induction light??


Well-Known Member
I think it's funny that a little over a month ago I called Inda-Gro when I was looking into making the switch. Back then their lights were $740 (Pro 400 Series) on their website and I was getting a "deal" for $690, then I find out that if you are a Prop 215 patient you get a 10% discount which brings it to around $640 +/-. About 2 weeks ago I get a call that they are going for $598 for a "monthly" special.

Either these lights are all hype and the prices are dropping or they're selling so many they can afford to drop the price, either way, I haven't seen a single picture of a harvest using these lights.

The people posting in this thread wouldn't be interested if they didn't stick around, problem is WHERE ARE THE RESULTS????? Sounds like if it's too good to be true, it usually is...
I was there in late November and got to see a couple of the trade show demo 400 series & they offered me any of them for $600.00 ea slightly used but they were definitely not in as good as shape as the new ones. I bought the new ones because they individually barcode the warranty actual startup date to that specific fixture and they were still under $700.00. And all the barcode has to do is match your invoice info (whatever that may be) and they fix or replace it from San Diego.

So that's when I got to see the inside of the drivers that were being assembled and tested prior to being shipped out for pretty impressive quality control because they ship them all over the world. The packaging was not China grade, 'arrive broken' bullshit. That sold me but I'm going to do a grow journal and post it for my next grow which I'll start in late December. I've never done one before so forgive me if it's not spot on but I'll do it it to so that you can those that are interested can see how I've saved around 70% of the connected load without suffering yield.

until then....:weed:


Well-Known Member
I paid less then $700 for the 400 watt fixtures and I believe the 100 was like $350 and at the time I talked to them they even had some of the tradeshow demos at discount. I wouldn't spend $2-5K either. love the pic btw
This Plasma light was 1500 Euro. Heavy, so maybe wouldn't work. (20 kg.)
This was $5800
Plasma might be different than Induction, but I thought they were at least related to this technology too.
That Empress Tree is cool, huh.:leaf: I'd love to see a journal with yours.:leaf:


New Member
I'm going to do a grow journal and post it for my next grow which I'll start in late December. I've never done one before so forgive me if it's not spot on but I'll do it it to so that you can those that are interested can see how I've saved around 70% of the connected load without suffering yield.

until then....:weed:
Thank you sir this is what we desire....please post here to notify when it is up


And happy turkey day


New Member
This Plasma light was 1500 Euro. Heavy, so maybe wouldn't work. (20 kg.)
This was $5800
Plasma might be different than Induction, but I thought they were at least related to this technology too.
That Empress Tree is cool, huh.:leaf: I'd love to see a journal with yours.:leaf:
Those are sulfur plasma...the ones in this thread are induction fluorescents.... in simpler terms they are rf driven phosphorous coated glass tubes which operate the same way fluorescents do but rather than excite the molecules with electrodes they are using radiowave magnetic transducers electrodes means longer life....other than that I have found no info to indicate it has addressed the other issues and drawbacks I mentioned about cfl's and regular fluorescents other than longer life...and that is if the magnetrons actually hold up as well as they claim...from what I have seen they have high failure rates...chinese surprise there

Now the sulfur plasma look very promising...other than cost and some more spectrum tweaking but mostly is a led sulfur plasma hybrid grow light

Here is what they are speaking of in the thread:

Hope it helps my brother



Well-Known Member
I remember seeing that chameleon grow systems site months ago. Did you see the Light Pipes on Plasma International? One of those would be great. I see what you mean for the differences. I'll stick with my CMH's unless I win the lottery (not that I buy tickets) Thanks for the info.
There has been a few post already here's mine again and there's another from dutchman earlier on this thread.

