Image Association Tag

I have seen that picture of the man on fire about to shake hands with the other man on a music album cover somewhere before. A picture tells a thousand words, as the saying goes!
Zeppo Marx.....pretty sure his name was Zeppo, one of the brothers...he was the mute.
Willie Tyler? I think.
Oh , I remember this guy from a bar in Toledo...people called him the"Phantom Shitter ". He was known for redecorating men's rooms all across the country. In this rare picture he is actually seen in his natural habitat warming up for a busy night of bar men's room hopping.
I have seen that picture of the man on fire about to shake hands with the other man on a music album cover somewhere before. A picture tells a thousand words, as the saying goes!

That image is from Pink Floyd's " Wish You Were Here " album. It relates to business men getting " burned " in bad deals.
Apologies stoner friend, I should of keep that info on the " down-low ! I blew your cover!
No worries it's just that he whole point of this thread is to post images (not comments) that relate to one another. If you haven't been able to tell from my replies to earlier comments, interjecting comments is kind of a detractor from the flow of relatable images.
No worries it's just that he whole point of this thread is to post images (not comments) that relate to one another. If you haven't been able to tell from my replies to earlier comments, interjecting comments is kind of a detractor from the flow of relatable images.

I'm about as sharp as a fucking marble !.........I " haven't been able to tell from your replies to earlier comments ......" that replies hampered your continuity , what a dumb ass not picking up on was really sorry......mum's the word. Ya better get after the member above....ivoyeti77. That reply box should be eliminated.