In Defense of Free Speech: Is Islam a Hate Crime?


Active Member
That means i hate this situtaion...I wish for peace and harmony..i guess in the meantime ill continue to grow, smoke, smoke, smoke, adult material...the shock of the end...hell on earth literally.....


New Member
Maybe earth is hell, and when you die on other planets.... you come here.... to suffer on the blood planet where everything eats each other.... usually alive.


Well-Known Member
the muslims are taking over the world...ive read it somewhere that in some part of europe that the majority of religion is muslim, me as a christian is scared for that


New Member
Why? It simply is an indicator that the Muslim G*D is the Correct G*D.

Because if the roles were reversed (Christians taking over) ... that's exactly what you would be saying right now.... :wink:
My first reaction to someone British posting is to give them a fair chance (commenting on OUR politics). My friends from England all went to Marlboro or Eton. I guess that shades my perspective....but I imagine now that we aren't getting many Brit's on this forum with that level of education.

I have to remind myself of that at times.....
I would be willing to bet that most of the American tadgers on here don't get that level of education either. You are a total bawbag Cracker


New Member
I agree.....the vast majority on this forum are undereducated, but there are a handful that can hold their own in foundational knowledge and parsing order from chaos. That is not germane to my post however.

Like I said.... but somehow your poor reading comprehension prevented you from understanding..... I said that I was accustomed to conversing with highly educated Brits in real life. It's not a comparison between Americans/Brits ... it's an observation.


Well-Known Member
I agree.....the vast majority on this forum are undereducated, but there are a handful that can hold their own in foundational knowledge and parsing order from chaos. That is not germane to my post however.

Like I said.... but somehow your poor reading comprehension prevented you from understanding..... I said that I was accustomed to conversing with highly educated Brits in real life. It's not a comparison between Americans/Brits ... it's an observation.

Why do you have to be a dick? What's with you lately, it's like every post I see you make has condescending undertones. That's classy man...


New Member
I'm a dick for clarifying at his request?

That post is correct.... I cannot help that.... and I'm sure not going to lie about it. I don't roll that way.

Besides if someone is comfortable with their own level of education....they wouldn't mind that post at all.

I agree.....the vast majority on this forum are undereducated, but there are a handful that can hold their own in foundational knowledge and parsing order from chaos. That is not germane to my post however.

Like I said.... but somehow your poor reading comprehension prevented you from understanding..... I said that I was accustomed to conversing with highly educated Brits in real life. It's not a comparison between Americans/Brits ... it's an observation.
Observe away but i just don't agree that the wealthy are better educated at fee paying schools like Eton etc... it is a different type of education and has no real relevance unless you want to be a politician or banker. Intelligence will shine through regardless of your parents ability to pay through the nose for an elite education and mentioning schools for 12-17 year old boys is just worrying in my opinion.


New Member
That makes perfect sense..... not.

Todays schools focus on job creation potential..... not a well rounded overall education.

Therein lies the difference. Not only is a high grade education better, it is essential to putting the many jigsaw puzzle pieces of life/economics/politics together into their CORRECT place and context.

That being said.... not everyone can go to a superior school. However, all is not lost unless YOU choose to make it so. I certainly was never fully engaged in my classes..... I was easily bored by being constantly ahead of my classes/teachers. Did I sit there and day dream or fall asleep or cut class? Nope....I brought MORE material with me. I educated myself whenever I had spare time.

Most of the success and failures in life comes down to your personal attitude.

It is easy to identify ppl who don't possess that attitude.... (london,baja, paddy, to name just a few). They will always find life hard and frustrating. They look outward to blame what is an INTERNAL problem.

Life is up to YOU.... no one else. I could have been born in any situation....and I would have EARNED an education on my own.... attitude.


Active Member

Muslims sure can't take criticism..

That's one thing I definitely don't take for granted living in a western society, the right to call bullshit for what it is without the threat of death.

This video does a pretty good job of putting things in perspective and it outlines the specific dangers of the Islamic faith upon western society.

If u people want to understand what Islam is all about don’t take the info from a man (including me), Go straight to the source and then after getting the message u can go ahead and give ur opinions.
Every one that says he is a Muslim and kill people for no reason or for any reason except self-defense it’s not Muslim it’s just there to destroy the truth or he is just as deceived as the people that he fight, if not worst . Islam is a peace religion, even in war if ur Muslim that follow the religion givin 2 u by the book of allah (quran), not what ur mullah tells u, ur not allowed 2 kill no children nor women nor old citizens nor the ones that give up and that’s the Quran said so. I don’t care what others say.
So all u people that listen but don’t think please use ur brains, or at least read the quran even if its not in its original language , it will give u a idea , cause it’s the only thing that is left unchanged in Islam and it’s the words of god not some men.

God say in the quran if people ask u Say: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we submit to Allah (in Islám)." ((Al Quran, surat 2 al Baqara verse 136)

And again this the quran not me :

61.7. And who doth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie against Allah when he is summoned unto Al Islam. And Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. (the quran)

61.8. Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths , but Allah will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse (the quran)

So please educate ur self’s before u start judging base on false information giving 2 u by the same people that try 2 hide the truth from u.

