If you have a wife and/or kids, stop trolling me

sense I started using edibles I've been an asshole

sound familiar?
I haven't ate to many of them lately I had to give them up..I was becoming to much of a functional dick...I've recently started vaping.20150127_014520.jpgI'm way more of an asshole now but I can't really function properly. So no one knows it. Vapes fuck you up ugly...it's fucken ugly I must look so retarded when I'm driving all vaped out... I put an 1/2 8th of wax into that batch..
It's affected me the same; and I enjoy it ^^^
It's funny that you get the same effect I was making everything with cannabutter I made eggs , beans, toast, french toast, cookies, brownies..I marinated chicken with it...driving is fun when your maxed out on edibles but they make me confrontational. The thc e juice cartages make me want to lay down and watch half an episode of law and order before I drift into a deep sleep...I hate when I'm vaped out and people make me think or do something. .it's like don't ask me where your fucken keys are at I'm way to baked to be thinking about that shit...
I vape oil everyday. Here's some I made this week.
How much bud did you use?
I used trim but I'm not sure how much. I didn't weigh it and some of it was fresh frozen. I think I ran 5 pint and half jars to get that, maybe 4, I don't remember. It looked like a pile of golden cocaine before I smashed it together and heated it to melt into a solid piece.

I've got about 7 or 8 jars full of trim in my freezer waiting for me to extract.
I'm still mulling over this thread. It makes no sense unless viewed through the circus-mirror lens that is @Finshaggy 's worldview. What the fuck does our family status have to do with trolling some of the weakest quasi-mystical bullshit most of us have ever seen?

But I think it means he hopes to get a girlfriend by being such an utter whack-a-doodle. Those of us who have succeeded in attracting a partner are "queering his deal".

Fin, you are not a charismatic. No movement is spontaneously forming around you. You are not ushering in a new era of spiritual enlightenment.

Sorry Buddy, but your life may go by with your major accomplishment being the achievement of untouchable status on Rollitup. Fuck, you should take out a banner ad with all thos bitcoinz in your e wallet.