Indoor - DWC 2x600w - Jack the Ripper+SSH+White Russian+Blue Dream+Strawberry Cream


Active Member
I love it. I'm totally making one.

The only thing I need to do a little differently is I need a larger container to serve as my return junction. In addition to a larger body of water, I think I would also direct the outlet tubes downward with an elbow so that they're shooting the water back below the surface? Can that be done? I need to minimize surface agitation there so my float switch can work. That return junction tub is also where I need to plant a submersible to run my chiller through.

All in all, I very handy piece of work. I just have to make mine a little bigger with six containers as it will occupy the whole of a 5' x 5'. I'm totally gonna watch how that works for you. Good luck, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna work great.

Also, I bet with a smaller system (as opposed to a giant gro-op) the water has shorter distance to travel and the undercurrent effect is more pronounced.
That can definitely be done. I just like the splashing effect. I top off by hand so I have the luxury of being able to implement a waterfall within my reservoir/return. You also do not need to put a submersible in your res/return. Watch that first youtube video I posted (blue tubs) until the end. See how they work their chiller. Just connect your chiller intake to the "spout" in your res/return and run the output right back in. You can do this for as long as you need. Ideally, you could just run it through your chiller before it hits the res/return in the first place.

Yeah, the undercurrent is nice. The plants will no. I'm thinking of switching this to a 25% undercurrent to get the grasp of things. By that I mean, run the pump on a timer for 6 hours a day, for one hour durations. Will definitely keep things moving around at an effective rate without overdoing it. This is a powerful little system and I want to ease my way in to it. All in all, it's a gnarly deep water setup. I've got some FAT airstones that will make everyone happy. Cannot wait to see what you come up with! Keep brainstorming.


Active Member
Here's the budshow for tonight. I have some T5's in the flower room as well, which are about two minutes off on the timer. Gives me a few seconds to snap some shots under the cool blue light before sleep time. Here ya go. Getting fuh-rosty. Packin' on some stank too. Very fruity. Gonna have some real nice smoke at the end of this one :)



Well-Known Member
That can definitely be done. I just like the splashing effect. I top off by hand so I have the luxury of being able to implement a waterfall within my reservoir/return. You also do not need to put a submersible in your res/return. Watch that first youtube video I posted (blue tubs) until the end. See how they work their chiller. Just connect your chiller intake to the "spout" in your res/return and run the output right back in. You can do this for as long as you need. Ideally, you could just run it through your chiller before it hits the res/return in the first place.

Yeah, the undercurrent is nice. The plants will no. I'm thinking of switching this to a 25% undercurrent to get the grasp of things. By that I mean, run the pump on a timer for 6 hours a day, for one hour durations. Will definitely keep things moving around at an effective rate without overdoing it. This is a powerful little system and I want to ease my way in to it. All in all, it's a gnarly deep water setup. I've got some FAT airstones that will make everyone happy. Cannot wait to see what you come up with! Keep brainstorming.
Great, I thought the outlet tubes could be adjusted that way but just wanted to be sure. And of course there is a way to hook up the chiller more directly without the addition of a submersible. Thanks for that. See? You caught me still thinking in my old ways. Jammin'

Yeah, yeah. No need to run that current constantly (at first). With massive airstones, they're just gonna feed in a static DWC way anyway.


Well-Known Member
Regarding latest bud shots:

Nice early trich development. Gonna be potent and frosty fo sho. What strain is that again?


Active Member
Regarding latest bud shots:

Nice early trich development. Gonna be potent and frosty fo sho. What strain is that again?
That's the Blue Dream. She's been very photogenic for me :) Same with the SSH. It's about bud swelling time though. Stay tuned.


Active Member
Veg Box!

These guys are about a week from going in to flower. Man, these are REALLY going to explode.

Here's the Romulan. YANK! Still got a little tugging to do until she's fully LST'd. She's been EXPLODING though.

Here's the Mako Haze. This is how you turn one of the stretchiest strains into a plump little bush full of tops. Ziptie LST mastery. Fuck with me.

Ceres Classic from Seed. Topped. Smells like skunks.

Ceres Classic from Seed Indica pheno. Topped. Short and squat but very healthy and lush.


Active Member
Well, my undercurrent setup proved to be a bit much for me. After a few days of tinkering with the system I was finally defeated by pinhole leaks around my 1 1/2 PVC pipe-ins. I really really wanted to make this work! Maybe in the future I'll order the 2" Uniseals and do it the right way. However, until then, I REFUSE to do anything janky. Nothing in my garden will be ghetto.

So, I figured out another way to do it. Recirculating/Babycurrent DWC :) Not quite the current I had before, but I am displacing 400ish gallons per hour within this system. I should be able to avoid the PPM/PH fluctuation issues I was having with my other buckets using this system. To feed initially, I filled with water completely. By slowly adding low-strength amounts of Humic Acid Derivitive (Humboldt's FlavorFul) to the reservoir, I was able to stabilize the PH to 5.8 within 30 seconds in the entire system. No hand-stirring needed! Everything else leveled out real fast. PPM was equalized immediately. Not a bad little system I hooked up. These things should take off! Got them under a fat hood, Hypotek digital ballast, using an Interlux bulb. Anyways, check it. Not quite what I wanted, but definitely clean and simple how I like it. Plus, I'm displacing my solution, which is all I really care about.