Any ways here's an update. I'm sending our light to a grower on another forum. It is going to be a 350 watt EFDL/LED hybrid. It will have a 300 watt EFDL with 50-60 watts of three wavelengths of red and deep deep red. There's been a delay of our very deep red wavelength the other leds are installed and ready to go they are 630nM and 660nm the third wavelength was very difficult to find. I'm also sending a few large cfl's in 6400K for the vegging stage. i will keep you posted on when and where the test will starts
I remember seeing that chameleon grow systems site months ago. Did you see the Light Pipes on Plasma International? One of those would be great. I see what you mean for the differences. I'll stick with my CMH's unless I win the lottery (not that I buy tickets) Thanks for the info.
Do you mean one of these? I got this about a year ago but havn't had a chance to get it set up. I don't have a large enough grow area for one. It is a 1200 watt MSP 4300K and is retardedly bright! I have a supplier but i don't think the market is ready for it yet because of the price. It is still much cheaper than the Chameloen Luxim LiFi system and is about 6 times brighter! Just to give an idea of how bright it is we hung it up about 10 ft. at this height it still produced 350uMol/sec using a spectrum technologies quantum meter. I would love to get a light pipe to attach it to. This would allow the light to be postioned inches above the plants because there is no heat in a light pipe. My plans are to negotiate with the supplier to bring the price down to below 2K. We are also working on them to build us a better cct bulb maybe around 3000K


New Member
Greetings Everyone,

Sorry for the late reply i was going through alot during this past month, our factory moved to a bigger one and we just settled into it.
Well i dont know whats wrong with you Illumination...i mean if you wanted proof then talk to me dont go all over the forum saying Namaste Bullshit about something you haven´t tried or know about.
We have scientific evidence that these lights are good for the cannabis plants and that results are guaranteed. I´m going to upload the pics since everyone here is sooo sceptical about everything, however i couldnt get the journals as the client only is willing to send the photos but not the journal...i am still working on it though. This hopefully will do...and i can asure you these are our lights because the are unique. Also i dont know if im breaking any laws by uploading these pics...i hope not - -...
Now that there´s actual proof how many orders should i take?? im only here for the dollars apparently so maybe 1 million 2?? That´s just lame making those i said before i am here representing Mland but mostly i want to get professional advice and i appreciate talking to you guys...i not here to advertise or for $$$...i dont go to forums for only sales i do that during working hours...but if i can sell something why not i mean lets not be naive...
Well people i hope these pics will make you be less sceptical towards me. Thank you and feel free to ask me stuff or advice me with useful information!
Hasta la vista!
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And what are the terms of your guarantee? They are guaranteed how concerning cannabis plants?

Oh wait, I actually looked at the pics and now I know I do not want them...Thank you for your time and efforts....

And as your pics demonstrate with these stretched plants


And you proved it while trying to show me up you demonstrated the obvious inferiority of your product compared to hid...more old tech being dumped by the Chinese on rich lazy stupid Americans....go peddle garbage in China...not here...but thank you for being ignorant enough to show stretched thin lanky plants with little growth at the bottoms because just like all fluorescents no penetration with or without electrodes our community won't get palmed

Good day


New Member
Greetings Everyone,

Sorry for the late reply i was going through alot during this past month, our factory moved to a bigger one and we just settled into it.
Well i dont know whats wrong with you Illumination...i mean if you wanted proof then talk to me dont go all over the forum saying Namaste Bullshit about something you haven´t tried or know about.
We have scientific evidence that these lights are good for the cannabis plants and that results are guaranteed. I´m going to upload the pics since everyone here is sooo sceptical about everything, however i couldnt get the journals as the client only is willing to send the photos but not the journal...i am still working on it though. This hopefully will do...and i can asure you these are our lights because the are unique. Also i dont know if im breaking any laws by uploading these pics...i hope not - -...
Now that there´s actual proof how many orders should i take?? im only here for the dollars apparently so maybe 1 million 2?? That´s just lame making those i said before i am here representing Mland but mostly i want to get professional advice and i appreciate talking to you guys...i not here to advertise or for $$$...i dont go to forums for only sales i do that during working hours...but if i can sell something why not i mean lets not be naive...
Well people i hope these pics will make you be less sceptical towards me. Thank you and feel free to ask me stuff or advice me with useful information!
Hasta la vista!
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Go to the dictionary to find out why I did not close that post with Namaste'


New Member
Very good thread,
too much knowledge :D

Not knowledge... lies for your very dirty dollar...look at those plants... cfl's grow better plants than that... And I do know because I do it!!!lights are glorified fluorescents with terrible penetration and low light output per watt ... all the supposed science is just he provided proves it....way to steal your money



Well-Known Member
...and the search continues for an HPS replacement that's cost effective.

