Induction lighting (general)


i would like to respond to your comments with the respect your years of growing would commend you. And in deference to your age and experience that you feel is missing from us 'youngins' conversations, even those of us born in '55, i would suggest that respectfully share your experienced strategies in an induction thread that might show us 'less capable' gardeners the error of our ways. Lead us don't berate us.

Of all the resumes and cv's i've ever read over the years i would have completely lost it had that little pearl been revealed. Well done mate! No one would ever doubt your street cred after you put it like that!

Way to keep it discrete! They'll never find you without the pics. Perhaps you could just describe in great detail your gardens so we can fill in our own blanks?

Spell check please. It'll catch illegal but you'll still have to self generate the u in fck.
In the hopes that you'll eventually have something to contribute to this and other forums welcome to riu. However based on your last few posts it might take a fresh approach to your posts. Now i'm presuming you are much older than the majority of of us and perhaps even me having been born in '55 so i will speak to you, for the time being, with the respect and deference you have not shown others.

That's the spirit! But do a tomato run so we can see the pictures because....

We/i await your constructive contributions to these chats as it would seem we have much to learn from you. :hump:
oh and by the way, i didnt read a word of your rant.

It's the point i was trying to make

there's too many of you so called experts out there with a track record of yiltch.

All you do is argue and spew total bullshit.

I'm not impressed.

At all.


Well-Known Member
/\ homie must grow that angry weed lol. if you got ptsd cus you served in nam or something thats fine and ty for your service but you are just coming across as a crotchity old prick. i have never heard chaz claim to be an expert and you would certainly never hear me call myself an expert except in a joking manner lol. tell you what though based on your word choice and sentence structure i would sit down now and not start shit with chaz, he will only talk circles around you and make ya feel stupid all while keeping his cool, if you are that hard up for an argument and want a real expert check out finshaggys beansprouts lolol
and for yhe record a troll pretaining to internet boards is somone who starts posting absurd things in a forum to get attention and reaponses. you have said nothing constructive which leads me to belive you just wanted to rustle some feathers cus you are bored..


Well-Known Member
So he registers back in 2010.....then waitz till right now (who set him off??) to post his 1st comment of hate tidings and olde man 'younger kidz of today' murmuringz (towardz....yeah.. pretty much everyone!)

i dunno about you guyz.....but i take that as kind of a compliment....( which i believe was his intention!) :-P