Here's the setup:

Day 28 Flower for the left side! A few weeks back I mentioned having nutrient lockout issued with the Jack the Ripper. Well, I wasn't content with sending her in to flower looking so poopy so I took her out and transplanted her in my backyard to veg throughout the summer. Well, in her place, I have 5 clones which intend to flower. 2 pots with 2x 707 Headband clones, and one pot with one Chemdawg. Figured I'd get a few donkey dicks going in the corner while I had the free space. Aside from that, all is well. Everything is getting super frosty and smelly. One hundred percent high-quality indoor blue dream. Can't wait :) Changed up nutrients today for the bulking phase. Get ready!



Active Member
Just cut the bondage on my LST'd ladies. STRETCH! Counted over 10 possible tops on the Mako Haze. One-month aggro-veg has it's perks :)


Active Member
Today's pictures + Update:

So I have a couple TGA Subcool 3-D seeds popped and plan to mother them for a while in soil provided I get a keeper female. At my friend's house, the Chernobyl plants are getting bigger by the minute. On top of that, we have some Plushberry seeds in the mail. Did I ever mention that I am huge Subcool fan? :) Maybe that's why I grow weed that puts an excessive amount of time into seriously danking-out a moderate amount of bud. This is also why I avoid strains that take six weeks to make a jungle of gatorade bottle nugs. As quoted from the great in a conversation about "Tiny Bomb":

I have a weird theory I will share with you, but it has very little scientific basis and is based more on my observations. It seems when you grow out a lot of seeds, the strain has an infinite amount of potency to be distributed. The larger, leafier females that yield more and grow fastier and easier are NEVER as potent as the smaller strains that seem to put more effort into resin production and less into yield. Therefore these strains are potent as hell, and this is the foundation of how I select my mother plants. There are certainly always exceptions like Jacks Cleaner that is extremely potent and yields well. And there are certainly many others, but take Og kush. I don't grow it, but isn't it a PIA to grow and low yielding? Think of all the super potent extremely resinated strains that don't yield great: G-13, Apollo, Genius, OG Kush and others are all known to be incredibly potent. It's a theory anyway.
Anyways, I could stay on the this topic forever. The commercial grower who sells everything they grow to continue growing commercially will never agree with me. To them, a strain that gets big and fast and won't die no matter what you do to it, is the only thing worth growing ever for any gardener in the world. To the small-time, private head-stash and self-admitted weed snob grower, it's all about the ripe. Ripe, ripe, ripe. The more time a plant puts in to ripening, the more potent it will be. Odor, resin production, taste, effects. Everything is far more pronounced in the "weak useless little piece of shit sativas that take forever, stretch like hell, and don't yield worth a damn". Anyone heard of Dr. Grinspoon? Look at that freakin' plant. Single, swollen calyxes..... That take 100 days to flower? What the fuck? Yeah, I thought the same thing. One puff of some Dr. Grin and any qualms about that plant goes right out the fucking window. Hawaiin Snow? Fourteen weeks of flower? COUNT ME IN. See what I mean? For those with patience, a general understanding of how plants work, and the desire to grow the world's dankest weed, it is all about ripening time. Ripe, ripe, ripe. Anyways, take it with a grain of salt, and definitely don't take my word for it. I'm just talking out of my ass :)

Here's the seedlings:

Also, here's one of two Sweet Seed's Sweet Tai Feminized above ground in net-pots. I plan to flower these in 4-5 weeks. Gonna be fun keeping them down. These are a Super Tai and Skunk cross, highly sativa dominant. Yields are increased and the height is a bit limited by a small amount of indica influence

Bud porn. About 30 days in. 40ish more to go.

Also, Two Jillybean clones from a trusted source were squeezed into the tent for some donkey-dick flowering. You'll see them in a few days. Along with the girls on the right who are rocking out and getting thiiiiick.


Active Member
So here it is, the Cadillac of Deep Water Culture systems. A recirculating, undercurrent DWC. We pieced one together today for about 150$ said and done. There is a *tiny* leak at the intake of the pump which will be fixed using silicone sealant tomorrow. Once that get's jamming, I'll upload a video. We had her chugging earlier today and BOY does she have a current churning in the buckets. 1000 gallons of displacement per hour in a 30-40 gallon system. PPM fluctuation issues, PH issues, root rot, salt buildup, stagnant water: Fixed :) This is a foolproof and simple method of how to maintain a constant and clean nutrient solution that is oxygen and food rich. Mixing in food is so simple with this system, as you can test PPM in the rest 5 minutes after introducing and the PPM is the same throughout. PH too.

Here's a video of what they look like running:


And here's mine. Two 18 gallon tubs. 17 Gallon reservoir. Raised output. 1 1/2" PVC piping for a nice undercurrent. Once again, running pics tomorrow :)

Blue Dream

I really cannot wait to get growing with this system! I will most likely be swapping my other side out for another one of these when I harvest. If anyone has questions as to what I used and where, just ask. It was definitely a bitch-and-a-half to measure and assemble everything in our heads but the actual idea is VERY simple and can be mimicked a hundred different ways. Scrubbing water is just as important as scrubbing air. This will give you the richest and most stable nutrient solution you can dream of cooking up. Instant PH adjustment. Instant PPM adjustment. Constant water displacement. What more could a hydro grower ask for? Stay tuned :)

You are using a submersible pump you always going to have a leak check this cheap pump at Harborfreight: