I'm no doctor, noobie needs assistance diagnosing plant issues


Well-Known Member
taste the same. i like organic nutes (age old organics) for edibles. i use hydro nutes for my weed hempy buckets. i had cherry tomato plants last year that were almost 6 ft tall and i'm almost at 9000 ft elevation.
taste the same. i like organic nutes (age old organics) for edibles. i use hydro nutes for my weed hempy buckets. i had cherry tomato plants last year that were almost 6 ft tall and i'm almost at 9000 ft elevation.
Yeah I'm in CO as well that's why I was surprised by your statement. I had always heard (probably incorrectly) that higher elevations tend to make growing a bit trickier. Has that been your experience?


Well-Known Member

What can I say I'm a perfectionist I must have all of the knowledge now!
I always suggest to new growers to learn at least the basics before popping seeds. Obtaining knowledge of cannabis cultivation is unfortunately not a speedy process Even if you have a 'green thumb' there are so many things to consider.

But, if one takes the time to get some information when starting...chances of success increase by a huge margin. If you get stuck, like you did here, first try the search function and then ask for others opinions

Patience is not only a virtue, in this hobby it is a requirement

Good Luck and Great Growz


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm in CO as well that's why I was surprised by your statement. I had always heard (probably incorrectly) that higher elevations tend to make growing a bit trickier. Has that been your experience?
for sure! especially with nute strengths. i almost always get tip/nute burn at some point. and i run very weak nutes.

what part you in? i'm west of colo springs.
I always suggest to new growers to learn at least the basics before popping seeds. Obtaining knowledge of cannabis cultivation is unfortunately not a speedy process Even if you have a 'green thumb' there are so many things to consider.

But, if one takes the time to get some information when starting...chances of success increase by a huge margin. If you get stuck, like you did here, first try the search function and then ask for others opinions

Patience is not only a virtue, in this hobby it is a requirement

Good Luck and Great Growz
I mean I have a copy of the grow bible but with any guide sometimes there are really specific instances that aren't necessarily covered hence why I have to annoy the hell out of you guys (you've been warned) and I agree 100% with cannabis being different despite having a green thumb, something that I had to learn the hard way unfortunately.
for sure! especially with nute strengths. i almost always get tip/nute burn at some point. and i run very weak nutes.

what part you in? i'm west of colo springs.
I'm in Denver. The nute situation makes waaaay more sense now. Of course I'm sure it isn't the sole cause but it's good to know that there is some logic behind the super low tolerance for nutes. Damn I'm glad you responded to this thread haha.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Denver. The nute situation makes waaaay more sense now. Of course I'm sure it isn't the sole cause but it's good to know that there is some logic behind the super low tolerance for nutes. Damn I'm glad you responded to this thread haha.
i also have better luck growing indicas too. seems like they do better at high elevation/lower O2 levels up here for me at least. and i like that they are done around 8 weeks vs 11 for alot of sativas
Yeah I think next time I'll aim for an Indica specific strain rather than a hybrid (Chem Dawg X Moby Dick) I think this strain may have a tendency to grow more on the sativa side it might still be too early to tell I'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
I mean I have a copy of the grow bible but with any guide sometimes there are really specific instances that aren't necessarily covered hence why I have to annoy the hell out of you guys (you've been warned) and I agree 100% with cannabis being different despite having a green thumb, something that I had to learn the hard way unfortunately.
This thread is all about helping people who need it. A new grower is not a 'bother' I for one like to hang in this and the newbie central forums. If I thought it was a bother I would have no reason to post on a forum of any kind.

RIU members are for the most part jovial and welcoming. Every once in a while we get people here who not only ask questions but, then demand that you give them the answer they want, in the way they want it, and they want it now!

If someone is willing to invest some time with study and learn on their own. 99% of us will be helpful when some one is stuck.

Bottom line...If you get involved and hang out here you will see what I mean. People come here asking the same questions that are asked and answered several times a week and on tons of threads. But rather than use the search function they run to newbie central and are sometimes very rude in manner and behavior. Sometimes, these people need to be run off so that the people who really appreciate the knowledge available here, like yourself, can be helped.

So, please indulge yourself in the wealth of information available at your finger tips.


Well-Known Member
Now Hydro or soil? That is the question...this subject has had many hours of angry conflicts on this and other forums. So, I will say PERSONALLY I use soil exclusively. In soil an issue can kill a plant in a couple of days. With hydro, in a few hours. AGAIN ONLY IMHO. I know there are others that swear by hydro...but the number of us old fashioned soil growers has not diminished.
This thread is all about helping people who need it. A new grower is not a 'bother' I for one like to hang in this and the newbie central forums. If I thought it was a bother I would have no reason to post on a forum of any kind.

RIU members are for the most part jovial and welcoming. Every once in a while we get people here who not only ask questions but, then demand that you give them the answer they want, in the way they want it, and they want it now!

If someone is willing to invest some time with study and learn on their own. 99% of us will be helpful when some one is stuck.

Bottom line...If you get involved and hang out here you will see what I mean. People come here asking the same questions that are asked and answered several times a week and on tons of threads. But rather than use the search function they run to newbie central and are sometimes very rude in manner and behavior. Sometimes, these people need to be run off so that the people who really appreciate the knowledge available here, like yourself, can be helped.

So, please indulge yourself in the wealth of information available at your finger tips.
Much appreciated $bkbbudz$, I try my best to at least meet the more knowledgeable growers half way (to generally not be a douche) in regards to information/specifics. Yeah I have perused other posts similar to mine to get a more well rounded consensus but honestly ( and a bit selfishly) I posted to ensure that I had some feedback specific to my situation so that I can evolve more as a grower. Long story short... thanks.


Well-Known Member
i grew up in the South and i learned dirt is for racing! lol

i like the more technical aspect of hydro. but like you said, it's all personal choice. either way can grow top shelf weed.
i grew up in the South and i learned dirt is for racing! lol

i like the more technical aspect of hydro. but like you said, it's all personal choice. either way can grow top shelf weed.
Yeah I'm much more accustomed to super humid air and KY Bluegrass where you literally just throw the seeds in the dirt and watch em grow. Much much different from indoor grows. Soil just seemed like the logical beginner medium to me.


Well-Known Member
Much appreciated $bkbbudz$, I try my best to at least meet the more knowledgeable growers half way (to generally not be a douche) in regards to information/specifics. Yeah I have perused other posts similar to mine to get a more well rounded consensus but honestly ( and a bit selfishly) I posted to ensure that I had some feedback specific to my situation so that I can evolve more as a grower. Long story short... thanks.
You asked a pretty specific question in your OP you also gave us good details on your set up and pics as well. It's all good, you got stuck and requested, NOT demanded a way to get unstuck. I for one am glad to offer anything that may assist others.

But as a disclaimer...do not take anyone's advice or opinions and just run with them. There are as many differing growers as there are grows. If I have a question for RIU, I will wait to get several replies and if 1/2 or more replies are similar they MAY be good information. But I always research the facts first. At the end of the day it is YOUR grow, YOU control what happens with it.
You asked a pretty specific question in your OP you also gave us good details on your set up and pics as well. It's all good, you got stuck and requested, NOT demanded a way to get unstuck. I for one am glad to offer anything that may assist others.

But as a disclaimer...do not take anyone's advice or opinions and just run with them. There are as many differing growers as there are grows. If I have a question for RIU, I will wait to get several replies and if 1/2 or more replies are similar they MAY be good information. But I always research the facts first. At the end of the day it is YOUR grow, YOU control what happens with it.
Yeah...I definitely ran into trouble with either contradictory or bro science type feedback from other places. I realize like anything, to take it with a grain of salt. My current method is somewhat similar to yours actually . I'll take the same feed back from X number of people, research, then compare/contrast feed back. If there is sufficient backing both from growers and guides then I'm more likely to consider it. It probably isn't the most efficient method but it works until something better comes along. Still, it can be really difficult for me especially because of inexperience for me to diagnose or correctly identify problems based on charts or grow tables. I'm hoping that it's one of those things that come with time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I definitely ran into trouble with either contradictory or bro science type feedback from other places. I realize like anything, to take it with a grain of salt. My current method is somewhat similar to yours actually . I'll take the same feed back from X number of people, research, then compare/contrast feed back. If there is sufficient backing both from growers and guides then I'm more likely to consider it. It probably isn't the most efficient method but it works until something better comes along. Still, it can be really difficult for me especially because of inexperience for me to diagnose or correctly identify problems based on charts or grow tables. I'm hoping that it's one of those things that come with time.
It does come in time just keep doing what your doing and cultivate the best medicine you can. Always challenge yourself to find quality information...all well worth it in the end.


Well-Known Member
You would be amazed! Cannabis is extremely resilient! I have seen some plants here that have been atrociously tortured by their abusive parents...1000w 6" from seedlings, backyard dirt for soil, full strength feeding daily, feeding full strength nutes in Miracle Grow, 20 seedlings with some in the same pot going into a small grow area, I have even seen posts asking how much of their own feces and urine they should use!

Some of it is HILARIOUS! Some are so sad they make you want to call the cannabis abuse hotline on their parents. One last piece of wisdom...NOTHING kills more plants than their parents 'loving them to death'