Well-Known Member
Which is problematic when your argument is that the code incorporates court cases.
Never ever argued that sir. All I said was Code is relevant now despite any court case.
Which is problematic when your argument is that the code incorporates court cases.
Your quoted text was not from the 37th congress, it was your own version. The latter is correct based on what? Your assertion? Your inability to recognize the definition of a phrase such as "and shall also be," which is very clearly just defining another attribute in a list?
And quote me that definition from the constitution, please. Thanks.
Collectible value is not currency value. The notes only have additional value beyond face as collectibles. This is where supply and demand drive the price up. It doesn't mean they "held their value."
What is it you think David Merrill has accomplished? Looking at forums, the answer seems to be nothing except spreading crackpot garbage around the internet.
That argument has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not Federal Reserve Notes themselves are lawful money under 12 USC 411. According to you, they cannot possibly be lawful money. According to the defendant, they were not lawful money. The court says this argument is without merit. Period. There is zero qualification.
The defendant's argument and the court's decision are not based on specie, redemption, or anything else. They are explicit and unqualified statements about Federal Reserve Notes.
Which is problematic when your argument is that the code incorporates court cases.
"and shall be" is not afforded to Federal Reserve Notes anywhere by congress but is to USnotes by 37th Congress.
Go find me with all your supposed credentials 63rd Congress defining FRN's lawful money. The burden is on ​you.
Want that link again?
"shall also be lawful money and a legal tender"
Want the link for issuing authority for Fed Notes again?
Congress enacted 12usc411?
"They shall be redeemed in lawful money"
Show me otherwise that Fed notes are not restricted to merely legal tender status that's on you because you claim otherwise with your bunkness.
What dates are all the associated references and acts for that one tokeprep?
1913 and 1934 go tell all your work buddies.
Want to Read the Federal Reserve Act?
Find it tokeprep. Find any source of Congressional or Fed authority that deems Fed notes lawful money + legal tender and not simply legal tender. You will not.
Never ever argued that sir. All I said was Code is relevant now despite any court case.
Even if the sole purpose is to expand and contract?
Everything in the Constitution is already lawful lets just get that clear right now. Proper pronouns are capitalized that is proper English form. Constitution is the authorization for all 3 branches of Government and no 1 single branch can change it.
"Highest law of the land" ringing any bells?
Section 8 - Powers of Congress
"To borrow money on the credit of the United States":
remember Hamilton's silly shit? Why is money not a proper noun here?
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, "
Fuckin wow look a proper noun.
"To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;"
Whoa my mind is being blown man that says Money supports lawful Armies wonder what money can do?
"No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time."
Appropriations have been made to trade treasuries for Fed notes no??? Statement and account can be found right now.
"No State shall .............coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"
Wow lawful Money and proper noun Tender in the same sentence what a coincidence.
That would be the Commercial value you asked for since off Ebay you would be trading lawful money for commercial paper legal tender Fed notes.
Lawful value is face obviously because they are legal tender also.
Guess what else has these properties tokeprep?
A silver eagle. 20 bucks commercial and 1 buck legal tender.
20 credits of money and 1 dollar Money.
Tell us all what real value is please Mr. Bernanke.![]()
No fucking way you looked all that over in a day nice try turbo. Be gone with you until you are done with your due diligence.
I have looked at your case and am unable to confirm your theory of this, since I can read and all.
Rubber bands!!
All I have argued is the Code is the Code despite any cases you care to cite.
Rolling Papers!
Perhaps I do not understand how you are using or assigning "purpose" here. Since I'm not sure, can i impose on you to explain? cn
I cannot believe you just made this argument, because the official transcript from the National Archives is the original text and it capitalizes "money" every single time it appears in the constitution. I decided to double check, so I downloaded the high resolution image of the text myself, and sure enough, "money" is capitalized in Section 8.
So here's my question for you: where did you get your text that didn't capitalize "money" in Section 8?
Like the big bang expanding then contracting.
Ok, you just acknowledged my point that it's not currency value, I think?
Likewise with the silver eagle. It didn't "hold its value"--the value of the metal rose because industrial demand for silver skyrocketed.
There is no contraction... Hello ENTROPY.
S = k ln(Ω![]()
Ya know I wanna say it was Princeton but really not sure. You gotta know that only furthers the argument. Lawful document that establishes government capital Money every time even better.
Hamilton's definition of money of account still stands.