I'm having problems with seed germination in biobizz all mix help????


Well-Known Member
Hi i personal pefer to use paper towel method let the roots grow a bit and shell to come off then pot into final pots hope this helps
The seeds aren't sprouting I checked today I planted them 2-3 days ago straight to soil...... Have I neaby overwatered soil??
I've put new soil in anyway so il see if that's the problem....
I've just put them under my windowsill and il have a case to put them in in a few days.... Don't want to give them proper ligh until they have grown abit.


Active Member
How deep did you plant the seeds? How wet is the soil? Was the soil wet, damp or dry before you put the seeds in? I soil germinate every grow with tremendous success every time (except for the occasional bad seed, 1/30 beans or so)... I plant seeds 1/4in (pointy end down, nub on top) from the surface and then I put a little more medium on top to cover the little tiny crater you created for the seed.... then I lightly mist the surface of the soil with a spray bottle. Then I leave it be until it pops. I do not water until the seedling shows its first set of true leaves and the first little tiny set of new leaves show... I get germination with-in 36-48 hours on average... 3 to 4 days tops!... hope this helps man... :)
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Active Member
Ok, so then my advice would be to wait 2 more days, if nothing, start over. Or be careful and dig around the seed that you are curaintly trying to germinate with a tooth pick and look for any signs of movement or germination, by looking for the taproot, etc... if nothing, you could try the papertowel method! :)
But for LST don't I need to use trough like containers instead of cups.... I've done the cups before but never with the trough like containers that's all