IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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Might just take the chance for the price. 100% feedback so far too.

There's a person on another board who told their LED tale. He started with 90WUFO because he was told that would do it for him..well he wasn't happy with the results...so he bought another cheap ebay panel a 135W Blackstar...and he wasn't happy with that POS either (whodda' thunk!?) then he bought a 180 Blackstar and repeated again with a 240W Blackstar and still didn't get good growth...so now he's doing a 150 W HPS. So he comes up and says LEDs don't work....at least for him. He spent about $520 (not counting any shipping charges) on crap e-bay panels because he didn't want to ever spend much money at one time.

He apparently was determined to get a good deal instead of grow good buds....if he had just gone for a quality panel to begin with he would have spent $290 shipped for a quality panel and been happily growing all that time. Penny wise and pound foolish.

If you don't have the money to spend on a good LED panel, then try fluorescent or a small HID. You can grow some good bud fairly cheaply and be happy instead of frustrated.
I completely agree, i'm looking to buy quality the first time and not have to do it again. I've got up to $500 to spend on LED's but for that much I'd like to be sure which one, thinking Cidly or Bysen at the moment so all recommendations are welcomed. Was also looking at Progrow. In the mean time $90 or so shipped for a decent looking panel with 3w LED's and reflectors seems like a good way to get something to mess around with. Best case it works decent, worst case they're no good and I take it apart and use it as a board to customize. I have a 2'x2' cabinet but enough height to probably do 2 levels and a CFL clone level so I'm planning on buying 2 (at least one quality unit) but maybe its worth trying this cheaper one, compare them. Was thinking 150w unit on each level, although this would fit nice http://www.bsled.com/led-grow-light/h160d-210w.html From the reading i've done on LED's (couple weeks now at least) the ebay one looks to have a sound design, it all comes down to quality of the driver and LED's used and it appeared that they listed the part numbers thought someone who knew more then me could tell if they where any good. Of course you get what you pay for. I've done a lot of aftermarket work on cars and some of the ebay china specials can work out pretty good, you just have to wait for them to make copies of the designs that have worked and check the parts they're using along with feedback.
I've got up to $500 to spend on LED's but for that much I'd like to be sure which one

Two Hans Panels shipped - $500 You might add a couple of small (about 20 watters) warm CFLs in the flowering area for just a little additional light and spectrum...or not.

Yep. That one kicks Ass. But add some warm white led spot lights. Hans does not put any whites on his panels. Cfl's are bad due to the amount of uv-c they put out. Any uv-c is bad

Psuagro did a thread of the Hans led vs 110 watt Inda gro induction. He had heat issues and some phos deficiencies. He still pulled 74 grams off a cheese strain under the Hans panel. If the problems weren't there he would of got much more.

He got more than 1 gram per watt
The LED warm white bulbs are a good idea too. But yes, you can grow better under the Hans Panels because the difference in efficiency between a good panel and what most people buy is night and day.
I would save and get a HGL SOL light. the 200 watt would do nice. ask if they can do $600 ( what it was a time of release.. just to see )

or a grow blu ( guy is testing one at IC, and.. it works ) , here

Iv'e been looking through the LED group buy site. I like the simple hans panel but was looking at how easily or not it would be for us numpties to put together a small watt panel/ markers heatsink with a preferred spectrum (I too am a white's fan from the collective reading iv'e done). I'm almost there in understanding the components on that site. The price doesn't look a lot cheaper (doing it that way in kit form) but iv'e always liked doing things the hard (ish) way..:-P

Iv'e read some makers kit solderless projects but still have some questions.. Anyhow anyone have a link (or care to quickly put into numpty terms whats needed) for step by step kit LED projects. Maybe some here a bit handy this would be another option.. ?
Still looking around and found a seller on ebay who actually lists all the LED part numbers (believe they're using Epistar 3W for the most part), it's just I don't know enough about the specifics of LED's to know if they're any good. Might just take the chance for the price. 100% feedback so far too. I think they even have a few products claiming to use CREE LED's.

Yeah, I was about to say that the price will go up, I paid 150ea for mine. They are ok for what they are (I guess) but I couldn't live with the loud fans.. ebayed mine pretty quick otherwise I coulda sold it to ya ;)
I have a friend that has been going through chemo for 6 or so years now that needs to be able to grow his own meds. It would be awesome if I could get him into some LEDs due to him not having a whole lot of money as he lives off SSI. I told him I would pay for the LEDs to be able to test them out and he could have the meds. So this is going to be a bit of an experiment. His flowering area is 5x10 and utilizes 2 x 1,000w HPS. What would you recommend? I am also thinking of possibly running two different lights to see which one performs better.
I would save and get a HGL SOL light. the 200 watt would do nice. ask if they can do $600 ( what it was a time of release.. just to see )

or a grow blu ( guy is testing one at IC, and.. it works ) , here

hgl is rebranded from bysen

gro blu is rebranded from cidly

don't wast your money on gro blu and hgl
It doesn't take much digging to see what comes from where.