Hopefully the side by side comparison with hps on that other site will have better results.


Well-Known Member
I bought one of those screw-in 50w induction lamps from, and I can vouch for plants responding to it. Mine are loving it.

I found another site which has some lights at a real bargain. I like the smaller lights, and this site has a good selection.


Well-Known Member
Not knowledge... lies for your very dirty dollar...look at those plants... cfl's grow better plants than that... And I do know because I do it!!!lights are glorified fluorescent with terrible penetration and low light output per watt ... all the supposed science is just he provided proves it....way to steal your money

The node spacing was bad. Lanky and stretched. Your right. How many Cfl's could you buy for 1 of those? There are 6 in pic and they're what $700 to $800? So for $4500, do they even need plugged in? Those pics did nothing to show they can touch my CMH. I don't see a guarantee from a Chinese company worth shit. If it's illegal as fuck to grow there how can you even discuss how bad they were for your Cannabis?
Not knowledge... lies for your very dirty dollar...look at those plants... cfl's grow better plants than that... And I do know because I do it!!!lights are glorified fluorescents with terrible penetration and low light output per watt ... all the supposed science is just he provided proves it....way to steal your money

First of all the pictures that Donglai provided were from the dutchman that were posted ealier. They were done with a very serious error. there are no reflectors around the bulbs. This has two problems the first is obvious no reflection. but the second is more serious, we found these bulbs need a reflector that totally encases the bulb. The reason is these bulbs need a certain amount of heat for them to work properly. Without a properly designed reflector the bulb will loose about 50% of brightness after only a few hours of operation. this grow was done many years ago when it was a very young technolgy and no one even knew about them. There are major differences between induction light brands. The Mland bispectrum is only 45 lumens/ watt the 2700K and 6500K are 85-90 lumens/watt so they are much more than a glorified fluorescent. I'm trying to get the word out before these bispectrums give this technology a black eye. Our test on 420 MAg is going to start in a few weeks. You will be impressed with the results. We've done our homework and know how to use these lights and will soon have a better 2100K color that will show more improvements in flowering power.


New Member
Dear Illumination,

Our "scientific research" came out with some facts about our grow lights which we believe that our light can do better to the cannabis plants than other LED lights or HPS and will save you money in the long run. Bi-Spec. Super Grow Lights = 45 Lumen/Watt with a 90+% Effective Absorbable Spectrum = 40.5 Effective Lumen/Watt. Light efficiency per watt is 4 times higher compared to LED lamp. Price is 40% lower compared to LED of same watt.Lifespan is longer, light spectrum is more stable and light decay is lower compared to LED lamp. This are just some of the facts described by our technicians if you want the full brochure i can sent it to you..however i am not the scientist here and i can't really tell how all these facts can specifically influence the plant. Obviously there's not a guarantee specifically made on cannabis plants duh! However there's a 5 year guarantee on the lamp XD.

Well well i see here a lot of hatred... i dont know what to say i usually ignore ppl like you but at least i can receive a thank you for risking my fucking ass to upload those pics...and BTW you dont know anything about what equipment (nutrients,plant species..etc) they are using apart from our lamps, therefore you can't blame it on just the lamps there are more factors which i am trying to get. Secondly the lamps on the pictures are mostly using the old version of the bi-spectrum grow light (the version that started this threat in 2009) and our new version (designed in 2010) is being tested with positive feedbacks from the clients and as soon their crops and studies have been completed i will post the new pics. However there's no need to tell you all this because your so inmature and narrow minded by calling the Americans lazy stupid, disrespecting China and myself. You probably dont know anything about China, nor America nor ME.
If you really want to proof ur point then buy a lamp, test it yourself, upload the pics and then criticize cause at the moment ur giving me all this BULLSHIT personal beliefs about our grow lights without giving evidence (just like i got criticise of not uploading the PICS and then criticised by uploading them!) so "SHOW REAL RESULTS" agaisnt my grow light and then we can talk.

