Im offically a LED grower. Spectra Im here.


Active Member
DAY 25

Here we are again, looking at the progress of the plants. They are getting big fast. Its almost time to flip, I was thinking of going 40 days veg so they could show those pre flowers, so Im not flowering males. But we will see how big they are as days pass. If they will allow me to go day 40, Im guessing no with these LEDS, shinning like the sun. Check out the added growth from 2 days ago.

This is one of the bigger plants in the tote. Im betting this is a male, the big ones always turn out to be a male. That one you hoping is female.

Look at that height, thats only 2 140w spectras vegging my babys. Those spectras are doing a damn good job.

Remember these. BEFORE


I tossed those seeds in a net pot with the napkin still attached. They are growing towards that LED in the sky. I will transplant these to individual net pots soon. Ill make sure I get pics of transplant.
Well these plants are coming on a month of growth, lost a week, but no big deal, they are still growing, wanting to get to the flowering stage.
Thanks for following all, hope your liking the grow so far.
Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Cool man, they don't seem to be stretching with the light up there either :D You going to drop the lights at all or you just going to run them up high for a while longer?


Active Member
DAY 30

Well its day 30 of the SPectra led grow. They have gone Led since seedling starting with 4 LED 140w lights ontop of them. THats 560w. Then the second have of their veg life they went only using 2 140w = 280w LED power for veg. Ph is at 5.8, PPM is at 1000. Temps have stayed at a perfect level. Humidity is about 50-60% with temps at the 80. I just start closing the door.

Veg stage was successful, Low wattage led have veg almost better then my 400w mh. They didnt match the veg I get from my 600w mh. But thats only 280w worth of led. I say led is a win, with how much you would save on vegging, and the foot print this thing has when you put it up high is amazing. These led are powerful, Id say you could put these as high as 7 feet and cover a good size veg area with one light. 140w worth of power. I had this one light over my 35 slot tote, and it veg the whole tote, no stretching at all. Just bushy plants.

Here is a close up of the plant. They are looking good. THis led passed the test for veg.

Final look before I flip these babys to flower. I will be able to tell instantly if they are a male or female, this garden will be looking different. Its always the big ones that are males.

We will see how these spectras do in flower mode. Flipping tonight. Cant wait to see how much frost im going to get with these.

Happy growing all.


Well-Known Member
DAY 30

Well its day 30 of the SPectra led grow. They have gone Led since seedling starting with 4 LED 140w lights ontop of them. THats 560w. Then the second have of their veg life they went only using 2 140w = 280w LED power for veg. Ph is at 5.8, PPM is at 1000. Temps have stayed at a perfect level. Humidity is about 50-60% with temps at the 80. I just start closing the door.

Veg stage was successful, Low wattage led have veg almost better then my 400w mh. They didnt match the veg I get from my 600w mh. But thats only 280w worth of led. I say led is a win, with how much you would save on vegging, and the foot print this thing has when you put it up high is amazing. These led are powerful, Id say you could put these as high as 7 feet and cover a good size veg area with one light. 140w worth of power. I had this one light over my 35 slot tote, and it veg the whole tote, no stretching at all. Just bushy plants.

Here is a close up of the plant. They are looking good. THis led passed the test for veg.

Final look before I flip these babys to flower. I will be able to tell instantly if they are a male or female, this garden will be looking different. Its always the big ones that are males.

We will see how these spectras do in flower mode. Flipping tonight. Cant wait to see how much frost im going to get with these.

Happy growing all.
Have you looked at these under white light? They look like they might be yellowing a bit? Do you think you might be feeding them a bit hot? I'm not a hydro guy so idk. Hoping everything is ready for the switch.


Active Member
What does the y axis represent? Gorgeous lights and plant.
That's a color analysis, it's a program that will tell you how much blue green and red are in a photograph. I take a photo of the light reflecting off a white surface and enter it in the program so it will give me a general idea of how much of each color the light mixture is producing. It's not 100% accurate by any means, but it gives a good general idea. :)
It's not really a graph, so there is no Y-axis. I don't know what the numbers represent, maybe color saturation or something? I only go by the percentage.


Active Member
Have you looked at these under white light? They look like they might be yellowing a bit? Do you think you might be feeding them a bit hot? I'm not a hydro guy so idk. Hoping everything is ready for the switch.
They might be lacking in magnesium. I don't see a whole lot of dark green leaf curl that would be present from over-feeding, but I'm no expert.


they are looking nice, see it possible to get a few pics with another light turned on to see some of hte leaves color? will be really nice to start seeing all the frost lol.


Well-Known Member
How are you liking the results. I have been thinkning about buying some bulbs like this. I read the led without led and got all hyped about it lol


Active Member
Well all, its been a while, just there is really no progress once you make that flip. Well here we are, with the spectra 100 grow. Ive been using 2 Spectra 100 equal to 280 watts of led power. Nutes are at 1100 PPM. Temps have been in the low 70, humidity ranges 30 to 70. Depend on where I want and need it.

We will call this DAY 1 of flowering. It looks like out of 21 plants in the tote, only 5 are males. I took out some of the overly big plants. Im looking to get a LED mother plant. Maybe the clones will have a tolerance for a lot of led power hehe. I continued the bigger vegged plants and kept vegging them under 2 Spectra 100 LED. They are getting huge. They already have many clones for me to take.


These are the babies in all their glory. Right now I need to take out 3 males, will take them out 2morow and fill their spots in. They are growing nice. This 2 Leds are putting in work, the Spectra light is not even right on top of the plant.

Heres requested LEd off flash on pic. The plants are looking good, doing there flowering transition. They are staying green. I do need to trim a little.

These are the Vegging plants, Ive been using 2 Spectra 100 LEDS to Veg these. Those 4 bigger ones are the VEG 45 Days under LED. They have so many clones ready to be cut already, I will get a much better picture later, Im going to transplant them to a 5 gallon bubble bucket. Make one of them my LED MOTHER PLANT. Maybe the clones will be able to handle more LED power better.

DAY 45 VEG ( for 4 of the plants)

This is hydroponic. Bubbleponic. These roots are clean, a nice white. That plant is not even that old and the roots are amazing. Probably under 30 day old plant. Thats 4 out of 8 air stones from a 70lph.


MALE LED PLANT. Ill pull this one 2morow. Glad I only got 5 Males so far. 16/21. The rest look like females.


The grow is going great. Still loving the led so much. No heat, barely any wattage, used to grow great in veg, this thing can handle big totes for veg. With multiple plants. We will see what flowering brings.

Happy growing all. Hope you liked the update.


Well-Known Member
Awesome dude, great size for the switch! I'm really looking forward to seeing the spectras done with hydro, I've yet to see a grow aside from yours. Best of luck keep up the good work. You can clearly see where the plants returned to health and the tops are looking very good!