Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

Lookin forward to those black market prices going back up .speaking of black,wheres ole bucky? He musta stayed up late on that meth bender googling stupid shit about trump and flat earth videos lol.
Are you still gonna support Trump when the evidence he's a traitor comes out?

Comey is ready to testify in public, Trump even threatened Comey not to leak anything or else recordings of their conversations could surface...

What is Trump afraid Comey will leak?
Fantastic and expected! My filters missed this!

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I don't know if you've noticed and someone on here said the only front page on Trump is coming from the U.K...he's right!

I noticed, the last few days, no one is reporting Trump first page..I get local, USA Today and Wall St Journal in paper form.

It's like he's been blacked out.

Since Mensch and Taylor's reporting, I believe, they believe, sealed indictment to be true.
You're right. Sorry to compare you to the others. You have more common sense than most here. Don't hold your breathe on impeachment though. To gonna happen. The party of hate and racism lost to Trump. He's here till 2024

Thank you for the compliment..let's examine 'the party of hate and racism lost to Trump' statement.

Can you give me one example of 1) hate 2) racism that the dems exhibit.
But i hope we all realize we may need to pray our institutions survive maybe another 20 months as things im begining to think if we had gopro footage of donnie making dirty deals with putin himself that much of GOP would defend him while a few would criticize but still do nothing.

It's because if they go along they might get some of their agenda done..Jesus, talk about deal with the devil.
These threads make me laugh so hard I sometimes shart. Impeach? Lmfao. The left is effing lost in so many ways. Trump is gonna win again in the next election. The more the left cries all over their coloring books the stronger the right becomes. The morons coming out of our universities of anti America indoctrination are clueless to the real world. Keep up the good work I can't wait to say Trump is still my prez in 2020. It's sad that you guys hate Trump more than you love your country.

You say a lot but there's no substance..'the left is effing lost in so many ways'..please list?
These things are still ALIVE?? LOL! Socko throwbacks from the 'good ol (boy) days', when this place was known as Breit-It-Up, tsk tsk tsk.....

Time for another purge, Rolli, like the post-Christmas flush. Drumpfsters in dumpsters.
Hey Lou ser, you're a sad, pathetic person. It's filth like you that helped me vote Trump. Too bad you couldn't change the election results like you changed my comment. Trumps my president and yours for 8 years
These things are still ALIVE?? LOL! Socko throwbacks from the 'good ol (boy) days', when this place was known as Breit-It-Up, tsk tsk tsk.....

Time for another purge, Rolli, like the post-Christmas flush. Drumpfsters in dumpsters.
so you want admin to just ban all the people who dont agree with all the dem drivel around here.who would you people argue with if we all get banned ?

sounds kinda safe spacey lmao