I apologies if my spelling is wrong
And may god guide u the right path


Well-Known Member
If u people want to understand what Islam is all about don’t take the info from a man (including me), Go straight to the source and then after getting the message u can go ahead and give ur opinions.
Every one that says he is a Muslim and kill people for no reason or for any reason except self-defense it’s not Muslim it’s just there to destroy the truth or he is just as deceived as the people that he fight, if not worst . Islam is a peace religion, even in war if ur Muslim that follow the religion givin 2 u by the book of allah (quran), not what ur mullah tells u, ur not allowed 2 kill no children nor women nor old citizens nor the ones that give up and that’s the Quran said so. I don’t care what others say.
So all u people that listen but don’t think please use ur brains, or at least read the quran even if its not in its original language , it will give u a idea , cause it’s the only thing that is left unchanged in Islam and it’s the words of god not some men.

God say in the quran if people ask u Say: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we submit to Allah (in Islám)." ((Al Quran, surat 2 al Baqara verse 136)

And again this the quran not me :

61.7. And who doth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie against Allah when he is summoned unto Al Islam. And Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. (the quran)

61.8. Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths , but Allah will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse (the quran)

So please educate ur self’s before u start judging base on false information giving 2 u by the same people that try 2 hide the truth from u.

I apologies if my spelling is wrong
And may god guide u the right path
Islam is far from peaceful.

The Quran, just like the Bible, is the word of men bent on controlling people, and both are dangerous.


Active Member
Islam is far from peaceful.

The Quran, just like the Bible, is the word of men bent on controlling people, and both are dangerous.

in the contrary the Quran is a mercy for all men kinda like the bible was before him and the torah before that, the only difference is that the last 2 has been heavily inflated with lies by men, but Quran did not and will not, but that does not mean Islam did not changed and some Muslims indeed got astray, but not all of them of course.

So people really need 2 get their priorities straight (including me) if they wanna get somewhere just Like The Messiah Jesus son of Mary said "Love of this world & love of the next world, are like East & West & what lies in between. The more you approach one, the more you deviate from the other"

and if u want to see what’s really controlling people is, take a look at those videos and do some thinking after that cause man the truth is their u just gotta look 4 it that’s all.

the videos:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Again I apologies if my spilling of the words is wrong


Well-Known Member
in the contrary the Quran is a mercy for all men kinda like the bible was before him and the torah before that, the only difference is that the last 2 has been heavily inflated with lies by men, but Quran did not and will not, but that does not mean Islam did not changed and some Muslims indeed got astray, but not all of them of course.
What makes you think the Quran is the word of God?

So people really need 2 get their priorities straight (including me) if they wanna get somewhere just Like The Messiah Jesus son of Mary said "Love of this world & love of the next world, are like East & West & what lies in between. The more you approach one, the more you deviate from the other"
That quote says to me "fuck this world, the next one is more important". There is no afterlife, and until someone comes along and presents some evidence to support the idea that there is, the world we occupy will take priority.


Active Member
What makes you think the Quran is the word of God?

-well first let me tell you little something about myself I did study all religions and I did read the torah and the original bible and the Quran and if u don’t believe me when I say the Quran is the words of the one GOD, ur free 2 believe whatever u want that’s ur right, but first read it and then judge it am just telling u what I know and u can go search and if u really looking 4 the truth, the truth will find u as long as u try 2 find it.
About ur Q: the Quran is the word of God if the god u mean is the Creator, the god of Noah and Abraham and Moses and Jesus and Muhammad , You could even say that Islam is: Christianity and Judaism in their original forms. (i don't know about the origin of the other religions), even the Quran said so in many verses, here is one of them that I remember: [Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Serbians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does righteous deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.] -(Al-Baqarah 2:62)
There is more verses that talk about other religions in details u can read them if u want. Am still searching and reading so I in no way claiming 2 be an expert in the matter all I know is I did not found not a single bad thing in that book.

In the Quran A Muslim is someone who submits to the will of God. ALLAH is God's real name; even Jesus called him by that name.
All this is in the book and I my self was shock when the first name I read in the Quran is the name of GOD, and after that I found all the names of the messengers that being send to mankind and their stories and such, its definitely a mind blowing thing, so Read the Quran and u will find all answer all by yourself about this religion it’s that easy .cause I don’t have a lot of knowledge I have some but am still learning new things every day.

That quote says to me "fuck this world, the next one is more important". There is no afterlife, and until someone comes along and presents some evidence to support the idea that there is, the world we occupy will take priority.

Islam as I understand it through by reading the Quran want as 2 get them both and when in that quote say :… the more you deviate from the other. this not mean The more you approach one the more u never get the other it’s more like (as I understand it): The more you work for the next world the more the material gains and wishes of this one became not as important ", so real Muslims have 2 walk in the middle that’s what their book say, but the majority has not even read the Quran they just follow what other peoples lies based on it, all lies man nobody got the time anymore to read.
all what I just wrote is the real message of Islam as the messenger got it and if somebody is saying or preaching something evil have nothing 2 do with the true religion of Abraham his just fucking with the peoples mind and turning them against each other .

again I am really sorry if my English is bad, cause I speak a lot more languages than a stoner:eyesmoke: can take.
peace and love


New Member
All religions portend to be the truth. Else, what's the point? :wink:

It doesn't make it true however.

At one point in history.... everyone thought the world was flat.... that turned out to be 100% incorrect.

Mass delusion is till a .... delusion.


Active Member
All religions portend to be the truth. Else, what's the point? :wink:

It doesn't make it true however.

At one point in history.... everyone thought the world was flat.... that turned out to be 100% incorrect.

Mass delusion is till a .... delusion.

Am strongly disagreeing with you on that point u made, but like bob Marley said: every man gotta right to decide his own destiny, so we just have to agree to disagree in that matter :wink:.
