Indoor Setup LED question

I could use some advice regarding my setup in a 8 x 8 x 6 tent, I’m going to use 4 Optic 6 Gen4 Dimmable COB LED Grow Light 570w (UV/IR) 3000k & 5000k COBs and I’m planning to grow around 20-25 plants under that setup what do you guys think?

Is it gonna be enough lights for them or is it overkill?


Well-Known Member
Sounds about right.
~ 35 watts per sq ft.
A bit light on light at the edges of a 4 x 4, quite concentrated light in the center which means they'll need to be hung quite high above the canopy.
It'll do the job.
4 plants per 4 x 4 area. Sweet.

Central par readings.

Par map at 24"

Par map at 30"

Spectrum with all lights on
Good luck!