only being 15-20$ a ticket.
My house and many others have been broken into and had our copper stripped, other people have had their catalytic converts get chopped off in parking lots.. It's badd up here.
Maine is in the middle of an epidemic that started with pharma.
Oxycontin was huge up here for a long time until the OC formula was dropped for the almost non ab useable OP's.
That caused most to switch to IR 30's (roxies), but now that those are 45-50$ for 30mg pill almost everyone is switching to heroin.
Supposedly the heroin in the area is some of the most pure and is cheap compared to roxies only being 15-20$ a ticket.
My house and many others have been broken into and had our copper stripped, other people have had their catalytic converts get chopped off in parking lots.. It's badd up here.

I think the solution is to make the Heroin available at no charge from the State. Also have good social programs in place to help those that would want to kick.
Sounds crazy I know.
It worked for portugal.
Thats the part i dont understand.
Why the people in north america arent catching on.
The way they are dealing with these problems isnt working so why not try something new?
Why is amsterdam one o the hottest tourism spots?
Why did the drug use numbers in portugal go down 30% after they legalized all drugs.
Don't forget Uruguay, they're actually the first country to fully legalize it without restrictions. My homies, that's where I was born :bigjoint: Their biggest driver and justification was getting rid of the black market and associated crime/issues. It makes sense logically, I think it's just a matter of time, with some frustration while we wait. I don't think even big pharma can stop it, although I'm sure they'll continue to try...