Hello all,
I have been reading on in this thread lately as I have come to have interest in purchasing one of these lights. I didn't know about induction lighting for horticulture until about October when my local shop in the frozen tundra here got what would appear to be a large endorsement from igrow since they have a pretty large display when you first walk in. So they were the first company I heard about so I started researching and the vast majority of people choose over them is inda-gro better for obvious cost reasons (no 2nd bulb), so I went back to said hydro store and asked my trusted shop hand what the biggest difference was between the two and he said " that the other is getting shut the fuck down through a law suit, and that 10 year warranty won't be good within the year, and that there light does need two bulbs and they have been buying bulbs from igrow but not the bloom". I was very disheartened to hear this as I had been leaning towards buying an inda-gro (think he picked up on that lol), and the follow up question I was prepared to ask was would they be willing to order some to the store for me since I had conversations with the owner previously where he said he would order "anything I needed".... But as I did not get this far I find myself wondering, has my local shop become a propaganda machine for igrow or do they speak the truth? I am going to send an e-mail to inda-gro today as I would like to know the actual circumstances behind this lawsuit and hopefully they will clear some of this up.... If not looks like I might be spending a bit more money.... Happy Burnin