Sorry i didnt notice the following posts (as always XD)...i am new on this forum. BUT i have to say thank you to bubblegoogles for throwing there some knowledge, i appreciate it.

On the other hand this Daniel; are u and ilumination from the same country or something? u guys seem to hate China and the Chinese. A fact here if you havent noticed it most of the shit is manufactured in China! Yes unbelievable but is true and no one never gives more credit fot the good products but makes a huges fuss when one product fails and it comes from China. Also we arent going to come up with a grow light that harms the plants duh!! that's just....something STUPID. But anyways think whatever you want maybe your problem is not with the product, its with the country...

"We have scientific evidence that these lights are good for the cannabis plants and that results are guaranteed."

These are your words which you wrote and now have retracted but you want people to believe you.

You sir are a scoundrel peddling an inferior product at an inflated price so you are in effect a thief.

Sir I have traveled the world, have been to Hong Kong as well as touring the great wall.

I know this... this is old tech which GE and Phillips abandoned as it was inferior to hid. But your inferior manufacturing capabilities in China solved these problems that these giants couldn't? Yrah right.

And yes most "SHIT" TO QUOTE YOU !! IE CRAPPY TRASHY PRODUCTS are made in China, your Freudian Slip there is humorous.

Don't have anything against China or the Chinese and am American. Have something against liars and thieves.

You sir are an utter fool. You say how great this light is with psuedo and junk science just as the LED grow lights use. How it is so much better. Yet in EVERY instance one sees these or leds in action they can't touch hid grow results with a 10 foot pole. Your own provided photos prove that. Nutes do not cause plants to stretch with small inferior growth on the lower parts of the plants that are small. This is only caused by inferior weak light that isn't able to penetrate. Anyone who knows anything knows this.

And if you actually took a risk with those pics, how come the sales rep I spoke with through as I was interested in these before you appeared, sent me pics of grows within seconds?? A rep for M-Land with much better language skills and much more knowledge sent those and he never worried about it. So again more lies from you.
It is evident by your own words you do not know crap about lights and surely not a thing about growing.

Sir I do not have to refute your claims. Your own words and photos have done it better than I could. You need to prove what you claim is true. I made no assertations, you did.

You sir are the one touting how awesome your product is making claims you can't back up. It is you which needs to prove something. You will never get my money you arrogant asshole. Shove your lies and lights up your anus and maybe you'll get a bright idea. Cause none come out of your head.
Hey Illumination,

I must dispute this quote:
"I know this... this is old tech which GE and Phillips abandoned as it was inferior to hid"

GE and Philips has not abanded this tech nor is it inferior to HID. These are the fastest growing lights i for reftrofitting HID. You can see many cities are staring to replace HID street lights with induction. Many governments local and federal are giving incentives for these retrofits so they are reconized as a viable retrofit alternative for hid. The only reason it may seem Philips, Sylvania, ge are not spending too much on marketing these is because once these are installed they don't need to be replaced for a long time so they rather sell HID's eevery year! However utilities and governments are starting to see these are a benifit and will save them tonnes of money and are finnally starting to utilize this tech.

this tech is newer than LED btw


New Member
Hey Illumination,

I must dispute this quote:
"I know this... this is old tech which GE and Phillips abandoned as it was inferior to hid"

GE and Philips has not abanded this tech nor is it inferior to HID. These are the fastest growing lights i for reftrofitting HID. You can see many cities are staring to replace HID street lights with induction. Many governments local and federal are giving incentives for these retrofits so they are reconized as a viable retrofit alternative for hid. The only reason it may seem Philips, Sylvania, ge are not spending too much on marketing these is because once these are installed they don't need to be replaced for a long time so they rather sell HID's eevery year! However utilities and governments are starting to see these are a benifit and will save them tonnes of money and are finnally starting to utilize this tech.

this tech is newer than LED btw
I am fine with you waiting to see the journal you are sponsoring....So please let me know when it is up and please know that absolutely none of that applied to you at all...he went personal so I had to stand up for myself...Yes I am very skeptical but in all honesty I hope I am wrong and they are as good as you jury's still out as for as your product...but I am done with the aforementioned thief.

So please forward the link to it when available...
