Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Well, it’s official, after not showing anything in informed card is officially IN HAND!!!!

App submitted and charged: 9/20
App approved:12/7
Card mailed to me: 9/14
Card in hand: 9/19

Total wait time: 90 days!!

Good luck everyone, thanks for the kind words, I know the wait sucks, but my hands are still shaking from excitement! Don’t get down, upset too much, frustrated, yes the wait sucks, but it’s so worth it for this moment!! I’ll stay around the thread, because I know some people that are close! Have a great Christmas everyone!!!!
Happy for ya!
Well, it’s official, after not showing anything in informed card is officially IN HAND!!!!

App submitted and charged: 9/20
App approved:12/7
Card mailed to me: 9/14
Card in hand: 9/19

Total wait time: 90 days!!

Good luck everyone, thanks for the kind words, I know the wait sucks, but my hands are still shaking from excitement! Don’t get down, upset too much, frustrated, yes the wait sucks, but it’s so worth it for this moment!! I’ll stay around the thread, because I know some people that are close! Have a great Christmas everyone!!!!
So happy for you! I’ve witnessed your struggle lol, it’s a Christmas miracle!
I did get a couple of magazines today. Informed Delivery did not say I had items that weren't pictured.
I also have a non-Prime item shipped yesterday from WA state that is expected by USPS to show up Friday. Even the shipping times of the IDPH mail is slowed.

I'm sure if JB is pro-legal as his #1 agenda the people he appoints won't be anti and preaching against it. I think that's the main problem with Shah, he's like many Drs in IL and wants nothing to do with marijuana as medicine or even as an alternative medicinal herbal treatment.
That's not all Drs, the IBD specialist who pushed for medical isn't anti, but it does seem to be the Dr Rauner appointed to head IDPH.

Recreational priority won't change the speed at which the IL legislature moves. Medical was HB01 and it took a long time to pass and I think 2 more years to implement.
The legislature being busy doesn't stop IDPH from doing their job and provisional is already law.

What I hope is the pilot program expires 6/2020. The full medical program had better be passed this year because it won't be passed and signed into law by June of next year. According to Steans and Cassidy medical is separate from their legalization bills. Lang's medical bill being separate A) may not get done in time, B) could meet resistance trying to give something extra to medical patients for our $100 or C) could have equality lost in the separation (for instance how we presently can get jail and a huge fine for driving with an open container yet someone without a license and under 10g can get a $200 fine).
I really hope before it's said and done they roll the bills together so it can say something like, "legalization allows home grows of 5 plants, medical patients may have up to 13 plants". Otherwise with the usual rabbit holes of separate laws and bureaucratic rulemaking we'll end up with discrepancies like medical transportation vs decriminalized transportation.
I do understand the need to keep them separate though so if legalization gets shot down we don't lose medical.
Besides the ILGA page for the actual bills when they get moving, this is a place to watch for IL legalization.
Good, now I don't have to feel bad when mine shows up before yours. I sure hope mine isn't 90 days. 84 days would be perfect.

I'm curious about the muscle freeze but have been ripped off by OTC topicals so much I don't see me trying it unless something homemade works. Lidocaine lotions are the only thing that has done anything for me and that's short lived.

Seems that was easier.

Sad but True!
The reason I got the Topical is Ice Helps my Knee Pain immensely, so wanted to try a Topical approach, as My knee pain is like a Patellar Tendon Injury, that is the pain is Right on The lower part of My Kneecap. I can not imagine it working on pain not near the Skin Surface.

My roommate loves biofreeze and bengay. That cold (or hot) feeling has never done anything for me. I'm more curious about the cannabis addition, if it gives any better relief than biofreeze. I do believe in herbalism so I'm not a total skeptic.
Well, it’s official, after not showing anything in informed card is officially IN HAND!!!!

App submitted and charged: 9/20
App approved:12/7
Card mailed to me: 9/14
Card in hand: 9/19

Total wait time: 90 days!!

Good luck everyone, thanks for the kind words, I know the wait sucks, but my hands are still shaking from excitement! Don’t get down, upset too much, frustrated, yes the wait sucks, but it’s so worth it for this moment!! I’ll stay around the thread, because I know some people that are close! Have a great Christmas everyone!!!!
Congrats on receiving card.. I still have to wait few weeks to put mine to use
Still curious about exactly what "processing" entails. What's the "processing" process? How long does it take?

Them inputting the data, twice in two separate systems. The crazy setup they have is a complete joke, whoever set this up has to be some web dev with only wix template experience. LOL

They should be able to approve apps within 24 hours, no excuses. The majority of anything they enter in could be scanned in, or heck even just set up better.

I have zero faith in their current setup. If it takes you 90 days to process a 3-page application, then no offense to them and all, but I don't think they have the slightest clue how to process.
Someone here - sorry I've forgotten who - posted information that showed how many applications IDPH was processing each month. Where can I find that information? (Not the earlier post, but the actual source.)