Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights

What is the highest documented potency of the strains you grew Kite???which specific strain if you can say?

much appreciated

and high cbd as well

the most recent tests

and chaz I do not even know what their befores were on the strains just that they freaked when the tests of my grows came in. I did not want the specifics as I am not trying to beat it, just growing them the best I can and that is quite evidently beating But they calculated the improvement and told me that the average was a 23% potency improvement

I began growing of course outdoors black market. Then inside and never stopped. Went through times of only a grow a year, but when mmj hit I jumped into it with my whole heart and have read and studied so much that I would get a phd for it in hours alone if such a thing phd of thc...ha!!!
I'm not faulting your investment decisions or equipment in the least. On the contrary, it takes someone with not only the financial resources but the experience and know how to utilize this array of equipment to meet your goals. I can't tell you how may people I've run into who have plenty of money try to get in the game by throwing money at the project only to be disappointed with the amount of work it takes and the high risk:reward quotient. There are some dues to pay and it starts off by learning what works and what doesn't.

really? 23% on average? documented testing right? If you've posted them on RIU as before and afters I've missed them. repost if it's not too much trouble. With strain improvements like that I can see how the dispensaries would have shat themselves.

There is nothing wrong with lucrative. I recently had a client pay me $500.00 for a 30 minute consult. At the end he said I had saved him tens of thousands of dollars and untold time that would have been lost had the database been lost or corrupted. He happily paid my fee and commented that he's paying for what's between my ears not what is on my shelf.

But you still sell something. It is your work. Your knowledge, Your results. You set a price and people pay it, or don't. They buy what you sell at your terms and you enjoy what you do. You are able to tie in your altruistic gifts to indigent patients because you covered your expenses and made a profit. If on the other hand it was you who were the indigent patient you would be looking for someone just like you who applied themselves and learned your methods and techniques over time, made the investment over time, took the risks, had failures, spent hundreds even thousands of uncompensated hours trying different products out to realize their benefits or lack thereof, maybe got taken advantage of here and there, and so on. You do this first because of first it is your passion and secondly because it pays an income that allows you to most likely provide jobs to others and keep yourself in the standard of living you wouldn't have had as an automaton working 9-5 somewhere putting your 20 years in for the social security check that will never come. And for that you should be rewarded. I would not characterize that reward, be it large or small, as greed if there are those that value your work and are willing to pay your price.

Kite I'm not faulting you for your business acumen at all but let's take a second to compare this relationship you have with your dispensaries to that of the 'manufacturer' who sells a product with simply design obsolescence in mind which in today's throw away society is not considered unethical but the rule rather than the exception. Keep in mind that in this comparison I'm not talking about the 'manufacturer' who would deliberately mislead customers by misstating what it is their products can do, or attempt to deceive the customer through the use of cooked testimony, endorsements, graphics, or by demanding that the greatest crop returns come from relamping, ventilating, adding more lights, buying the latest technical breakthrough for your garden, etc etc. all the while charging usury prices to further compound this criminal deception.

What that manufacturer is doing when he provides a product with design obsolescence in mind is that yes they the manufacturer will profit but so will the stores and the employee's will have jobs and communities will get tax revenues and the customers will happily return to the shops to buy these products, oh let's just say we're talking HID lamps here, that have a life span of 20,000 hours but in a garden environment are being changed every 4000 hours. The customer pays this price, regularly, because they have factored the lamp as a cost of doing business. Every single person in this food chain wins except the patient. The hydroshop has a 'legitimate' solution to indoor garden lighting that everyone, ie experts, will attest to 'this is the way to do it right'. The other winners are the wholesale distributors that sell to all the hydroshops because they whip the marketing up to a frenzy which further reinforces the 'benefits' of these products. Call it success by association. The wholesaler makes their piece and they pay reps who in turn put pallets of this shit into the hyrdoshops where the lemmings lock step to the POS. This is all done because someone traded on their name and the products do deliver, to varying degrees, but at a cost. All these 'middle men' have created an environment where even the legitimate manufacturer will look to be 'creative' to satisfy the hunger of all those that stand between their manufactured products and the end user.

