Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

I'm concerned they won't take me to draw blood and just go by the field sobriety I physically can't do. Hopefully legalization gets that and the prescription monitoring program addition removed.

Note: If you get vehicles registered to someone else not licensed for mmj they won't see it until they run your drivers' license. I'm considering that with my next vehicle if it stays on there.

I’ll have to put some thought into taking my name off our vehicle registrations... but it might be a good idea.

I’m also concerned about the field test; i likely won’t pass due to my condition. I’m pretty wobbly trying to balance on one leg.
Anyone else concerned that law enforcement see that you are a medical card holder if they run your plate? Also, we give up the right to refuse a field sobriety test. I’m not worried about being over the limit, as I’m old and will medicate responsibly, but I am concerned about an officer that feels the need to take me to the hospital to draw blood... “just to be sure”.
I agree , can be a risk. but , that's what lawyers are for. all someone can do is be safe , don't drive when medicated and pray , cross fingers , and Illinois will be legal before long , so they will have a whole new group to mess with
the troll gone ?? any Good , Positive Results Today for anyone ??? past few days have been positive for a few people , hope it gets much better , and Soon ! I am Sorry for saying anymore to that fake member...
You realize you’re equally if not more complicit in trolling than anyone on this forum, right?
I agree , can be a risk. but , that's what lawyers are for. all someone can do is be safe , don't drive when medicated and pray , cross fingers , and Illinois will be legal before long , so they will have a whole new group to mess with

Anyone know any cannabis friendly defense lawyers in central IL? (Bloomington area). I suppose I should have a name and number handy from now on.
An event like I’m referring to would break the bank unfortunately. i.e. the bank is broke from paying medical bills.
I think most of us are in that boat. with medical conditions that qualify , the state also doesn't want the I guess that would be , and I say "loose" , an a judge
I’ll have to put some thought into taking my name off our vehicle registrations... but it might be a good idea.

I’m also concerned about the field test; i likely won’t pass due to my condition. I’m pretty wobbly trying to balance on one leg.
I have thought this for the better part of the past 15 years, MS took away my ability to pass a field sobriety test 15 years ago.

Side note was at the dispensary today getting some more nugs and edibles and they believe once legal the benefit of having a medical card will be paying only about 1 percent sales tax and recreational users will have about a 23 percent sales tax. Seems like a good deal to me for all of us!
I’m for sure going to keep my medical card and renew it, even when recreational happens!!

There will be a least a year to decide. I suspect the benefits will outweigh the negatives.
If they keep the license flag, the PMP flag, the giving up of rights for DUI and transportation unfairness between medical and decriminalized, the tax, plant allotment and $100 fee may not be worth it.
Anyone making the excuse of more applicants since August. The December report is out and they definitely had a slow down for approvals in November. 1126 applications approved in November '18. Over 1000 less.

'18 December 1126
November 2222
October 1811
September 2004
August 2395
July 1608
June 1400
May 2100
April 1700
March 1500
February 1600
January 1500
'17 December 1400
November 1400
October 1150
September 1150
August 1500

We now have Almost 50,000 Strong!!! 122 Million in Sales in 11 months in 2018, the same as previous 24 months combined.
The Average spent per Patient last month was $450!! only 28,000 of 48,000 Patients actually Made Purchases in November. We spent 12.5 Million. 20,000 People sitting on a 2 month Stash, Must be Nice! LoL
Illinois sucks ass!! Timeline
Mailed everything with check 8/30/2018
Check cashed 11/16/2018
Called 11/29/218 was told approved card sent to print
STILL NO CARD as of 12/10/2018. Maybe it will be here today..... this state is so damn slow!! Will update when card is in hand.
Card in hand 12/11/2018!!!!!! On my way to the store! It’s going to be a green Christmas!!!
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About 20,000 Approvals in Past Year. Had 28,000 Total Before That. 15,000 of that was in the Previous 12 Months. So The Workers saw a 33% increase in Total Approvals Year over Year for 2019 vs. 2018. If no other Workers were Hired, See the Problem??