I'm Bored


Master of Mayhem
thats what I do... You get to go on roll it up at work thats pretty kick ass...
Yeah dude I sit in front of a computer all day long, and when there are no calls coming in, I can go anywhere I want on the internet... it's pretty sweet. On top of Rollitup, I am also a member of 5 other forums, but I couldn't have posted this on any of those:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i'm outside in my garden the other night. i'm sitting on the end of a standing on end cinder block. my chair won't fit in-between my plants any more, so that is my stool. i'm basically "under" the canopy. it's pitch dark. i'm afraid to light my cigarette because i know as soon as i flick my lighter i will see a face in the dark. freaked myself out. had to get up and sit "outside" the canopy.


Master of Mayhem
That's what I call a "case of the willies"...LOL. I used to get that alot when I lived in GA. We had like 3 acres in the middle of nowhere and sometimes I would have to venture into the backyard at night. All of a sudden the hair on my neck would stand up and I would take off running...:smile:


Well-Known Member
I hate being out in the countrie high and alone... I live in the city and when Im somewear dark and quiet and open it bugs me the fuck out... even if I'm sober.


Master of Mayhem
LOL....fire up a phattie at work...works for me LOL
You know I used to stay high at work when I was an installer...I wouldn't do it any other way..LOL. now I'm in an office environment so that can't really happen anymore. Plus, even if I could smoke at work, it wouldn't be a good idea. I would be laughing my ass off at these clowns on the phone, forgetting what they are asking me, all kinds of crazy shit:eyesmoke:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I hear that, I need a clear head for my work too. If I was high, who know what I would say to clients. Or how much I fuck up.


Master of Mayhem
I used to smoke with the customers as I was working on their cars. My boss didn't give a shit...he actually encouraged it. He said I worked faster when I was stoned.


Well-Known Member
My old manger was like that when i came back from break nobody talks to me, because i'm so stoned i never really hear what there saying i just look at them. I like going to work on my days off, I'm totally baked walking around the store:peace: