In the shower- AGAIN!


Well-Known Member
yea i bet that one will give nice buds
try to take some clones off her...
anyway, the top leaves look a little twisted, i think they will straighten out later though


Well-Known Member
Cheers Cadenza. Yeah, the top leaves are twisted. They shot up over a period of darkness and touched the lamp. They look a bit fried but I'm sure they'll grow out a bit and eventually be replaced with new growth. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again.

We're (me and the wife) are gonna clone it. Got some Oasis blocks on the way from internet. I already have some rooting compound and have read lots about it. There are some good vids on cloning on youtube.

We also started germinating one x Big Bud and one x Bubble Gum seeds today =) The wife is getting into this growing malarky too =)


Well-Known Member
We're (me and the wife) are gonna clone it. Got some Oasis blocks on the way from internet. I already have some rooting compound and have read lots about it. There are some good vids on cloning on youtube.
I am cloning two of mine tomorrow also. I got the stuff I need at the hydro store today. My rockwool is soaking as we speak. I also watched the youtube vid. Goodluck.


Well-Known Member
Lol! Cheers longlive- you stoner! ;) There's only ONE lady left sadly. I'm sure it'll get me stoned though!

Easy bredbin,
Have a nice weekend =)

Haha yeah it will definitely get you stoned. Hopefully those clones turn out great too. I think i got that part right. lol


Well-Known Member
24th June.

Here's the latest photo of my lonely lady. She's really developing her flowers.

About 4 days ago, she grew too tall and almost touched the HPS lamp. The top got singed. I thought it'd be okay coz it'd grow out, but it seems that the tip of the main cola has been fried a little. Which is nice.



Well-Known Member
They just grow so damn fast! I thought I had left plenty of room for growth over a 12 hour period. I'm sure it'll smoke okay though. Sorry to hear about yours TrialandErrorMan. And yours, too Squirrelgod. That SUCKS that it died just coz it touched the lamp. U sure it wasn't a combination of other things, or do you reckon it was just the shock of the heat?


Well-Known Member
Here's my 24hr photo comparison. The flowers are notably larger. At least this way I can see the growth over a 24hr period.

FFWD the end of August. I'll be over my trial period at work and the plants will be ready. I'm gonna get soooo baked. It'll have been nearly 6 months since my last jib.



Well-Known Member
Nice, how many days in flowering are you? Mine are on day 8 flower, I'm hoping for my girls to start looking like that soon. I ended up with 3 out of 7 as female.


Well-Known Member
cooooooooooooool!!!!!!! ;P :P; PP ;P
nice plants



Well-Known Member

That was todays photo. Nice. FFWD the end of August. That's the end of my trial period at work and harvest time. Guess who's gonna get FUCKED UP!!!!!!