Preserving older "landrace" strains

Id argue it isnt bad for growing providing its a ok season and your in a greenhouse remember us scots get longer lit summer nights so if its a semi auto thats ideal but i imagine you can pull off alot more than you would think its the cold and most of all the abundance of rain and humidity that makes many parts of Scotland so tough to grow outside imo im curious what was it those old hippies you knew were growing all those years ago ? If ye know of course

I have no idea what strains they were growing, I was innocent of such knowledge then (though I did smoke grass and hash). Pretty tall plants I seem to remember, so maybe Sativa dominant?

Easier to grow outside on the east coast of Scotland. Colder, but generally drier and sunnier the further east you go...
What a good article. I can tell you from personal experience that Angus is as generous with his knowledge as he is with getting you seeds you would never hear of but for him.
Thats been my experience as well the guy always gets back to you when he can and will help all he can and as for generous with seeds il give you a example they sent me a double order i offered to pay for the second lot they had sent that came a day after my previous order had arrived he said nah man its ok you wont meet many like angus thats for sure mate
I have no idea what strains they were growing, I was innocent of such knowledge then (though I did smoke grass and hash). Pretty tall plants I seem to remember, so maybe Sativa dominant?

Easier to grow outside on the east coast of Scotland. Colder, but generally drier and sunnier the further east you go...
Being in west coast/central Scotland i know mate east coasts a lil drier however when it is sunny our lights a bit better but we definitely get non stop rain alot it feels like for sure also certain islands on the west coast can even grow tropical plants due to the atlantic influence so theres some micro climates and stuff too depending on where you are as for those plants the hippies u knew grew maybe another south african type or something who knows man
Yeah, from all accounts early Durban was quite widespread in the 1980s here. So maybe that. The guy I knew had moved up from London in the 1970s, so could have been some seeds from then. What I do recall as just a humble toker, strains were not mentioned. Hash was imported: Leb or Rocky, then there was grass (seeds, bud, leaves all combined), the latter produced locally.
Yeah, from all accounts early Durban was quite widespread in the 1980s here. So maybe that. The guy I knew had moved up from London in the 1970s, so could have been some seeds from then. What I do recall as just a humble toker, strains were not mentioned. Hash was imported: Leb or Rocky, then there was grass (seeds, bud, leaves all combined), the latter produced locally.
Well i started on hash and import bud too before home growing was more widespread obviously some did it but not like the amount today