Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

You know what sick, is your limp wristed retorts...Since you think I work for the IDPH, I’m just gonna use power and push your application to the bottom, it’s not hard, you provided the date and other info. I’ll I got to do is go into the Public Health Information System and flag all those on your date.

Good one, nerd
I'm still waiting on you to return your Harry Potter book to the library. Still haven't read it.
I will give up Harry Potter , when the librarian pries my cold dead fingers from it....or I buy it on Amazon and read it as an e-book....which ever comes first !
the troll gone ?? any Good , Positive Results Today for anyone ??? past few days have been positive for a few people , hope it gets much better , and Soon ! I am Sorry for saying anymore to that fake member...
Your in the final stretch !! your looking at days , rather than months ! hang in there !
I'm ok. Little sad. I have to have an ultrasound Thursday and some other tests and I'm nervous. May be adding another qualifing condition to my list sadly.

It will be ok though and we will all make it through the wait!
Anyone else concerned that law enforcement see that you are a medical card holder if they run your plate? Also, we give up the right to refuse a field sobriety test. I’m not worried about being over the limit, as I’m old and will medicate responsibly, but I am concerned about an officer that feels the need to take me to the hospital to draw blood... “just to be sure”.
Anyone else concerned that law enforcement see that you are a medical card holder if they run your plate? Also, we give up the right to refuse a field sobriety test. I’m not worried about being over the limit, as I’m old and will medicate responsibly, but I am concerned about an officer that feels the need to take me to the hospital to draw blood... “just to be sure”.
I've been curious if they see that. The chief of police in my small town knows I applied for this and we had some great talks about it. May ask him.
Anyone else concerned that law enforcement see that you are a medical card holder if they run your plate? Also, we give up the right to refuse a field sobriety test. I’m not worried about being over the limit, as I’m old and will medicate responsibly, but I am concerned about an officer that feels the need to take me to the hospital to draw blood... “just to be sure”.

I'm concerned they won't take me to draw blood and just go by the field sobriety I physically can't do. Hopefully legalization gets that and the prescription monitoring program addition removed.

Note: If you get vehicles registered to someone else not licensed for mmj they won't see it until they run your drivers' license. I'm considering that with my next vehicle if it stays on there.
I'm ok. Little sad. I have to have an ultrasound Thursday and some other tests and I'm nervous. May be adding another qualifing condition to my list sadly.

It will be ok though and we will all make it through the wait!
Yes we will ! Prayers , Positive Thoughts and Well Wishes ...and I mean it ! to get you threw it , and ease your pain