If you could go back in time and whack one person....

Edison was proposing DC power, Telsa is the inventor of AC power. No national power grid with DC power..
i know the story of Edison and Tesla. i don't doubt for a minute that Edison would hesitate to steal someone else's work if he could get away with it, or that he would hesitate to use sabotage or to spread false rumor...
Tesla was working on AC power, but also on broadcast power. he didn't want a national power grid, he thought it was a waste of materials.
you could run the power grid with DC, it's far from impossible, many European countries have DC systems, and it is uses in very high voltage systems, primarily for undersea shielded long distance transmission
Oh my! After seeing the direction this thread is going:
I feel the need to Wack something!
Ahhh. Another hit should do it.
Wax on.
Wack off.
Nat Turners jailer.
Nat Turner killed 60 white men, women, and children. in response, white mobs killed more than 120 blacks, many not even associated with Turner in any way. everyone who helped him was either killed, or separated from everyone they had ever known and sold to new masters from different states. his "revolt" led to repressive new laws that prohibited the education of not only slaves, but free'd blacks, withdrew their rights to assemble or bear arms, and required white ministers to be present at black religious services....
seems like a good hero for you...someone who makes the worst possible response to an untenable situation, and just ends up making things much worse than they were before they decided to "help"....
you ought to check out Che Guevera...a doctor who gave up his Hippocratic oath to become Castro's murderous torturer....sounds like someone else for you to idolize...

I've seen enough death to last five lifetimes, I wouldn't wish those demons on anyone! Until you have broken that threshold you really have no clue what your talking about. I've seen people all gung ho, TRAINED to PERFORM RANDOM ACTS OF VILOENCE, kill another human, not be able to deal with the guilt etc that it brings and kill themselves. The only way I'd whack anything is if I KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt it would stop cancer.
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I've seen enough death to last five lifetimes, I wouldn't wish those demons on anyone! Until you have broken that threshold you really have no clue what your talking about. I've seen people all gung ho, TRAINED to PERFORM RANDOM ACTS OF VILOENCE, kill another human, not be able to deal with the guilt etc that it brings and kill themselves. The only way I'd whack anything is if I KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt it would stop cancer.
why do you want to stop cancer? everyone on the planet wants to "cure" everything...but they don't have one word to say about over population...if you have too many deer, you cull the herd, so they don't everfeed, cause starvation, and spread disease...if you have too many people, you try to keep more of them around longer? i say PROMOTE cancer...until people can take responsibility for their own breeding habits
It doesn't sound like you are much better than Stalin or Marx.

Stalin killed 50 million people or thereabouts, and the ideology of Marx allowed him to do it. So yeah, I'd like to stop that if I could. This thread isn't about your moral equivalencies.
Stalin killed 50 million people or thereabouts, and the ideology of Marx allowed him to do it. So yeah, I'd like to stop that if I could. This thread isn't about your moral equivalencies.
yeah, stalin ate all the wheat and forced the clouds not to rain
Stalin killed 50 million people or thereabouts, and the ideology of Marx allowed him to do it. So yeah, I'd like to stop that if I could. This thread isn't about your moral equivalencies.
I was referring to you, not Stalin or Marx.

Blake simply disagreed with you and you compared him to Stalin or Marx for that.

I don't like authoritarians I don't care what their creed is. From your simple idiotic thread, you've helped me realize that nobody should have the power you suggest. Especially not you. Not Stalin either.
Stalin killed 50 million people or thereabouts, and the ideology of Marx allowed him to do it. So yeah, I'd like to stop that if I could. This thread isn't about your moral equivalencies.
or yours
you asked a pretty amoral question...that makes a lot of assumptions. are we quibbling about moral equivalency when the subject of the thread is not whether you would commit murder, but who you would kill if you were able to...?
or yours
you asked a pretty amoral question...that makes a lot of assumptions. are we quibbling about moral equivalency when the subject of the thread is not whether you would commit murder, but who you would kill if you were able to...?
A particularly ignorant crop of Trumpkin trolls popped up tonight. It would be funny if they weren't such a drain on our economy and a threat to democracy.
Stalin killed 50 million people or thereabouts

Complete bullshit.

Nobody has the first clue how many people Stalin had killed. The highest estimate I've ever seen was close to 20 million, which I still think is bullshit. Talking to Russians I know, they say the numbers were always inflated to scare people. They figure it was around 10 million tops.

We know the Nazi's killed about 22 million during the war. That was open war. Tanks, troops, artillery, round the clock killing for 4 years straight.

No way Stalin kills anywhere near the number by simply shipping them to gulags. They didn't even have the logistics, let alone the time to pull it off.

50 million...quit making shit up.
Nat Turner killed 60 white men, women, and children. in response, white mobs killed more than 120 blacks, many not even associated with Turner in any way. everyone who helped him was either killed, or separated from everyone they had ever known and sold to new masters from different states. his "revolt" led to repressive new laws that prohibited the education of not only slaves, but free'd blacks, withdrew their rights to assemble or bear arms, and required white ministers to be present at black religious services....
seems like a good hero for you...someone who makes the worst possible response to an untenable situation, and just ends up making things much worse than they were before they decided to "help"....
you ought to check out Che Guevera...a doctor who gave up his Hippocratic oath to become Castro's murderous torturer....sounds like someone else for you to idolize...
