Inda-gro Induction...


Well-Known Member
I believe so but I didn't see them on the site. I got this image in my inbox this am so I'm giving them a call later on to get the skinny.


Well-Known Member
Should make sure to ask if can be hung in the "hyroot" position with the pontooms, just curious cus i cant really tell from that pic.


Well-Known Member
That's a good paper Flax but I've got something you will be able to get your arms around a bit faster. Phytochrome has interconvertible properties when specific spectrums and intensities are absorbed. All of these are good links and I know there will be more than a few of you here that will really dig into these links/papers but check out the Koning paper at the bottom of the page for a 'to the point' presentation of how this process works.

You can see the relationship between chlorophyll and phytochrome, both have evolved from a tetrapyrrole ring system also seen in the phycobilin pigments of bacteria. The chromophore is bound to a protein, just as in the case of chlorophyll. The protein has a mass of 165 kilodaltons. What is interesting is how the chemical structure of phytochrome is altered to its complementary form when struck by photons of the correct energy level (wavelength!).


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd pass Bungzies latest efforts along. He'll be all IG after this next run.

These plugs were treated with 2ml/gal of ESC Treatment. He reports definitely seeing better root development and around 4 days ahead of usual.

clone_3 Day 8.jpgclone_2 Day 8.jpg

on to veg


Day 1 of the flip after a 18 day veg. I like how he's put the fans running down the length of the plants and not cooling the lamps with too much direct air.


Off to a very nice start I would say.




Well-Known Member
Had not thought about putting it in the plugs right away for rooting, can def say it reduced my nute uptake on this veg. I vegged em for lil more than 60 days and only feed them Canna Tera Vega a whopping 6 times, so a feeding every 10 days with good growth and no deficiencies is cool by me lol, while I am here will throw up a day 20 of flowering pic of my space bomb's trichomes starting to get thick and show you only plant that kept to mainlining structure out of the group of clones (it is the biggest of all).2013-12-20 16.25.46.jpg2013-12-20 16.31.38.jpg2013-12-20 16.34.03.jpg


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear the ESC is cutting down on your nutes. Applying ESC on the plugs gets you through a whole cycle and you can mix the ESC down to 2ml/gal compared to applying them on established plants @ 2oz/gal.

Gurlz are looking great brutha!


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd pass Bungzies latest efforts along. He'll be all IG after this next run.

These plugs were treated with 2ml/gal of ESC Treatment. He reports definitely seeing better root development and around 4 days ahead of usual.

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on to veg

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Day 1 of the flip after a 18 day veg. I like how he's put the fans running down the length of the plants and not cooling the lamps with too much direct air.

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Off to a very nice start I would say.

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how tall are those? they look pretty big for only 18 day veg

has anyone done a full harvest with esc treatment? If the plants needs to feed more usually it grows larger and yields larger. Making it have to feed less would make growth and yield suffer..... Plants that take longer to dry out from my experience, that one always seems to be the runt.


Well-Known Member
The email he sent me did say 18 days starting when he moves his plugs into the hydroton pots. I've seen maybe 20 runs now with ESC and the yields are better with less nutrients. This image is a BD we had growing outdoors that we added ESC when we went from the 1 gal to a 15 gal pot. This picture was taken 30 days after the chop when I dumped it over to use the pot again. There had been no water for 30 days and the roots are still healthy looking. I've put it on sick dying plants and seen them come back. You're running a control side by side so it'll be interesting to see the differences from your garden.

Black Domina.jpg


Well-Known Member
The email he sent me did say 18 days starting when he moves his plugs into the hydroton pots. I've seen maybe 20 runs now with ESC and the yields are better with less nutrients. This image is a BD we had growing outdoors that we added ESC when we went from the 1 gal to a 15 gal pot. This picture was taken 30 days after the chop when I dumped it over to use the pot again. There had been no water for 30 days and the roots are still healthy looking. I've put it on sick dying plants and seen them come back. You're running a control side by side so it'll be interesting to see the differences from your garden.

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BD(blue dream) ^^^ this strain always amazes me with it's vigor...........I think i have to give her another run, even for a non-profit grow;-)

Time to invest in "root-pruning" container(s) chaz........get rid of that ugly circling.......ha

Is it just me or those growers pics above show NO slower growth rates between the gaps of the IG 420's??? those pontoons doing their thing huh?? Oh that's right 660nm is SOOOOO overrated!!! :roll:


Well-Known Member
It's not everyday you get a product review and accompanying images that support it. This is a repost from MaxFrosts day 63 with about 10 more days to go;

I do want to make this observation on the Inda-Gro Induction light. The bluhzbx2blu x rom represents the first plant I've done a complete flowering cycle on with this new light. I'll have to say that at this point, I'm well satisfied & very pleased with it! It's made the cut and will be staying! What I like about it are it's low, low heat. It's low power draw (460 watts complete with the flowering pontoon). But most importantly to me...I just really like how well the plants respond to it. They seem to really love it's spectrum, and you can see for yourself how frosty it makes the plants. In all the time I've been growing, I've never seen plants any happier than they are under this light. I really don't think I would have gotten much more yield from an HPS rig either. At least not one I could have run in this tent! I'm also very impressed with it's penetration too. The buds on the bluehaze gal are rock solid all the way to the base of the plant -- and it had a heavy canopy to penetrate! Congrats on making a great light Inda-Gro! I'm SOLD!!!
The gurlz are looking beastly bro. Can't wait to see how these smoke out.

Day 63- bluhzbx2blu x romulan FrostY.jpgDay 63-blhz_BUD.jpgDay 63-blhz1.jpg

Thanks for the update Maxy.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^^^^ I agree with what he said so far. I'm blown away by the amount of trichomes that I never got this early on from cmh and chinese led. The growth too. The leaves are always praying. On the nlxog the leaves are almost vertical. Tea's contribute to all that also.

Mr John

Active Member
Folks can you help here. Seems my ladies slowed down growing, they are almost 4 weeks old and not stretching very much. I raised my IG420 up to 30 inches seeing if I had the light too close before (was 20) and did not seems to make any difference. Strains are c99, amnesia, and LSD. They are pretty bushy but have not grown in height much. Is this normal or do I have something going on I need to address?



Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^^^^^^they look happy. I don't know those strains. it looks normal. Try giving them some enzymes. seed sprout teas probably won't work in hydro due to the fermentation. Coconut water doesn't ferment and that has plenty of and more enzymes than anything in the hydro shop. that will kill off old or dead roots and promotes new massive root growth

post a pic of the roots if you can

Mr John

Active Member
hyroot thanks for the help. I cannot get a shot at the roots, got my tray setup and really do not want the plants disturbed. There are a few roots coming out of the bottoms of the grow baskets. Roots are white and healthy looking. One plants roots were slightly brown from being in standing water, they are not rotten and do not smell.

All of the strains are Hybrids. Will these ladies stretch when I go to 12/12? From the picts when do you think I should flip. Maybe give them another week or two? I have a good 2-3 feet to give them stretch wise before I run out of overhead room. Thanks again for your reply and hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Mr John

Active Member
Do you folks with the IG420 run your pontoons during veg or just flowering? Right now my toon is off and I am still in veg phase. Is there any benefit to turning the pontoon on? I am afraid of getting hermies if the red spec is on. Am I confused lol.


Well-Known Member
I have never run it in veg. But for no reason other that I thought it was for flower. I don't think it would hurt anything, the sun puts out the same wavelength.