Your commission arrangements with the dispensaries is creative and you deserve whatever the dispensaries are willing to pay you for the value you provide them. And from what you've said you have given them and their patients that value represents enormous improvements in their meds. But your still trading on your work and the value is such that it's worth it to the dispensaries to pay you this commission which is a result of happy customers, regularly paying the dispensaries price. The weed, a product, is consumed thereby needing to be replenished meaning the recurring revenues, similar to that driven by design obsolescence, will pay dividends for you and those in that food chain long after your initial work has been completed.

All I'm getting at is that when you make these broad sweeping statements that accuse all manufacturer's intents and purposes to be driven by greed is myopic. Profits drive innovations. Innovations that actually work and make it better for the garden and the environment need to make it to customers without too many middlemen cluttering up the message.

Namaste my friend.
my intelligent little colleague

I get where you are coming from. I follow and yes well I guess you are correct not everyone in business is just in it for the money....actually my friend I am comfortably financed til my death due to a career and a couple of businesses I established, made prosper then sold...the whole testing grow thing grew out of my hobby and a friend who is a disabled vet that quite honestly is nutty as a fruitcake that I would smoke with...well he went bragging to the dispensaries about my smoke and I accompanied him on a search for a trailer for his truck in which we also went to the 2 dispensaries...we came to know each other, the disp owners and I and they were trying to get me to manage their grows and I told them flat out I AM RETIRED and I do not work for anyone else. Actually never have, well other than in youth and my "career" was music so was a slave to corporate asshats that control that industry). Been retired 9 tears now. Anyways I am also disabled with a bad liver (partying tends to be hard on that organ)
and an mmj patient/caregiver. So they wanted to know the capital outlay to construct the rooms which I submitted and came up with MY business plan and here we are 2 years later.

The best they ever achieved prior was 17 % thc and 3.2% cdb, different strains of course. As you can see I blew that outta the water, lol. One owner is a great guy the other is a rich snob that just wants bragging rights on his meds are strongest.

My friend that helps me, I give her $500/wk and she gets to smoke my private stash. She mostly cleans and does the medium mixing and watering etc. And fuck taxes I pay her cash. She has really picked up on thing fast and she doesn't know it yet but I already purchased her equipment and am having a room built for her. Let her do her own thing and give me some reward in watching her grow.

Didn't and don't need the income and it could stop tomorrow and I wouldn't even sweat it financially. The chambers other than my own which is at my residence are in a building on some other property adjacent to mine which I purchased long ago. I only paid for the mteal building they paid for the equipment water and electric.

My grail is to find or create a strain with high thcv and extreme hallucinogenic high for myself.

But hell what do I know? That I love to grow and use this plant.

Namaste my friend as well

ps- If and when a lighting tech you are aware of can be employed and produce a better outcome please advise as it seems you are more in the scheme of that part of this hobby than I... BUT dso not please just tell something as good for it will have to exceed my current capabilities by quite a bit and be reasonably I have no problem paying for good stuff, but do not do bleeding edge as it is not proven and the pricing is horrendous

and believe me full spectrum with plenty uvb is AFUCKINGMAZING:bigjoint:

and high cbd as well

the most recent tests

and chaz I do not even know what their befores were on the strains just that they freaked when the tests of my grows came in. I did not want the specifics as I am not trying to beat it, just growing them the best I can and that is quite evidently beating But they calculated the improvement and told me that the average was a 23% potency improvement

I began growing of course outdoors black market. Then inside and never stopped. Went through times of only a grow a year, but when mmj hit I jumped into it with my whole heart and have read and studied so much that I would get a phd for it in hours alone if such a thing phd of thc...ha!!!

Very impressive #'s kite......well done..........Was the improvement even more significant when you started using MH uvb bulbs??? appreciate all the info..
Very impressive #'s kite......well done..........Was the improvement more significant when you started using MH uvb bulbs??? appreciate all the info..
best 10% increase thc and 7% thcv in sativas with slight reductions in cbd...about half to a quarter of that for indicas....but i no longer test my gorws as the manu has what he wanted and I get free lamps so that part is done unless a new improverd lamp emerges...but in my samplings YES they are very well a permanent part of the whole...I also provide data to the mh manufacturer in exchange for the lamps

I was ecstatic to learn from whazzup that they are seeing the same numbers from uvb testing
I swear to god that RIU just trolled me... lol.............I have no idea WTF just happened......sorry guys........continue on chaz and kite.

No I'm not high and/or drunk ATM:P
Well I fucking did it, and I feel great about it. Bought a inda-gro of course, hope none of you immediately thought I was out killing hookers or something when you read I did it lol. But I really did just get through placing an order on the inda-gro website. Chaz I did not get a chance to drop your name or RIU since there was not any human interaction in the process, but if they do a follow up call or something along those lines I will mention ya. Not so much of a cheapskate I need the discount but would have been nice lol, went with FED-Ex ground instead of standard ground cuz the mail men in my area are known for being clumsy... Dropped my neighbors tiffany lamp (those expensive pieces of shit they sell from church glass) and he and I heard about that one for weeks... Stupid question but how do I get insurance on the package?
Profit prevent real innovation. We could have by now the most energy efficient way for things, transport and all. They don't do it, its not profitable to not use petrol or carbon for es.
If you design household equipments for instance, you want the client to come back and buy again in some time not too distant actually. You don't make it to really last.. Because of profit.

I know am talking about many things not only about what concerns the herb itself... But as a human being I don't only care about the herb and all related

Profit makes us or manufactures greedy in a way or an other anyway!

As long as we "play the game" we won't really innovate much or take care of the environment/us ... If not under the rules of marketing!

We speculate in anything for profit..

Actually what is really really innovation is kept in silent in the name of profit for selling something again and again

Even when is ethical, profit has always its limits and remain profit, not real innovation

And anyway like in monopoly, the profit/money always goes back in the box! What a game we all play
Really is fun to see two great minds battle lol. Not that this is necessarily hostile but its in the air.... Sounds like you are living the dream kite, or atleast my dream.

Hiya Natro. Debate and learning is always rewarding especially when each side is passionate about what they do. It may and even should have some snarkiness and perceived hostility but it's all in good fun. In this joust our weapons are just are words and we still walk away with mutual respect and the benefits from having shared out thoughts and views. But it is exactly this type of dialogue and debate that generates innovation and gets others who may even be on the sidelines to say hmm what if I try this this way? So yes it is fun and I'm glad that this thread has turned into something of value in debating the merits of what we do and how we do it. And congrats on your purchase. Hopefully you can post up gurlz as they grow into their glory.

I'm with Natro. This is fun to read and I'm tring to pick some of this up but you guys lost me at nm.
Kite and Chaz, Could you please be more detailed in your posts. Lol. Just kidding Great read guys

Hiya Ganja. Thanks for the rep good sir. And just in case your weren't kidding nm=nanometer as in the numerical value where electromagnetic is energy (light) can be measured where it falls in wavelength. This helps to determine if the plants are getting the proper wavelengths (spectrums) for optimum growth. Intensity is than measured in uMoles. Putting both intensity and spectrum's together, consistently, crop after crop will make growing indoors a whole lot more rewarding.


I too am enjoying the read and volley back and forth. Its post like this that educate and help others decide which side of the fence they may be on or even somewhere in between. Thanks guys.

You're very welcome. I think there is alot to be learned by just reading the back and forth because you do get different perspectives and it can make a difference when you run into things and think hey I remember them talking about that. Hopefully it makes for better gardens bro.

yup these fools are totally scripted....they dont evan think to script outside the box they so poor at it..

How would you 'totally script' this by grammatically challenged friend? While I admit we may be 'so poor at it' we are at least trying to think outside the igrow box. Hopefully you can tolerate us while we flail away at it. If not perhaps you will find this link more to your liking:

I swear to god that RIU just trolled me... lol.............I have no idea WTF just happened......sorry guys........continue on chaz and kite.

No I'm not high and/or drunk ATM:P

Hiya P! Operative word being 'ATM'. I guess I missed the fun. What happened site lock? Better not be trolling from on high. Can't wait to see your next run there big daddy! And don't forget to burn one of those annubis 4 me! :lol:

The best they ever achieved prior was 17 % thc and 3.2% cdb, different strains of course. As you can see I blew that outta the water, lol. One owner is a great guy the other is a rich snob that just wants bragging rights on his meds are strongest.

