If you cant duck it F@#$% it first time grower!! Journal

So Little about me I am an Aerospace student I am what you would call a builder/scavenger. I wanna make the best bud with the littlest resources (Student remember lol). This is my set up 2 23 Watt Cfl,1 13w,1 42w daylight bulb a one gallon pot of Miracle grow premium potting soil, water schedule is 1 pint every two or three days, 24/0 light.......The first pic is two days ago at 1 week old the next 2 pics are today :) Man what a growth spurt! I put some D Earth in the pot today because I saw two gnats but I'm not sure where they came from really...... I gave the plant a name I call it Minbari Kush....Yeah Aerospace student LMAO I like Babylon 5 plus they were a chill as fuck alien race so it makes sense with weed and all HAHa.


Yeah actually she has like 10 leaves but my camera sucks lol I'm actually surprised how good it looks it hasn't stretched for the light or anything I do have a deformed leaf because as it sprouted it ripped out on of the little baby leafs but its just that one spot.....I actually plan on doing the SOG method just for time and keeping it a manageable size purposes. When I start flowering I am gonna add a 42W soft white to my setup so I will have around 150W on the plant.....New PICS NEW Growth



Well-Known Member
You'll have an easier time transplanting if you fill your pots up to the top with dirt. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
What bugeye said... I tried transplanting with about 2 inches gap between soil and pot top, let me tell you everthing went wrong. I was unable to position my hand properly and ended up doing a botched transplant which stunted my plant for a week. I learned from that mistake lol.
Actually I didn't fill it up all the way so I could use the side walls to reflect light and sit my reflectors right over it until its about 6 inches then I will transplant and fill up the pot all the way....That way I can just use a one gallon and keep it small but I get what your saying.....My Little lady is a Special Ed kid she has a deformity but I love her all the same haha here is an update also went to Menards they had a deal I couldn't pass up a Digital timer for $3.80 swooped that up yesterday. Had a little heat stress on it I moved my cfls to 6 inches away it was barely curling at a few leaf edges...These pics are at day 10....BTw I feel like a newb but does it look more indica or sativa ?


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Well-Known Member
@StealthcatOG Ahh, i didn't think of that, pretty good idea actually. One of mine was a bit deformed due to too high PH affecting all new growth, maybe that's why. Looking good so far tho, not sure on this but is it the shape of the leaves that helps one determine indica or sativa (besides info from seedbank of course)...
Well when mine sprouted one of the little fetal leafs got ripped off by the soil as it grew and that's the side of the deformity but your right it could be PH. I live in a small town so its treated well water plus I filter with a Britta I do have old ph test strips from my pool I might test those out see whats up......Honestly Its blowing my mind how short and bushy this plant is that's the only reason I think its Indica I'm thinking it mixed like 40%Indica 60% sativa. All the Sativas I see online are tall at this age and not as bushy stalk is thick I wish I could get a pic of that.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
2 23w cfls and a pint of water is good for now, but honestly at the very least you're gonna need 150 actual watts and up to 4.5 liters a plant by harvest. Look at the big picture before you bite off more than you can chew.
Yeah I went out and bought another 42W so 2 42w 2 23w and 1 13W then today I actually started watering it a little under a quart. So far so good I just have to get used to it. I got some Fem seeds coming Purple wreck ;) I think its Train wreck and northern lights or some shit lol Idk my buddy grew some outside in Ohio the Main Cola was the size of your head haha.
Hey guys sorry I haven't been on lately just got busy.....Goood news today my GIRL shot two pistils out :) I will post pics later tonight but I doubt I can show you my pistils cause they are small as F