Inda-gro Induction...


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear man, that sucks...... My sister went through the same thing. She had a hysterectomy 2 years ago. All the little stuff , herbal treatments and what not does help alot. Ionized water, baking soda, red clovers, celury, high cbd's etc.... I can find out more stuff she did too. My sister and her friend who has stage 4 breast cancer does all that. Went through chemo and never lost their hair. Stay away from radiation therapy. It burns the skin. And quite alot of people have died or gotten very sick from radiation therapy.


Well-Known Member
I shot this video today with Darryl as we discuss the ADR Controller which starts @ about 1:00 into the video. Bad Ass if I do say so myself.



Well-Known Member

In the 'Measuring Plant Light' article, the chart for Yield PPF based on DIN 5031-10 sensitivity curve show the 420 w/pontoon at 431. This is about 20 Moles/day @ 13hrs. Do you know what the height that reading was at?

Does anyone know if someone has measured the PAR values of the 420 like Greengenes has with the AT600 at different heights?


Well-Known Member

In the 'Measuring Plant Light' article, the chart for Yield PPF based on DIN 5031-10 sensitivity curve show the 420 w/pontoon at 431. This is about 20 Moles/day @ 13hrs. Do you know what the height that reading was at?

Does anyone know if someone has measured the PAR values of the 420 like Greengenes has with the AT600 at different heights?
he took measurements on the inda gro during veg in his old thread when he was going by tags. I think it was 700 umole/s with pontoon at 18 inches.


Well-Known Member
the 'Measuring Plant Light' article, the chart for Yield PPF based on DIN 5031-10 sensitivity curve show the 420 w/pontoon at 431.
Good question Loon! All five metrics of the technical comparisons are PPF measurements. If you check out page 11 of the VCF document it describes the differences between PPF (lamp output) and not PPFD (over a measured area) you'll see that these are all lamp output values not measured area values so distance from the lamp does not apply. Also there have been updates to that paper that begin on the middle of page 16 which I think you will find of interest.


Well-Known Member
Thanks y'all.

pic day of the inda garden

My nycd auto x haze auto
3 ft tall 1 week flowering been making my own sativa autos.

DrGt c99 auto haze project, next gen she should auto flower for me. (F4)

This will be the 16th week of flower?
No trics yet; she could go for ever.
So hard to keep her short.

WOS afgan kush Ryder.

This is the ChemD bubba haze affro auto x NYCD haze auto Baby's.


Well-Known Member

This thing would own here outdoors....