Hey Kite! Yes based on these results you would have made the original couple of investors pretty happy! No wonder they stuck with you with a 23% improvement. Well done! Of course all these are respectable test results but of the three I gravitate to higher CBD % strains and have gotten fairly adept with Bubblegum Kush, Purple Diesel and Poison OG which tend to hover in the same 8% range as your Z7-4. For my next run I'm looking forward to getting my mitts on the R4 or Harlequin strains that I see posting up CBD in the 13-14% ranges with edibles getting up into the 35% regions. ahh brownies!

So a special thanks to you for posting up the lab work and the background insight you detailed. I have a greater respect for what you do and the skills that you bring to the table. I also appreciate your not taking offense to the way I treated the manufacturers design obsolescence strategies to your 'product' (consumables) as a business model comparison. I'm glad that you can see my side of it, that upon consideration, there tend to be more similarities than one would initially think. Blessings to you and yours.

NorCal calls so I'll be out for a few days. Have a Kick Ass weekend everyone! :p
What I was trying to say was, if I thought induction lighting was a new and better way to grow and there was a company that had a web page that explained why, I would reference that web page instead of retyping everything. But Im lazy and don't need people to think I'm smarter than the average person.

If they were working for Inda-Gro, then the company was marketing the wrong way and should be called out. If they were just referencing the only web page they could find at the time, how are they sock puppets? I don't know either way.

Like I said, I am new to this community and I never even considered growing until my wife got a medical card a few months ago. I like my grow room and the lights I bought, but I know nothing different to reference it too.

I think you are making a charge that you have very little proof to back up. Nothing more than that. You are very entitled to your opinion and even more entitled to voice it the way you want.

Somehow you are missing the point that the two posters talking very highly of induction lighting and referencing inda-gro

For being the same IP address ergo The same person
No wonder your name is Cheesus Rice! 6800 posts since may 2012 holy kamoly! That's over 800 posts a month or 26 posts a day. That is incredible.

I would think RIU has the same policies and would ban them as well. Are these the same posters on RIU from that other forum's 2010 thread? I'm not seeing the connection I guess.

  • best 10% increase thc and 7% thcv in sativas with slight reductions in cbd​

Just wondering if too much uvb can damage the plants? Do you have like a recommended amount of uvb that you would not exceed to prevent damage?

excellent back and forth with you two. Thanks for sharing.
that's what I was thinking. when it comes to uvb more is not going to be better.

so if you were to have a system that delivered this 400 uw/cm2 how long would you run it. Could short duration exposure trigger the plants defenses?
found best results to leave it on the same time frame as the rest of lighting...the Sun does not emit uvb only part of the day nor only part of the year
^^^ depends where you are in the world. Solar radiation is unevenly distributed through out the world due to altitude and lattitude, season changes, cloud coverage, and pollution.
Ah yes but am emulating conditions of the regions where the strongest landrace varieties are found...equatorial, and high elevation arid moutainous..and 400 uw/cm2 has produced the most effect
Ah yes but am emulating conditions of the regions where the strongest landrace varieties are found...equatorial, and high elevation arid moutainous..and 400 uw/cm2 has produced the most effect

you weren't kidding about your research and taking this shit seriously:-P .......what's the wattage of those UV b mh bulbs and distance to canopy?.....personally those t5 UV bulbs seem like a better fit for my situation......i'm just amazed that their is such a large potency increase and that whazzup agrees!
Ah yes but am emulating conditions of the regions where the strongest landrace varieties are found...equatorial, and high elevation arid moutainous..and 400 uw/cm2 has produced the most effect

good point and I can see this being used during the normal flowering cycle for the reasons you state. Are you referring to the power consumption @ 400 uw/cm2 or actual output intensity of uvb? Based on my calculation you'd only want 4 watts of uvb for a m2. Can that be right?

Also tanning lamps like what most people I know that have screwed with uvb would be emitting much higher than your 4 w/m2 and at 310nm where I guess the phosphors put out. Do you still think that is the ideal frequency or maybe something in the 290nm range? Have you played with the frequencies between 280-315 and found anything substantive from your trials? Fuck it must be nice having that kind of equipment to test this shit!