A Word About Zener Diodes, LED Grow Lights and Quality
Just wanted to have a little chat about panels with Zener diodes for you first time buyers out there. So for those who don't know what a Zener diode is you can read the Wiki entry
HERE or just know that LED panel makers use Zeners to protect LEDs and LED circuits. Well how's that a bad thing you ask? First they're diodes that don't give off light and also draw power, so you're paying extra to run these diodes with no increase in bud production. Not cool. Well you say "I'll pay extra every month to protect my investment", well here's another way of looking at it. LEDs have revolutionized sign making and with sign making they're not worried about things like high CRI and true color reproduction like growers are, they just want the brightest diodes possible. And the one thing that sign makers love are Zener diodes. They're great for using in designing a LED circuit and of course protecting the sign so they don't have to fix it as often. Now most of these companies who make grow lights on Alibaba are in the sign business too. So when you buy a panel from these Chinese companies, there is a very good chance you're buying low CRI signage-grade LEDs, which is something you want to avoid since their inefficiency will equal higher electrical bills and lower bud production, which I believe we're not big fans of around here

. Also sometimes panel makers may not have access to drivers that they need to properly run their circuit or don't have enough diodes to complete their run of panels. It's much cheaper just to add some Zeners in order to fudge the circuit to get it to work with the drivers. Again this is a sign of poor quality and panels like this should be avoided.
So unless you really know what you're doing, you may want to avoid panels with Zeners. And if you don't believe me go ask Area51, Apache, Vipar, or even effin' Blackstar what Zeners they use

. But that's just my $.02. Happy Growing Everyone!
[EDIT] I just wanted to add something I forgot; Zeners are also used to keep current flowing through a circuit so if a diode fails the current will still flow through the circuit which is a positive that should be noted. Having said that soldering a wire (not exactly UL approved), a proper resistor or a replacement LED will fix your circuit too.