I'm not racist because

You say it like it's a bad thing.
I'm impressed with this sock! you waited a year and a half to start posting. That's deep trolling. Not impressed with the nazi part though that's way too easy and gay as fuck. Like have you ever watched any neo nazi documentaries it always involves like a 35 year old guy " recruiting" some teenage boys to live with him in the woods outside their hick town. Maybe doing some real gay shit like using an israeli flag like a doormat. Now who is that offending? Nobody is around to get in the way of the neopedophilic shit ya'll are always into. So why are you in the woods spray painting 88 on the back of stop signs that all the regular racists shoot every friday night. Where is the PRIDE in that. You should try harder nobody is trying to sign up with your turner diary fuck boy shit.
Limiting these circumstances would be good, but only if we are teaching them to catch their own fish. Right now we are teaching people its okay to be on welfare for an extended duration of time just because they are in need for whatever the reason. If you fall, welfare should be a pick me up til you get back going again, but for way too many its a career path.

Kids dont have a choice or the means. We as a society need to feed, educate and keep them healthy in hopes of breaking the cycle.

Freedom and liberty have nothing to do with handouts. You aren't entitled to free shit.

If you are unable to care for yourself, why continue the downward spiral by having children?

I'd pay willing parties a lump sum for their ability to reproduce as part of our welfare program. Its a win for them and for society in the long run.
If you meant, as I think, your support paying the poor a lump sum to have themselves made infertile, then yes.. I totally agree.

That is the best idea anyone could have. And were called Nazis for it.
Have you thought about anymore situations where it's acceptable to fuck children? You need your dick and fingers chopped off.
We're not talking about that in this thread.

Look how much you focus on child sex. Just like those who protest gays too much are usually closeted homos (not that there is anything wrong with that) those who go on talking about how disgusting child sex is are often people who fantasize about being with a child, sexually.

You closeted pedo.
We're not talking about that in this thread.

Look how much you focus on child sex. Just like those who protest gays too much are usually closeted homos (not that there is anything wrong with that) those who go on talking about how disgusting child sex is are often people who fantasize about being with a child, sexually.

You closeted pedo.
naww it fit in with my review of the nazi troll above. notice I explained about neo nazis and their odd pedo behavior... then you popped in and in the last couple days have been providing scenarios that you see pedophilia as ok.. can't really spin when you have like 10 posts recently defending fucking kids and scenarios you've justified in your head. You're a sick fuck and I hope HSA flags you.
I'm racist, I cant help it. I was programed at birth. I know I'm racist because my friends who are not white tell me I am. how does that make sense I say " how I'm I racist I'm friends with you, like were at denny's right now having lunch"

doesn't matter, he says "its in your eyes" so I'm like " so why are you friends with me?" he then explains my level of racism is in within acceptable levels......this coming from a guy known as black jesus, I might add.

I laughed so hard.
Then I hope you get sent to gen pop. but of course you'll probably rat on your whole ring of cp suppliers and will go in pc with all the rats and diddlers. I hope this happens to you.
probably because the nazis tried it already.

but i don't think even the nazis tried to justify having sex with 10 year olds, like you have.
Where did the Nazis try a program offering people on welfare lump sums of money to voluntarily sterilize themselves?

No one said anything about forcing it.

See how your liberal mind automatically goes to force?
Where did the Nazis try a program offering people on welfare lump sums of money to voluntarily sterilize themselves?

No one said anything about forcing it.

See how your liberal mind automatically goes to force?
No one cares about the opinions of pedos. Please stop posting and kill yourself tonight.
naww it fit in with my review of the nazi troll above. notice I explained about neo nazis and their odd pedo behavior... then you popped in and in the last couple days have been providing scenarios that you see pedophilia as ok.. can't really spin when you have like 10 posts recently defending fucking kids and scenarios you've justified in your head. You're a sick fuck and I hope HSA flags you.
You really have to spin what I said to get that out of it.
Probably tie it in a knot too...

The liberals are on the warpath here... Just wait till Trump pulls ahead of Hillary in the polls... Mass bannings!!
So the classification of a liberal is thinking nazi's are lame and pedo's should die. Fuck it I'm alright with that then. man I hope Obama declares marshall law and becomes a dictator so ya'll end up in fema camps. It's documented I'm a liberal now so i'm safe. You querz gonna finally have a society of only nazi's and pedo's of course it will be behind consertina wire with the others you classify as true americans but fuck it (yeah ya'll gonna be doing that) I just shot up the ranks of priviledge because known conservatives that advocate pedophilia and nazism(why do cons always side with loser army's) have said I'm not one of them. When they ask me to prove my allegiance to the state I'll have this page printed off. Anyway I think any of you with even subtle pedophilic thoughts should all be put in front of a firing line of gay black separatists.
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