Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

I'm going to guess that it will take the new administration some time to sort out exactly what needs to be done to expedite the process. And remember that there's no real financial incentive to fix medical access. The cannabis-friendly incoming administration is focused on recreational, because that's where the tax money is.

It has been obvious to me since I submitted my app that the state has been purposely punishing us for having the audacity to seek relief via the Devil's Weed.

It shouldn't take more than 2 weeks to get provisional going. They started out mailing letters to people. They mailed letters when the printers were down.

Wow, we are close. Like I said, mine got sent to my address in Rockford. I got mine on day 88 or day 89.

Does anybody know if you can change to a dispensary is a county/"district" that is outside of where you registered? Essentially my card is registered in Winnebago County, but I would like to use a dispensary that is in Cook. Its not the end of the world if I have to drive to Rockford ... my family is there (including family dog and my young niece and nephew) so I am visiting like every other week but it would be way easier for me to go to Chicago locations.

I really do hope the dispensary limit goes soon. Not sure if it will, because there have been places in other states that have essentially abused the system. A few bad people ruin it for everybody. One thing I was worried about was them counting processing time as part of the time the card is "active" but mine didn't become "issued" until the 5th of this month.

As for people treating the IDPH as "hostile" to MMJ. Well, its well documented the last administration was. The new administration hasn't even been sworn in yet, its frustrating but I would give it time.

Also remember the "Illinois Department of Public Health" deals with a ton of issues and all of them are extremely important. If you are "hostile" to anybody, it should be done via activism and the voting booth. I can tell you from being on the receiving end to some extent, that many people that work for organizations like the IDPH are just trying to do a job and many of them actually do care. The IDPH just does what its legally told to do and works with the resources its given. Its very clear that the Medical Cannabis division is totally under resourced and I would bet that was done intentionally. Hopefully that changes, but it won't be overnight. The Rauner administration disbanded the board that essentially looks at the program and improves it and makes changes. That is going to have to be put back together.

IDPH deals with stuff like homelessness, mental health, obesity, suicide, neonatal care, nursing homes and licensing foster homes. People that tend to get into that line of work do so because they are good people, not because they want to "punish people". Maybe I am bias because I do similar type of work, but we do not do it for the pay.

If people start slamming workers via the phone lines because they are upset that its taking so long to get a card then they will end up having the opposite effect. The last thing that MMJ patients want to get is a bad rep, we face stigma still. Many people know next to nothing about MMJ so it is up to us to set a good example.

Treating IDPH as hostile doesn't mean treat the workers with hostility. It means exactly what you said about the administration. So before you slam something I said you might want to make sure you understand it.
Treating IDPH as hostile means don't leave anything up to IDPH rule making other than they get to copy what is passed into law into their rules.
Taking in $100,000-$200,000 a month, by their own rule gives them no excuse for not having "resources".
And I've answered your question about changing dispensaries before.
It shouldn't take more than 2 weeks to get provisional going. They started out mailing letters to people. They mailed letters when the printers were down.

Of course. And it shouldn't take 90 days to process every single application. But it does.

Again, the Pritzker administration is focused recreational, not medical. Has there been a single word from Pritzker about medical? If so, I haven't seen it. Maybe they'll make provisional access happen, maybe they'll make wait times shorter for medical. But they've already said that recreational is where they're going to take action, so I believe that's their priority. They'll get around to dealing with medical some time after the recreational dollars start flowing.

I'm generally an optimist, but I am not going to assume anything will happen - in any endeavor - because it should happen. Sometimes we need to make it happen.
And it shouldn't take 90 days to process every single application. But it does.

Not to nitpick, but "only" 37% of the 19 most-recently reported approvals on this board took 90 days or longer from application submission to card-in-hand. The average is 87.9 days -- nothing to brag about, but still technically under 90 days. Also remember that this includes both the time to process the application and the time to print and mail the card (which is not really within the control of IDPH).

Having said that:

1. Anything even close to 90 days is an unconscionable travesty, in the absence of provisional access. No other state makes suffering patients wait that long. Period.

