If you could Preserve any strain for future generations what strain would that be?


Well-Known Member
For me its what i'm working on preserving which is Vortex. I don't trust any of the people who currently have it to continue it for future generations and I don't want to see this favorite of mine becoming a flash in the pan. I want people 100 years from now to be smoking on Vortex and saying WOW this holds up!

What about you? What strain would you like to see preserved for future generations if you could choose any strain?
Too many to name but some hybrids like skunk widow nl hazes real kushes also landrace especially as thats not gonna be around much longer between genetic pollution crackdowns etc and without the blocks to start with you aint building many good things imo its kinda also why alot of the newer stuff aint got the same varied effects that simpler hybrids or pure lines have newer stuffs just crosses of crosses over and over hence the same effects pretty much i find with most