Im amazed at your persistance Finnigan, and the lengths ye go to. Id swear it was years ago you came here with your idiocy, and by jebus yer still at it.
You almost gotta give fin diesel props he made 1 post and ruffled everybody's feathers
But yall know he'll be back with a thread where the 1st 10 post are all his, about a subject that might actually be cool until he gets ahold of it and ass rapes the fuck out if it. To the point where now YOU feel gay for being into things like "lucid dreaming"!!
Fuck Obama, Thanks chinfaggy... For ruining lucid dreaming for me.
But I was able to dream that I was in Mesquite on Finns computer jerking off to the thread where unclebuck jerked off to a pic of Finns sister... It was the jizz drops on the pic that did it for nigga