Do you read or just look at pictures?
Trump is involved in a RICO investigation and charged with fraud. The civil suit is in CA. The NY AG is pursuing fraud charges and millions of dollars in damages. Trump had been informed that his company was fraudulently using the status of University in its name and advertising -- five years before the company changed its name. I'm no lawyer and the Donald has access to the best but it looks pretty bad from where I sit.
Clinton is being investigated to determine if she knew some of the emails that she sent on a personal server were classified. Petraus did far worse -- he sent classified documents to his publisher in order to get his book written. He was fined $100,000 and pled guilty to a misdemeanor. Nobody involved in the investigation thinks what Hillary did was anywhere close to what Petraus did. I'm not saying Hillary is innocent or should not be charged if they find she did knowingly send a classified memo through her personal server. The investigation isn't over. Maybe they will find something worse....maybe.
Oh and Benghazi? Just dumb made up shit. Its so dumb and baseless that talk of charges regarding Benghazi is an embarrassment to Republican leadership
Fraud charges under RICO statute is a whole bigger can of worms that what Hillary is being investigated for.
Still, it is funny that both of today's front runners are under investigation at the same time. Maybe we should make orange the new color of the White House.