2. The absence of any concrete information emerging about provisional access (or the OAPP) is starting to give me concern. I know others already think IDPH has dropped the ball on this, but I'm trying to keep an open mind. Yet the lack of any communication with the dispensaries through today (2/3rds of the way thru December already) gives me serious reservations about IDPH's ability/commitment to a prompt provisional rollout.
Just got off phone with IDPH. Gave them my birthdate, name, and address. They said they received my application oct 13th and they arent quite to that date yet, i asked what date they were on and she said shes not sure. Then she said once they get to my application i will either get a card or a letter saying whats missing. I was only on hold for 6 mins. How can they not know what date they are processing?
Just got off phone with IDPH. Gave them my birthdate, name, and address. They said they received my application oct 13th and they arent quite to that date yet, i asked what date they were on and she said shes not sure. Then she said once they get to my application i will either get a card or a letter saying whats missing. I was only on hold for 6 mins. How can they not know what date they are processing?
They know, they just won’t tell you. If it’s the lady I talked to yesterday I know she was full of shit when I talked to her.
Next time someone gets through to the IDPH office, ask "What exactly happens to my application once you receive it that takes 90 days?" Not to give them a hard time - I'm genuinely curious. But I've put in my time already trying to reach someone on the phone there, and have no appetite for another 500+ calls.
I did get a couple of magazines today. Informed Delivery did not say I had items that weren't pictured.
I also have a non-Prime item shipped yesterday from WA state that is expected by USPS to show up Friday. Even the shipping times of the IDPH mail is slowed.

Of course. And it shouldn't take 90 days to process every single application. But it does.

Again, the Pritzker administration is focused recreational, not medical. Has there been a single word from Pritzker about medical? If so, I haven't seen it. Maybe they'll make provisional access happen, maybe they'll make wait times shorter for medical. But they've already said that recreational is where they're going to take action, so I believe that's their priority. They'll get around to dealing with medical some time after the recreational dollars start flowing.

I'm generally an optimist, but I am not going to assume anything will happen - in any endeavor - because it should happen. Sometimes we need to make it happen.

I'm sure if JB is pro-legal as his #1 agenda the people he appoints won't be anti and preaching against it. I think that's the main problem with Shah, he's like many Drs in IL and wants nothing to do with marijuana as medicine or even as an alternative medicinal herbal treatment.
That's not all Drs, the IBD specialist who pushed for medical isn't anti, but it does seem to be the Dr Rauner appointed to head IDPH.

Recreational priority won't change the speed at which the IL legislature moves. Medical was HB01 and it took a long time to pass and I think 2 more years to implement.
The legislature being busy doesn't stop IDPH from doing their job and provisional is already law.

What I hope is the pilot program expires 6/2020. The full medical program had better be passed this year because it won't be passed and signed into law by June of next year. According to Steans and Cassidy medical is separate from their legalization bills. Lang's medical bill being separate A) may not get done in time, B) could meet resistance trying to give something extra to medical patients for our $100 or C) could have equality lost in the separation (for instance how we presently can get jail and a huge fine for driving with an open container yet someone without a license and under 10g can get a $200 fine).
I really hope before it's said and done they roll the bills together so it can say something like, "legalization allows home grows of 5 plants, medical patients may have up to 13 plants". Otherwise with the usual rabbit holes of separate laws and bureaucratic rulemaking we'll end up with discrepancies like medical transportation vs decriminalized transportation.
I do understand the need to keep them separate though so if legalization gets shot down we don't lose medical.
for instance how we presently can get jail and a huge fine for driving with an open container yet someone without a license and under 10g can get a $200 fine

It's a funny coincidence, but I just wrote a short article about this particular legal "gotcha" for another site. It's a really tricky issue, considering how easy it is to forget you have a vape pen or other small item in your pocket or purse. Maybe I should post that blurb here as a PSA...
It's a funny coincidence, but I just wrote a short article about this particular legal "gotcha" for another site. It's a really tricky issue, considering how easy it is to forget you have a vape pen or other small item in your pocket or purse. Maybe I should post that blurb here as a PSA...

