If you could go back in time and whack one person....

Complete bullshit.

Nobody has the first clue how many people Stalin had killed. The highest estimate I've ever seen was close to 20 million, which I still think is bullshit. Talking to Russians I know, they say the numbers were always inflated to scare people. They figure it was around 10 million tops.

We know the Nazi's killed about 22 million during the war. That was open war. Tanks, troops, artillery, round the clock killing for 4 years straight.

No way Stalin kills anywhere near the number by simply shipping them to gulags. They didn't even have the logistics, let alone the time to pull it off.

50 million...quit making shit up.
Robert Conquest estimated that 20 million died, mostly from man-made starvation. He estimated that 700,000 we're executed. Soviet archives documented 680,000.
Why only one person ?
I would start with Christopher Columbus and work my way to a few Europeans and rulers of Ashanti Kingdoms
Complete bullshit.

Nobody has the first clue how many people Stalin had killed. The highest estimate I've ever seen was close to 20 million, which I still think is bullshit. Talking to Russians I know, they say the numbers were always inflated to scare people. They figure it was around 10 million tops.

We know the Nazi's killed about 22 million during the war. That was open war. Tanks, troops, artillery, round the clock killing for 4 years straight.

No way Stalin kills anywhere near the number by simply shipping them to gulags. They didn't even have the logistics, let alone the time to pull it off.

50 million...quit making shit up.
accurate numbers are important.....but is there really much of a moral difference between 10 million dead and 50 million dead? do you get a nicer room in hell for 50 million?
George W. Bush
dude, seriously?....he may have shit to pay for...but bush is the worst person you could think of?
Pope Urban the second started the crusades in 1095. the population of the earth then was around 300 million. 1.7 million died in the first crusade...the population of the world now is about 22 times larger, so percentage wise, it would be the same as him sending 37.4 million people off to die now....
but you'd still pick Bush?
dude, seriously?....he may have shit to pay for...but bush is the worst person you could think of?
Pope Urban the second started the crusades in 1095. the population of the earth then was around 300 million. 1.7 million died in the first crusade...the population of the world now is about 22 times larger, so percentage wise, it would be the same as him sending 37.4 million people off to die now....
but you'd still pick Bush?

Well my thinking is killing someone that far back in time might mean im never born. Killing George W. Bush solves that problem. I believe he destroyed the middle east and dragged us into never ending bullshit that has cost our country far more than most people realize.
Well my thinking is killing someone that far back in time might mean im never born. Killing George W. Bush solves that problem. I believe he destroyed the middle east and dragged us into never ending bullshit that has cost our country far more than most people realize.
Kill him ??? Maybe not have him ever be POTUS, but kill ? He was an idiot who let Cheney run his foreign policy. His heart is not one of evil...just stupid as fucked and raised with rich white man entitlement
Well my thinking is killing someone that far back in time might mean im never born. Killing George W. Bush solves that problem. I believe he destroyed the middle east and dragged us into never ending bullshit that has cost our country far more than most people realize.
not trying to be a dick, and not trying to excuse Bush, who indeed has shit to pay for...but most of the reasons you use are invalid, all that shit was started in or before ww2, and has just been bubbling and escalating since then...gotta attach a good part of that blame to every pres since FDR, can't load it all on Bush
You can't go back in time and kill anyone.

You're assuming you can correct something by doing it, but you don't know or understand exactly how the future would actually change with any one action.

Didn't you ever watch Star Trek?
Better locate this first in case you fuck something up and cease to exist.
i dunno, but i'd pull that trigger
So would I. The messed up thing about it is that until recently, I had never heard a single Nickelback song to my knowledge. Obviously I must have heard some in the background since I now live in Nickelback (and Trump) country. Recently, I heard a little bit of Rock Star. It was all that I had feared. But I have met so many people here who just love Nickelback. All of them have been unoriginal, conservative, small-minded idiots.

Nickelback is to music what Gacy was to Art.

So would I. The messed up thing about it is that until recently, I had never heard a single Nickelback song to my knowledge. Obviously I must have heard some in the background since I now live in Nickelback (and Trump) country. Recently, I heard a little bit of Rock Star. It was all that I had feared. But I have met so many people here who just love Nickelback. All of them have been unoriginal, conservative, small-minded idiots.

Nickelback is to music what Gacy was to Art.

nice pine trees....
Henry Kissinger would be a good start
not sure...he did some bad shit, probably prolonging Viet Nam, bombing Cambodia, probably being instrumental in the assassination of Salvador Allende...but he also pretty much single handedly caused the s.a.l.t. talks to succeed, defused the Yom Kippur war, and prepared China for Nixon's visit, which led to much better relations between China and the U.S. .....
all of which kept the second hand on the atomic clock from hitting midnight.
when you get to international scale politics, its hard to keep perspective. in one way, causing the death of one man is an evil thing...but is it really evil if that one death prevents 1000? or 100? or even ten? i don't know the trades that went on, the bargains that were made...
he probably deserves a bullet, but i doubt he's anywhere near the top of the list.