Indictment Countdown...

So, who can delegate a right they don't possess ?

What is property and who can own it ?

I seem to have missed your answers in that dancing sidestep.

Also if you don't think property can be passed on or owned, why would I give it to the descendents of people who died
hundreds of years ago ?
No, my answers were direct and germane, if you fail to see that, well it would indicate a pattern of failure on your part, given your posting history.

I have never said I think property could not be passed on or owned. You must be back to your old tricks of distorting arguments and creating strawmen to attack. The gov't provides clear processes by which property can be owned and bequeathed.
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So, who can delegate a right they don't possess ?

What is property and who can own it ?

I seem to have missed your answers in that dancing sidestep.

Also if you don't think property can be passed on or owned, why would I give it to the descendents of people who died
hundreds of years ago ?
You love to make every conversation into a circus of precise semantics in order to deflect having to respond to salient points made by the opposition. It is, like, your thing, man. Human language is semantically imperfect, always will be. You need to get over your little "gotcha" game shit, and try to actually communicate. I'm pissed this morning, and I own that I can be an aggressive asshole, but seriously, what you do accomplishes nothing. My question to you is, what are you hoping to accomplish by saying that? Ask that question honestly of yourself before you post, and try to attain an answer. In this case, I'm trying to get you to participate in a constructive, rather than destructive or merely entropic, discussion; as distinct from playing a silly game of "gotcha" like a 12 year old in a schoolyard.
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What about that wager?

I see some bravado in your reply but false courage.

If you are too cowardly to put your word on the line in a harmless wager, then you are passively admitting that this report will not result in a criminal offense.
? I never said she was going to be charged. I said she deserves to be charged.

I don't gamble. Plus I use this site to catalog my grows so why would i risk that?

I believe she is wrong and should be punished for evading the law.
really ? that's all you got.
Are you admitting you are a slave ?

No. I am saying for me to end slavery, what I can do is not enslave others and foment ideas which promote individual freedom.

That's all that's needed to end the superstition that some people have more rights than others.

I admit that others attempt to enslave me. Please stop it.
You love to make every conversation into a circus of precise semantics in order to deflect having to respond to salient points made by the opposition. It is, like, your thing, man. Human language is semantically imperfect, always will be, and you need to get over your little "gotcha" game shit, and try to actually communicate. I'm pissed this morning, and I own that I can be an aggressive asshole, but seriously, what you do accomplishes nothing. My question to you is, what are you hoping to accomplish by saying that? Ask that question honestly of yourself before you post, and try to attain an answer. In this case, I'm trying to get you to participate in a constructive, rather than destructive or merely entropic, discussion; as distinct from playing a silly game of "gotcha" like a 12 year old in a shcoolyard.

Okay. Let's talk then.

Do you think voluntary human interactions are better than involuntarily imposed interactions ?
Dude, read your own title to the thread. Buck beat me to the punch.

You forgot your own words in the title of your own post. Then angrily deny you ever said it. Too funny that.

While that is funny to me in a mean way, the funniest thing you've said all day, was your gripe that New York, originally and still today a major sea port, was stupidly built at sea level. aahaaahhoohaaa. Oh man, you slay me dude.

Indictment countdown means the FBI indictment. More and more evidence is piling up against her. Sorry that you didnt get the purpose of the title.
? I never said she was going to be charged. I said she deserves to be charged.

I don't gamble. Plus I use this site to catalog my grows so why would i risk that?

I believe she is wrong and should be punished for evading the law.
There is no money on the line. Its just a test of conviction. We can leave your grow journal out of the bet.

So now you are back tracking. You say Hillary should be charged, are you now saying she will not or at least not from this report? Well then, why should you be listened to? Why do you blather on about a wish when you know it won't happen. Do you want to see post after post from me saying everybody should stop fighting when we all know it won't happen on my say so?. That would be boring, wouldn't it?
Indictment countdown means the FBI indictment. More and more evidence is piling up against her. Sorry that you didnt get the purpose of the title.
So, does it say she is culpable of a criminal offense in this report? What new "evidence" is piling up? The report is a rehash of earlier stuff.

So, how about that wager? If you are so sure of an indictment, why not put your word on the line. Pussy.
Because the wager is based off this document and not an FBI indictment. Because the wager is stupid and a trick of wording like all of Clintons answers when she is not flat out refusing to cooperate.

I could go on but I have a roof to build!!
There is no money on the line. Its just a test of conviction. We can leave your grow journal out of the bet.

So now you are back tracking. You say Hillary should be charged, are you now saying she will not or at least not from this report? Well then, why should you be listened to? Why do you blather on about a wish when you know it won't happen. Do you want to see post after post from me saying everybody should stop fighting when we all know it won't happen on my say so?. That would be boring, wouldn't it?
It's a debate. You dont have to agree with me and I dont have to agree with you.

Sometimes you agree with some things I say. I dont expect you to agree with everything.

Sometimes I agree with some of what you say.

Im not going to play games though. I am an adult trying to have an adult conversation. Sometimes i am high and i post pictures or memes that pop into my head because i find the situation amusing.

Life is about growth. Spread your roots a little and absorb more information outside of the tiny space you are in.

Wouldnt want to get rootbound. That stops all growth.
You are just seeing or hearing (by the sounds of the report LOL) what you want, delusional like the others. What you believe is irrelevant. The IG's report said she did some things that violated policy but said nothing about criminal action. Maybe the FBI report will be more like what you want. But not this time chump.

Well, with Trump rocking the planet along with the FBI mystery this is the greatest show on earth right now . I don't want the crooked bitch taken out yet so I have no problem waiting for the FBI to release their report. good luck Dog. TRUMP!
No, you're conflating my response with your expectations. In other words, you're doing the exact thing I complained about a moment ago. You're projecting your assumptions on everyone else.

No, I was seeking clarity by asking a question.

So do you think forcible involuntary human interactions are a better basis for forming a peaceful society than those which arise from and embrace peaceful and voluntary human interactions ?
No, I was seeking clarity by asking a question.

So do you think forcible involuntary human interactions are a better basis for forming a peaceful society than those which arise from and embrace peaceful and voluntary human interactions ?
I win. (again)
You asked one question,
Do you think voluntary human interactions are better than involuntarily imposed interactions ?

Compromise between individual humans is necessary for survival. These actions are involuntary, but beneficial, and as I said, necessary for survival. We benefit the many via the cooperation of a few. Your attempt to make a broad generalized set of behaviors an unacceptable imposition on another individual is boorish, you win nothing. You're talking to a mirror and ignoring everything anyone else says. You are in search of confirmation bias to prop up your predefined beliefs, not trying to see other perspectives. Shame on you for your intellectual dishonesty. We're all flawed, nobody has all the answers, but you're apparently of the opinion that you are not flawed, and that your opinion is the only valid one. You win nothing, you smug fuck.