If you could rabbit punch one person...

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
*Waits patiently for Zac Effron to turn around*:mad::lol::lol::lol:

Hahaha... nah I couldn't rabbit somebody8)

If anything I prefer the nice 'teeth through the back their head' punchies...:lol:


Elite Rolling Society
George Bush with my left and George Bush JR with my right! I'd prefer to sucker Punch them.

LOL, not really, I'd never do that. I'm not a violent person, and I probably don;'t have the strenght to really hurt them.

I would like to watch someone else do it to them, tho.


Well-Known Member
id like to see how tough mel gibson really iz...no rabbit punching just a good fist fight..me and him :)


Well-Known Member
  1. Clay aiken
  2. pauly shore
  3. carrot top
  4. stewart french (the squinty eyed guy from 3rd rock)
  5. My boss's son( or should i say sons, freeloading crybabies)
  6. Jay leno ( i don't hate him i just want to see how tough that jaw is)

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Ted Kennedy.
Then I would pull his shirt over his head, drive all the local gravel roads at 90 mph till he pukes, jump out just before the old pickup flies off the cliff into a stripmine pond, dust myself off and down a 5th of Jack, finally running back to my Daddy's house to hide in his closet till he can get things hushed up...


My Dad aint rich...
I'll get the chair.

I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride with Ted Kennedy.