Illinois Outdoor Grow

Hey dude, I live in Illinois too. Peat moss or Coco coir is cheap to use and mix w/ perlite or vermiculite. I actually found that pro-mix from Menards is great and its only like 9$ a 2 cu ft bag and it's got Mychorizae and dolomite lime in it. That's the easiest route in my opinion. Also, for the outdoor plot give composted manure a try. It's heavy as shit though(no pun intended). I used it back a few years ago in my raised bed garden and my plants took off and got HUGE. Just mix it with the soil maybe top dress too. It's just a suggestion to a lower cost alternative to all the other fertilizers. I prefer to just use guano-casting teas myself. Subcool's super soil is great but really expensive.
Your Talkin about that composted manure you can buy in h bag at Menards correct? If so, what's all in that, why th npk of it? I bought a whole bag for like 3 bucks.
Yeah, it should have the ingredients listed on the Bag. As far as I know it's composted cow (dairy) manure and peat. Try to avoid Steer manure, I read it contains alot of salts. I was just there this morning and I saw that one brand gives analysis of the breakdown of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash. It's generally low, like 1.0 or even .5 % but it is filled with beneficial microbes that are great in your soil and aid in the uptake of nutrients to your plant.

Healthy soil= healthy roots= bigger plants. If it's indicated that it's been composted it should be safe to use right away, meaning it's not too "hot" to "burn" your plants. You can mix it with your existing soil and let it set for a few weeks to mellow out more if you like, it's probably not safe to plant outdoors in Northern Illinois until mid-May anyways. There's usually a risk with frost until Mother's day weekend, with my experiences and even then it might still frost one night. The weather is crazy here sometimes like 85 degrees in mid-march. When you do transplant, add a handful of Mycorrhizae granules by Espoma and water with Superthrive (vitamin B-1). That should help them really take off.
dig a hole and put in a plant its that easy,i dont understand why people make it so much of a crazy task to plant,ur gonna end up spending more on soil than ur gonna get in smoke
Not really, a couple bags of composted manure and some mychorrizae granules can be purchased for under 20$.
What are you referring too? Depends on the size of the plot and how many plants. As long as it's well-composted, you could go 50-50. Compost should be worked in the soil and maybe even top-dressed a little after transplanting. The Mychorrhizae granules should only be added when you transplant at the bottom of the root ball. Don't top dress with mychorrhizae, it only works in contact with the roots.
I had decided to simplify the whole process buy just using some mushroom compost, perlite, vermiculite, and espoma added to the native soil.

I've started the girls inside this week. 2 Exodus Cheese, 1 Super Haze, and 1 LA Woman; all feminized

The Cheese and the Haze seeds were fresh and germinated in 2 days and were put under the lights 24-0 for 4 days now using a plastic bag for propagation.

The LA Woman was a fairly old seed and took 5 days to germinate but she did, and she was planted last night under the lights.

I started them in 16 oz cups, equal parts Roots to BioBizz Light with 30% (Perlite Vermiculite Mix at 3:1)

The 2 cheese and haze are about 2-3" tall just shedding their shells and growing their first leaves.

Unfortunately; sometime saturday the lights went out in the box and was not noticed until very late sunday night. an assumed 24-36 hours of darkness! the girls seemed to be alright but i question if the lights off could cause some sort of hermaphrodite or something

short update, more to come soon


I am amazed at thos who dont know much about outdoor growing saying things like"Just throw it in the ground your not gonna get more then you spend....I wonder if they know a well grown single plant outdoors prepped right yeilds 8 or more dry lbs?
I am amazed at thos who dont know much about outdoor growing saying things like"Just throw it in the ground your not gonna get more then you spend....I wonder if they know a well grown single plant outdoors prepped right yeilds 8 or more dry lbs?

i have never seen 8 pounds off anybodys plant anywhere...... and here in illinois we have awesome soil ... all u gotta do is dig a hole and pop it in ......there is six foot of topsoil in my back yard
Hell yea IL has some good ass native soil. I used to go and steal the freshly fertilized soil from the corn fields and use that for growing. Northern IL has a great climate for cannabis. Wat part are you in? I spent a good chunk of life in Sterling.
Hell yea IL has some good ass native soil. I used to go and steal the freshly fertilized soil from the corn fields and use that for growing. Northern IL has a great climate for cannabis. Wat part are you in? I spent a good chunk of life in Sterling.

they are building a new bridge over the rock on 40