If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

We all just want to be "right". I bet if we all sat down and burned a hog leg of Glue...and started to talk to each other like the good people we really are...face to face. I think we would find we have far more in common than what we read or type on the internet.
That's ego. Shouldn't we be grateful to be shown how we're wrong?

Why is it each of us agree we'd be cordial to each other in person but we're conniving and spiteful to each other online? Why don't each of us work on that?
while he's doing your homework assignment, I'd like to know,

You've stated you are a member of a men's rights group. What's the difference between men's rights and women's rights?
I don't care to argue with you about important subjects because you're intellectually dishonest.

If you were honest about things, I wouldn't hesitate engaging with you about these kinds of subjects.

I feel like if I do engage you, you will just twist my arguments to suit your own narrative like you have multiple times in the past and continue to do today.

You understand.
I don't care to argue with you about important subjects because you're intellectually dishonest.

If you were honest about things, I wouldn't hesitate engaging with you about these kinds of subjects.

I feel like if I do engage you, you will just twist my arguments to suit your own narrative like you have multiple times in the past and continue to do today.

You understand.
That's ego. Shouldn't we be grateful to be shown how we're wrong?

Why is it each of us agree we'd be cordial to each other in person but we're conniving and spiteful to each other online? Why don't each of us work on that?
We cant. I see it all the time online. Not just here. We can be nasty and be the worst...because all we see are words on a screen...we can let each other have it and remain anonymous. Its a human condition really. Just like groups of people together for a period of time...mob mentality takes over. The point is though...to be aware of it makes one prepared for it...at least.
I don't care to argue with you about important subjects because you're intellectually dishonest.

If you were honest about things, I wouldn't hesitate engaging with you about these kinds of subjects.

I feel like if I do engage you, you will just twist my arguments to suit your own narrative like you have multiple times in the past and continue to do today.

You understand.
Hey, I wasn't arguing, just asking a simple question about a movement you belong to.

What's the difference between men's rights and women's rights?

I guess as long as I have your attention, I'm wondering if you still feel that being white means you have to work harder than people who are black or brown?
We cant. I see it all the time online. Not just here. We can be nasty and

be the worst...because all we see are words on a screen...we can let each other have it and remain anonymous. Its a human condition really. Just like groups of people together for a period of time...mob mentality takes over. The point is though...to be aware of it makes one prepared for it...at least.
At least isn't enough. We have to defeat this. How can some be so prideful as to not acknowledge our own demise?

This is destroying us, both, from the inside out. The fight is not between factions, it's above factions. The rich benefit from poor/middle class infighting, no, they depend on it. Neoliberals are just as guilty at seeding said infighting as Republicans.

"Rich people paying rich people to tell middle class people to blame poor people"
Like I said before, I don't care to argue with, or converse with if you prefer it, with people who are intellectually dishonest. There is no point to it.

You understand.
So, what's the difference between men's rights and women's rights? It's a simple question. You are a member of a men's rights group. I'm just asking about a subject that obviously you know more about than I do.

Does it have something to do with your earlier diatribe about kicking social justice warriors to the curb? Did you know that in Charlottesville just today, a man representing a white rights group did just that? As long as we are talking about it, what's the difference between a white men's rights group and the kkk?
So, what's the difference between men's rights and women's rights? It's a simple question. You are a member of a men's rights group. I'm just asking about a subject that obviously you know more about than I do.

Does it have something to do with your earlier diatribe about kicking social justice warriors to the curb? Did you know that in Charlottesville just today, a man representing a white rights group did just that? As long as we are talking about it, what's the difference between a white men's rights group and the kkk?
I don't care to argue with you. I think you're dishonest.

What don't you understand about that?
It's amazing how much can change in a few months. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure every Bernie supporter here at one point backed Hillary, just like Bernie himself. All of a sudden anyone who holds the same beliefs as they previously did are to blame for ev-er-y-thinnnng,

It's like having someone who just became a vegan overnight, insult you for eating meat the next morning. It's frustrating af.
I don't care to argue with you. I think you're dishonest.

What don't you understand about that?
I was just asking questions. Like your earlier post about kicking social justice warriors to the curb. Do you still believe that people of this country shouldn't defend civil rights? A white mens rights supporter sure did kick social justice warriors to the curb today, didn't he.

In case you don't remember, I'll just remind you about your statements regarding how screeching social justice warriors cost Clinton the election and how sjw should be kicked to the curb.

from: https://www.rollitup.org/t/make-liberalism-great-again.927211/
Main points:

  • to too many of today's liberals, protecting 'feelings' has become more important than preserving rights
  • If liberals want to win back the white house, there are some very important things that must be done;
  • In 2018 and 2020, liberals need a 'progressive TEA-Party' that runs populist candidates modeled after Bernie Sanders that can steal primaries from establishment democrats. We have to get them out of there! This political party cannot survive if it's loaded up with corporatist shills. The democrats are supposed to be an alternative to that and right now they're not. The democratic party must become a super-organism that survives on the support of everyday people and eshoo's money from major business interests. Liberals must create and sell a bold vision of America... built around specific policies like making higher education a right to those with the academic acumen to earn it. Like making sure people are employed and that they're being fairly compensated for their work. Like protecting the interests of everyday people above the interests of mega rich multinational corporations. Like fixing our roads and bridges. Like building a national high speed rail system. Like ending our dependence on fossil fuels. Like working on ways to reduce or reverse the CO2 saturation that is harming our environment.
  • Kick SJWs to the curb. When ordinary people see liberals wasting our time arguing about pronouns, and turning racial and sexual differences into a grievance culture victim badge for every shitty little cry bully to polish with their own tears, Americans correctly reject the notion that that's what America needs. Liberals need to stop with this culture of coddling weakness and get real. We don't need a bunch of emotionally fragile screeching morons. They're an absolute drain on the liberal platform described earlier. Because according to them, creating a good economy and making sure everyone has healthcare and education is not as important as making sure no one is ever offended by anything that anyone ever says at any time.
  • If we want to win, we need tough liberals who are self assured and put forth good ideas with confidence and who are smart enough to defend those ideas in both a pragmatic and a philosophical way. Our current liberal climate of "there there, have a shoulder to cry on" needs to die, needs to go away.
  • If someone is so emotionally fragile that they psychologically implode when someone disagrees with them, they don't need a political movement to unite them all under one banner, they need mental health care to teach them how to be tolerant of people who are different.
It's amazing how much can change in a few months. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure every Bernie supporter here at one point backed Hillary, just like Bernie himself. All of a sudden anyone who holds the same beliefs as they previously did are to blame for ev-er-y-thinnnng,

It's like having someone who just became a vegan overnight, insult you for eating meat the next morning. It's frustrating af.
We supported Clinton in the face of a Trump presidency. Not because we supported her. We opposed Trump, she was the only thing standing in his way to power. Yet we're still blamed for her loss, even though 9% of Democrats voted for Trump. Sanders supporters are easy scapegoats.

Assuredly, Sanders supporters didn't support Clinton for her beliefs, they supported her because Trump was much worse and she was the only other option available.
I don't care to argue with you. I think you're dishonest.

What don't you understand about that?

why do you think more is expected of you because you are white? and what is the difference between men's rights and women's rights? why did you say that black people having a :herd like mentality" was an "educated response" that "impressed" you? and why do you call people "f***ts"?

do you think your racist, sexist, homophobic ideation has anything to do with why the people you support can't win a primary composed of black people, women, gay people, and the like?

no need to argue, a simple explanation that supports your positions would be fine.

It's amazing how much can change in a few months. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure every Bernie supporter here at one point backed Hillary, just like Bernie himself. All of a sudden anyone who holds the same beliefs as they previously did are to blame for ev-er-y-thinnnng,

It's like having someone who just became a vegan overnight, insult you for eating meat the next morning. It's frustrating af.
They aren't even following Bernie anymore. The Sandernistas posting here are going it alone as far as I can tell. Justice Democrats, for example DON'T proclaim that all Democratic primary candidates MUST pledge to forego legal campaign contributions from corporate and big money donors. That's tty and Pad's bag. Even Cenk and Justice Democrats know that a mandate like that is dumb.
They aren't even following Bernie anymore. The Sandernistas posting here are going it alone as far as I can tell. Justice Democrats, for example DON'T proclaim that all Democratic primary candidates MUST pledge to forego legal campaign contributions from corporate and big money donors. That's tty and Pad's bag. Even Cenk and Justice Democrats know that a mandate like that is dumb.

"justice" democrats have no problem going back to back-alley abortions with wire coat hangers either. barely seems like justice or democratic ideals to me.
"justice" democrats have no problem going back to back-alley abortions with wire coat hangers either. barely seems like justice or democratic ideals to me.
Justice Democrats support the right of women to choose. They aren't interested in getting rid of progressive Democrats, just the conservative ones. Justice Democrats aren't as extreme as Pad and tty. Those white men don't have to worry about their extreme uncompromising position losing elections that would give Republicans another go at stacking even more justices on the SCOTUS. They are going to be just fine and remain pure in their losing but uncompromising positions.
Justice Democrats support the right of women to choose. They aren't interested in getting rid of progressive Democrats, just the conservative ones. Justice Democrats aren't as extreme as Pad and tty. Those white men don't have to worry about their extreme uncompromising position losing elections that would give Republicans another go at stacking even more justices on the SCOTUS. They are going to be just fine and remain pure in their losing but uncompromising positions.

i guess it won't affect white males.

but i swore that these "true progressives" were willing to run anti-choice candidates because free healthcare (for men and not women) was so important to them?