As an ecig user that is the major reason I will only be vaping dry herb. I don't need any accidents like that considering the cost with a MCPP card. And although it's been forever for me I should probably vacuum my truck before my license shows up because I know it has had cannabis smoked in it before I got it.

I really hope legalization removes the DL and PMP flags since all the other kids are doing it without flags for police and Drs.
I'm sure if JB is pro-legal as his #1 agenda the people he appoints won't be anti and preaching against it.

Don't get me wrong. I was not implying that Pritzker has any problems with medical access. On the contrary, I imagine he and his administration are perfectly fine with it, since he's obviously pro-recreational.

My point is that medical access isn't going to help solve the state's budget problems, but recreational will, so that's going to be priority #1 for the new administration. For all we know, he may not even be aware of the problems with medical access. He may assume everything is chugging along just fine, which seems to be the state's official position, and is repeated in most media coverage.
Don't get me wrong. I was not implying that Pritzker has any problems with medical access. On the contrary, I imagine he and his administration are perfectly fine with it, since he's obviously pro-recreational.

My point is that medical access isn't going to help solve the state's budget problems, but recreational will, so that's going to be priority #1 for the new administration. For all we know, he may not even be aware of the problems with medical access. He may assume everything is chugging along just fine, which seems to be the state's official position, and is repeated in most media coverage.
That is why we need to let him know !
Don't get me wrong. I was not implying that Pritzker has any problems with medical access. On the contrary, I imagine he and his administration are perfectly fine with it, since he's obviously pro-recreational.

My point is that medical access isn't going to help solve the state's budget problems, but recreational will, so that's going to be priority #1 for the new administration. For all we know, he may not even be aware of the problems with medical access. He may assume everything is chugging along just fine, which seems to be the state's official position, and is repeated in most media coverage.

I think the majority of the problem is Shah. He should be gone January 14th. I don't know about JB but I imagine every pro-medical politician knows there's a problem with the present IDPH.

I don't suspect IDPH will have anything to do with recreational. Or in the least very little. Even the childproof containers are from an Ag rule. Everything from the IDPH is pretty much limited to patients and medical dispensaries.
Well, it’s official, after not showing anything in informed card is officially IN HAND!!!!

App submitted and charged: 9/20
App approved:12/7
Card mailed to me: 9/14
Card in hand: 9/19

Total wait time: 90 days!!

Good luck everyone, thanks for the kind words, I know the wait sucks, but my hands are still shaking from excitement! Don’t get down, upset too much, frustrated, yes the wait sucks, but it’s so worth it for this moment!! I’ll stay around the thread, because I know some people that are close! Have a great Christmas everyone!!!!
Well, it’s official, after not showing anything in informed card is officially IN HAND!!!!

App submitted and charged: 9/20
App approved:12/7
Card mailed to me: 9/14
Card in hand: 9/19

Total wait time: 90 days!!

Good luck everyone, thanks for the kind words, I know the wait sucks, but my hands are still shaking from excitement! Don’t get down, upset too much, frustrated, yes the wait sucks, but it’s so worth it for this moment!! I’ll stay around the thread, because I know some people that are close! Have a great Christmas everyone!!!!

In Honor of you getting your card, I went today and The Pharmicist and I put this together for Me to Tackle Pain. I will let you all know what works good. I already had the 2 Yocan Evolves. 20181219_174702.jpg Hope you Stay in Touch.
Well, it’s official, after not showing anything in informed card is officially IN HAND!!!!

App submitted and charged: 9/20
App approved:12/7
Card mailed to me: 9/14
Card in hand: 9/19

Total wait time: 90 days!!

Good luck everyone, thanks for the kind words, I know the wait sucks, but my hands are still shaking from excitement! Don’t get down, upset too much, frustrated, yes the wait sucks, but it’s so worth it for this moment!! I’ll stay around the thread, because I know some people that are close! Have a great Christmas everyone!!!!
Wow, we are close. Like I said, mine got sent to my address in Rockford. I got mine on day 88 or day 89.

Does anybody know if you can change to a dispensary is a county/"district" that is outside of where you registered? Essentially my card is registered in Winnebago County, but I would like to use a dispensary that is in Cook. Its not the end of the world if I have to drive to Rockford ... my family is there (including family dog and my young niece and nephew) so I am visiting like every other week but it would be way easier for me to go to Chicago locations.

I really do hope the dispensary limit goes soon. Not sure if it will, because there have been places in other states that have essentially abused the system. A few bad people ruin it for everybody. One thing I was worried about was them counting processing time as part of the time the card is "active" but mine didn't become "issued" until the 5th of this month.

As for people treating the IDPH as "hostile" to MMJ. Well, its well documented the last administration was. The new administration hasn't even been sworn in yet, its frustrating but I would give it time.

Also remember the "Illinois Department of Public Health" deals with a ton of issues and all of them are extremely important. If you are "hostile" to anybody, it should be done via activism and the voting booth. I can tell you from being on the receiving end to some extent, that many people that work for organizations like the IDPH are just trying to do a job and many of them actually do care. The IDPH just does what its legally told to do and works with the resources its given. Its very clear that the Medical Cannabis division is totally under resourced and I would bet that was done intentionally. Hopefully that changes, but it won't be overnight. The Rauner administration disbanded the board that essentially looks at the program and improves it and makes changes. That is going to have to be put back together.

IDPH deals with stuff like homelessness, mental health, obesity, suicide, neonatal care, nursing homes and licensing foster homes. People that tend to get into that line of work do so because they are good people, not because they want to "punish people". Maybe I am bias because I do similar type of work, but we do not do it for the pay.

If people start slamming workers via the phone lines because they are upset that its taking so long to get a card then they will end up having the opposite effect. The last thing that MMJ patients want to get is a bad rep, we face stigma still. Many people know next to nothing about MMJ so it is up to us to set a good example.

You can go to Any Dispensary in the State. You have to Make the Change on line or via mail or e-mail, but you could probably pull off 3 in a week to 10 days. You could literally visit every one in the State over time if You wanted to Drive a Lot!
Actually shit, I will just ask if anybody has changed their dispensary and how did that process go? My question about changing it to a dispensary in another "district" or county might be too specific.

EDIT: I just called Dispensary 33 in Chicago and was told you can change to anywhere within the state. I am going to call a few other places, I have found that often the employee's in the store know as little as we do in regards to the law.

You can go to Any Dispensary in the State. You have to Make the Change on line or via mail or e-mail, but you could probably pull off 3 in a week to 10 days. You could literally visit every one in the State over time if You wanted to Drive a Lot!
I think the majority of the problem is Shah. He should be gone January 14th. I don't know about JB but I imagine every pro-medical politician knows there's a problem with the present IDPH.

I don't suspect IDPH will have anything to do with recreational. Or in the least very little. Even the childproof containers are from an Ag rule. Everything from the IDPH is pretty much limited to patients and medical dispensaries.

Just way too Easy to Pass Up, Been waiting my Whole life to Use the Line He just gave me the Opening for, here goes, drum roll...

" They Key to The Problem is Simple, We need to Overthrow The Shah!"
Well, it’s official, after not showing anything in informed card is officially IN HAND!!!!

Good, now I don't have to feel bad when mine shows up before yours. I sure hope mine isn't 90 days. 84 days would be perfect.

In Honor of you getting your card, I went today and The Pharmicist and I put this together for Me to Tackle Pain.

I'm curious about the muscle freeze but have been ripped off by OTC topicals so much I don't see me trying it unless something homemade works. Lidocaine lotions are the only thing that has done anything for me and that's short lived.

" They Key to The Problem is Simple, We need to Overthrow The Shah!"

Seems that was easier.