Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

Everyone keeps talking about this magical missile. It doesn't exist. If they use nukes, they will be short range tactical strikes, not long range strategic ones. The long range claims are only that. They just don't (yet) have a missile that can carry a payload over that distance, nor do they likely have a payload that could be delivered via missile light enough to be practical.

But even so, they don't really need them. Military experts say that if nk were to launch a conventional attack against sk, they would quickly overwhelm both us and sk defenses. They have a huge numerical advantage and they are a professional army. Sure, we have better tech, but the analysis shows the numerical advantage would overcome our defenses.

Their losses would be astronomical, but they could win if they had the discipline. Keep poking and provoking, and sooner or later they are going to explode.

But the missile thing is just fear mongering. Both sides are guilty, but nobody really takes it seriously yet.
You're really behind the times man, they've had miniaturized fission devices and the delivery system to suit them for months.

They've moved onto H bombs now and are probably working tirelessly to reduce their volume too.
While I think they have money that no person ever should.. I'm still always dead set against an estate tax.. you don't need to penalize a person's family because they were smarter (in some cases) with their money. They already paid taxes on it.. you don't need to punish them for not ending their life with $0
While I think they have money that no person ever should.. I'm still always dead set against an estate tax.. you don't need to penalize a person's family because they were smarter (in some cases) with their money. They already paid taxes on it.. you don't need to punish them for not ending their life with $0

the reason why we should not is because families become autocrat oligarchy which is the very reason people hopped a boat, crossed a sea and landed in a place where the natives weren't so friendly to get away from this disturbing practice.

Our framers weren't stupid THEY instituted this..nor will you end up with just limits generational UBER wealth or you get a few people with a lot of money who call the shots in government just like they're doing now.

personally, i don't think a president should have anyone else in their family be eligible to run..too close to monarchy.
While I think they have money that no person ever should.. I'm still always dead set against an estate tax.. you don't need to penalize a person's family because they were smarter (in some cases) with their money. They already paid taxes on it.. you don't need to punish them for not ending their life with $0

The estate tax is already at a very high limit. Something like the first $10M is exempt. It is a good vehicle for a lot of reasons, one notably to prevent a royal class from forming. Nobody is entitled to being a billionare. Just because your great granpappy was, doesn't mean you deserve it.

Even with an estate tax, trumps kids would still be mega rich. It's probably the only point in their miserable lives they will pay any tax at all.
.. but with or without this law millionaires would still pass millions on to children and billionaires still pass billions to children.. I know I will never need to worry about this law but at the same time I find it unnecessary and a double taxation.
.. but with or without this law millionaires would still pass millions on to children and billionaires still pass billions to children.. I know I will never need to worry about this law but at the same time I find it unnecessary and a double taxation.

My friend was bitching about inheriting half a million, because he had to pay taxes on it. I looked at him like the jack ass he is, and told him he could give it to me, and I'd gladly pay the taxes for him. Income is, is income, is income, it's taxable. Further, the wealthy's hands aren't tied on this matter, there are plenty of other ways besides cash to leave an estate to your family.
.. but with or without this law millionaires would still pass millions on to children and billionaires still pass billions to children.. I know I will never need to worry about this law but at the same time I find it unnecessary and a double taxation.

Why? It's just like income. If I gave you a $1M gift, it would be taxable at the top rate - BECAUSE it is income you received. I can give you $10k a year tax free, but anything over that is income.

The lottery works the same way - it becomes income.

Same with an inheritance. It isn't the kids money until someone dies. When it transfers to them, it is income. It should be taxed. It isn't double taxation. It is all at the individual level.
The estate tax is already at a very high limit. Something like the first $10M is exempt. It is a good vehicle for a lot of reasons, one notably to prevent a royal class from forming. Nobody is entitled to being a billionare. Just because your great granpappy was, doesn't mean you deserve it.

Even with an estate tax, trumps kids would still be mega rich. It's probably the only point in their miserable lives they will pay any tax at all.

Except, they will be in jail of course. Plenty for commissary.
The estate tax is already at a very high limit. Something like the first $10M is exempt. It is a good vehicle for a lot of reasons, one notably to prevent a royal class from forming. Nobody is entitled to being a billionare. Just because your great granpappy was, doesn't mean you deserve it.

Even with an estate tax, trumps kids would still be mega rich. It's probably the only point in their miserable lives they will pay any tax at all.

or anyone for that matter..they rip off vendors, professionals and banks.
Hello you Godly wonderful peeps! A very holy man back in the 80's said a man called Trump would turn the USA towards Christ!
People when you go around quoti g scripture YOU WILL NEVER LOOSE! And if it comes from a pure heart YOU WILL AlWAyS WIN. And why you ask... The Almighty. Does not lie. Search your Soul in the deepest way. You can see the Light of truth.
Trump is God installed. He is our Jahu. The entire story in. I Kings.
Go look it up for yourselves.