I'm going crazy


Well-Known Member
You live in either detroit or Windsor ontario in Canada, otherwise I'm positive theres jobs for you. Just keep looking!

Those two cities are your only excuse, I used to live in both pretty much. Horrible places. Horrible.

Seriously though, that's rough, I suffered a similar scene, moved to London it got so bad. Any chance you can move? That's usually a more reasonable way
to go about it if theres absolutely no jobs, may I recommend Canada's finest? British Columbia?


Well-Known Member
Lol you are a fool dude, get a real job
It is time to grow up man selling drugs is not a good life to live
Why not get a legitimate job where you won't go to jail if caught?
I have a college degree and 10 years experience in my field and I cannot find shit for work. 10% unemployment is 10% unemployment regardless of what you do. It means sometimes there REALLY isn't a damn job available.


Well-Known Member
retailers are hiring like crazy with christmas comeing up...at least you could get something to get thru the holidays...walmart,target,toysrus, radioshack, these companys get swamped during the holidays...


Well-Known Member
Need money?

or sell drugs if you're lazy. Either way, don't whine about it. Everyone is in the same fucking boat, its a shitty economy worldwide, but there are still jobs. So man the fuck up and work for a living.

Life is fucking hard, but most people find a way to survive. I have no sympathy for unemployed, able bodied people. Shovel shit if you have to, just quit dumping it on here.

How have you not been banned yet?


Well-Known Member
If your that broke you could easily get a job at a fast food place just put 10 different apps in and unless you live in bumblefuk nowhere your bound to get atleast one or just hit the city with the disabled Nam vet sign you could even make it look legit just tuck your leg back up in your pants and walk with a crutch and you'll be rollin in money and pussy.


Well-Known Member
hopefully life lo0ks up 4 ya.,.,after a storm must be a calm.,.,.i know a hungry man is a angry man.,.,dont let it turn ya evil.,.,


Well-Known Member
why... do... you... put... so many.... periods?.......

I just looked and every one of your sentences you have posted has ended in dot dot dot ....
Just wondering man kinda odd if you ask me


Well-Known Member
i think that if you have put in 600 applications and no jobs then the problem is your approach/appearance. first i am not trying to be judgemental but does any of these things fit with you

do you look like shit..... stupid piercings, tattoos, nasty hair, general druggie/alcoholic look.
do you dress to the maximum of your ability. when i have looked for jobs (actually the one time i have ever had to) i wear a dress shirt and tie, nothing less. maybe a little overboard, but i would rather look like a overdressed geek than an underdressed fool.
do you drop an app and leave or do you have a very good resume and call back post leaving your resume. also do you attempt to personally give the resume to the management.
can you pass a drug test?
i ask for an interview on the spot when i sense interest. i have gotten two in one day and was hired on the spot at one of the two. again i have only had to search for a job once.

i dunno man, i dont understand how people dont find jobs personally but maybe some people are unlucky. hope some of this obvious stuff helps.