I'm Bored


Master of Mayhem
Yeah it's the slow time of year for the car audio industry. In the summer people have better things to spend their money on like going on vacation or just partying all night. When there is no business at the shops that = no calls for me which = BOREDOM.

It's alright so far...I've made like 10 trips to the vending machine and now it's time for lunch. Be back in 30 minutes:bigjoint:


Master of Mayhem
So this lady I work with told me at lunch she had a 40 gallon hex aquarium she didn't want anymore. I told her I'll take that bitch and she was like "I'll break it down Friday and you can come get it Saturday". I was like "Hell Yeah". So now I'm trying to figure out what kind of fish I wanna put in there. I was thinking 2 Jack Dempseys. Those are the meanest breed of Cichlid you can own legally. I'm going to look at some tonight.....I'm pretty stoked about this:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I got a fish tank like a year ago... now I'm pissed off about it and am not paying atention to them for the last 2 months hoping they would die... acording to all the books I'v been doing everything wrong for the last 2 months... but still... I want them to go away so I can get a kick ass salt water tank... I know their hard workk... but thats what they said about growing weed... I have a regualr freshwater tank and also have some cichleds their not supst to live in regular water their supost to like high ph water 7 and mine is 4 so... hes been good for the last 6 months...
I had an elephant nose fish... their weird because their the only fish that are cemetrical... except for its big ass nose... that is really a chin... that electricutes shit...


Master of Mayhem
What kind of Cichlids you got in there.....South American or African? What size is it? If you don't want them anymore I'm sure there is a local fish store that will take them off your hands...might even give you a trade in on them.

Right now I have a 35 gallon hex tank with a Tiger Oscar and an algae eater. Here is the Oscar playing peek-a-boo with the algae eater:

He acts like a dog I swear..he begs me for food, wags his tail..the whole deal. It's a trip.
I also have a 10 gallon I breed guppies in to feed his hungry ass, he eats like a fuckin horse dude!!


Master of Mayhem
I worked in a couple grocery stores when I was a teenager. I used to go find something that looked good and poke a hole in it and be like "Well that goes in the damaged pile" and then eat it on my break!


Well-Known Member
Me and almost everyone i work with is 20+ there, thats what some of my co-workers do, i just go grab it from the back no ac in my truck so the cooler is great on the hot summer days!

One of my co-workers loves those melons haha, i've never seen someone actully finger one til i meet this one guy i cracked up and laughed at him for a good few days


Well-Known Member
I have all african cichleds... I think their the brightest and coolest... I have 2 electric yellow one electric blue and 3 that are striped and have diferent colors... The lady wouldn't sell them to me when I told her I wasn't using a high PH tank... but she eventualy forgot...
I asked the fishstoors and they said they wouldn't take them incase they were sick or something than it would screw with their whole thing because all the tanks are interlaced like.


Master of Mayhem
They should have a quarantine tank...if they don't then I would't be buying any fish from there. Anyhow...you can get a PH booster at any pet store.

As for the Cichlids you have..that's what I'm looking into putting into my new aquarium. The people on the Oscar forum I am a member of have recommended those..... they say the JDs will outgrow it. How big are your cichlids?


Well-Known Member
there small there only like 3 inches long... But the bigger ones I see dont look as bright... I try and buy them when they are really small... I like having them from babies... I had 2 iridescent sharks SKS tricolor sharks too there really cool... because they look kind of like sharks and hes probably a good 10 inches long... I had a bala shark that was like 7 inches but he died...


Well-Known Member
And I bought a can of PH 6.5 and PH up and I'v used both bottles since I bought them and levels are still wayy loww


Master of Mayhem
Well I told my girl she could put anything in there she wants and she has opted for a community tank:rolleyes:
Oh well...if that's what she wants...that's what she gets. I'm going to save my money and get a 100g and put some Pirahnas in it. I was surfing YouTube last night and found this:
YouTube - Red Belly Piranhas Vs. Mouse=

That shit is too cool:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Wazzzzzzzzzzz Up, almost 420 where I'm at, I'm getting ready for another fat bong ripe


Well-Known Member
what man its almost april where your at???
I had a cobolts blue lobster... He was cool I bought it when it was as big as my pinky and he got to be 7 inches long... Than I was cleaning my tank and left it uncovered and than I came back and he broke out... So now I have a dead lobster somewear in my room... Comunity tanks can be cool... mine is pretty much a comunity tank... only 40 galon tank and I hade like 35 fish in there at one time... I had the 2 different types of shark. the elephant nose the lobster, the cichleds than I had a shit load of tiger barbs... there pretty cool but can be mean... they killed all my snailes... except one I think...
than I have diferent types of colorful tetras... But I dont like them because when there small there really bright and as they grow they lose their color... because they are injected with die... And if you size it down a person needle to a fish is thicker than a pensil... How do they inject the fish? by hand? do they like I dont know Its always been a thing to me where I'm like hmmm howd they do that...
Doctor foster and smith I think it is will send you free catologs... The shit is less than a quarter of the prices in stores... And they sell crazy fish... I bought some claims and shit from them...


Master of Mayhem
Yeah a dyed fish is not good. They inject them with syringes and it fucks them up pretty bad. I don't think the Tetras are dyed, but there are alot that are. It's always the glass fish. If you look just behind their bottom fin you can see the wound. They don't usually live too long. I did see a dyed Oscar the other day. It was a normal black/white Oscar injected with blue dye...they called it a Blueberry Oscar.

I'm going to check out some fish tomorrow and see what's up:smile:


Active Member
OK, so the best combo for a fish tank if you dont want to many fish, is the Jack Dempsey, and i swear to god just a lil turtle. Like the ones you would see any place. Dont know if you can just bring em home and keep em now, but when i did it im pretty sure it wasnt illegal... My aquarium was like a 50 gallon one that was sorta just a big rectangle made of plastic. Well, i had a lil island on it and the turtle was go in the water and as soon as he got in the water that fish would try and literaly bite his head off. The turtle would just go back into it's shell and sit there while the fish pushed it around the water. It was pretty halarious to watch actually.


Master of Mayhem
I want a Jack Dempsey so bad I can taste it. I told my girl she could have this one.....but it's coming. I want to get a 55 gallon and put 1 Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, and 1 normal one:eyesmoke: