I'm so very very sorry you feel that way...


Well-Known Member
Can you do me a slight favour?

I have a member or 2 on ignore. I keep seeing messages in threads that say "ignored member".

I hate missing funny stuff - if he ever says anything actually funny, wanna let me know?

If you happen to see. Mostly it's just the same thing.

"bla bla you said you would rape me. Bla bla you are classless. Bla bla YOU are the one who is upset here. bla bla" ....Then the sound of a cock being RAMMED down a throat.

Then repeat.

But if you see anything new, and/or funny - tell me about it!
That's it, trousers. I am putting you on ignore. Then I am going to go spam all 6 of the other threads I started today with comments about how I put you on ignore. In fact, every post I make for the next few days (there will be several hundred) will mention you and the fact that I have ignored you. I can't help it, because I am an unfunny, passive aggressive tool, who is very adept at playing the victim.


Well-Known Member
That's it, trousers. I am putting you on ignore. Then I am going to go spam all 6 of the other threads I started today with comments about how I put you on ignore. In fact, every post I make for the next few days (there will be several hundred) will mention you and the fact that I have ignored you. I can't help it, because I am an unfunny, passive aggressive tool, who is very adept at playing the victim.
You mad bro?

That fighting stuff was weeks ago.

Listen, I'm sorry I picked a fight with you. I'm sorry I rustled your britches.

This thread was started way before that fight. And it's still funny, in my opinion.

You don't have to like me, I'm not a perfect person.

But I know you just want to fight with me. And now I'll have to put you on ignore too. At least until you and Trousers get over this whole thing.

Fak - I'm the crazy fucker here and I turned the page awhile ago. Just relax man.

I hope your feelings feel better soon!
Hey trousers. I can't see what the comment above me says. I have that person on ignore. But, I bet it says something to the effect of:
I can be a real cunt sometimes.
and then, of course, a proclamation that it was all in good fun + further passive aggressive attempts at insult, and then most likely a declaration of victory. That would just be my guess, though, because I have that member on ignore.


Well-Known Member
Hey trousers. I can't see what the comment above me says. I have that person on ignore. But, I bet it says something to the effect of:

and then, of course, a proclamation that all comments were made in good fun + further passive aggressive attempts at insult, and then most likely a declaration of victory. That would just be my guess, though, because I have that member on ignore.
Oh I don't have you on IGNORE yet silly!

I did want to see your reaction, and it was just as I expected.

You don't like it when women talk back to you, do you?

It's strange that both you and trousers liked to quote ME to myself. I am the first to admit that I act like a cunt sometimes. I am the first to admit that I am crazy.

And if you weren't so blinded by your angry man-boner, you would see I apologized in the previous post for attacking you because you may not have actually deserved it.

This interaction now is making me think you did...

Anywho, I'm very sorry you feel that way. Guess we won't be BFF's after all. Pity.

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I can't hear a single word OP is saying. Toke and talk is so much nicer with OP on ignore. Much more calm. Will you guys let me know if she actually says anything funny? I would hate to miss anything funny.


Well-Known Member
If you can't take the heat stay the fuk out of the kitchen or thread...love ya Yessi lol

I just figured a whole lot of angst and fights could be avoided if people that I bothered would just fill out a report.

Instead though, they like to "TEACH ME A LESSON" by being the quote police and stuff.


I don't care, the ignore button is GOLD. How many times in real life can you stop some angry fucker from being a tool in front of you by pushing a button?

If that existed I would probably be in Wal-Mart all by myself most of the time. You know - because they're gross. hahah.


Well-Known Member
Well I just HAD to post these:

FAk - some of these peeeeeeople! IS it real? Do they just do it so they can become infamous on "the people of wallmart" website?

people-of-walmart-300x187.jpg People-of-Walmart-1.jpg People-of-Walmart.jpg hqdefault.jpg photo-from-people-of-walmart.jpg walmart4.jpg clip_image0083.jpg People of Walmart 16.jpeg

Look its @Dyna808 . Wow he's gotten a lot thinner and whiter since then...And of course the peen...

51663__520x440_people of walmart_3_feat.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hello all!

I hope that in my postings I never ever say anything that would harm or damage any of your delicate sensibilities.

Buuuuuut if (by happenstance) I do happen to offend, please accept my humblest apologies.

Here is a "Hurt Feels Report", please fill it out and get it back to me at your earliest convenience. I will try to correct myself in the future.

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