HGL: Older models = Bysen/Bluesea/BSLed, Newer models = Greensun (Bluesea, Bysen and BS are all the same factory)
Magnum: Older Models: Bysen/Bluesea/BSLed, Newer models = Houyi
Blackstar: older models = Cidly. Their Chrome series is from somewhere else. Not positive where. I think it might be Evergrow.
Vipar: Evergrow (take a look, they didn't even bother to change the spectrum, ratio or layout from Evergrows' standard spectrum)
Gro Blu: Cidly
HTG: Cidly
Grow Northern: Cidly
Fero Europe: Cidly
Apache Tech: private design
Cali Lightworks: private design
Lumi: private design
Blackdog: private design, though slightly ripped off by LGled

If I were a customer, I'd personally look for something less Chinese-y, and with verifiable parts #s. Though, there is nothing wrong with getting a budget light straight from China, or a reputable reseller of Chinese lights. If I were buying from China, I'd personally look to Evergrow or LG.

hgl is rebranded from bysen

gro blu is rebranded from cidly

don't wast your money on gro blu and hgl
I have a friend that has been going through chemo for 6 or so years now that needs to be able to grow his own meds. It would be awesome if I could get him into some LEDs due to him not having a whole lot of money as he lives off SSI. I told him I would pay for the LEDs to be able to test them out and he could have the meds. So this is going to be a bit of an experiment. His flowering area is 5x10 and utilizes 2 x 1,000w HPS. What would you recommend? I am also thinking of possibly running two different lights to see which one performs better.
Tough call Hound. Replacing two 1000 watters in a 5 x 10 is not LEDs specialty, especially when it comes to a more frugal approach. Perhaps add small panels till you can cut the 1000s to 600s. Apache, Area 51, Lumigrow are the companies that come to my mind offhand for what you want, cheaper panels like Blackstar have a bit of a learning curve to get them to produce consistently. Good luck to you and your friend.
Greetings RIU community

My name is Edd and I am the co-owner and founder of VIPAR. I am breaking my own rule by posting on your forum so I will try to keep this as short and to the point as possible. My belief is that these forums should be free from bias and commercial agenda. Growers yes, sellers no.

A user on this forum had brought this thread to my attention and in particular the posts of another company owner concerning VIPAR. Here, I will personally address 3 points to said owner (Eraserhead) and then I will be on my way.

1. "Vipar: Evergrow (take a look, they didn't even bother to change the spectrum, ratio or layout from Evergrows' standard spectrum)"

https://www.rollitup.org/led-other-lighting/633304-if-you-new-led-want-58.html (3rd post down)

In the future, know the facts before you pass judgement. I find the "They didn't even bother to change the spectrum" part to be the most offensive. We have worked and still do work very hard to make sure our products are the best that they can be for the price that we offer them.

- You are right, our products are manufactured at EverGrow. The same place yours are.

- You are right, our products are the NOVAs. The same lights that you used for your last series.

- You are wrong. That spectrum is definitely "ours" (If a spectrum can be anyone's?) and one that we had tested extensively. EverGrow requested to use it for some of their products. We said yes. If that equals more growers around the world getting better results, I personally don't care who uses it.

Our aim is to provide growers with a low cost alternative to many of the higher cost, branded offerings. You have your products. We have ours. Let's leave it at that. Your products should be good enough to stand on their own without constant intervention on a forum. That's how we do it.

Now I hate to resort to the way that you seem to conduct yourself here, but in this instance I feel it is perfectly just to do so. I checked back through your old forum posts, and found this:

2. "Any word on Vipar's "Bridgelux" or "Epiled" parts numbers? I emailed them, and got the same answer you did, and I specifically asked for parts numbers. I don't want to ruffle his feathers too much, I asked, and got what he wants to tell, I'm leaving it at that."

https://www.rollitup.org/led-other-lighting/486179-led-companies-w-links-115.html (Last post on the page)

Could you send a screen shot, as you have done before, with the reply that you had received? I would be interested to see it as neither myself nor my colleagues have received any messages concerning part numbers. We have only ever been asked about the brands that we use. And if you had specifically asked for parts numbers, we all would have said - Sorry, we don't have part numbers nor bin codes. With top bin LEDs comes great costs and that is not what we are about. We are about providing affordable LED grow lighting and many of our customers see cost as a massive factor. If quality is an issue, you are protected by a 3 year warranty. If performance is an issue, we offer a standard 30 day returns policy and have increased this to 90 days for those growers that need added peace of mind.

Your efforts at trying to debunk us as a credible company won't work as we don't pretend to be something we are not. We're not going to pretend that we use the best LEDs in the world nor do we have parts numbers, etc. If that means losing a sale, then so be it. Honesty wins every time.

We do actually have a few customers requesting Cree LEDs, Osram etc. We have been pointing them to Plant Photonics for some time now, but they have recently sold out. I had heard about your company and was considering getting in touch with you when I saw your new product as I would have happily sent some customers your way. Sadly the way you have conducted yourself on this forum has prevented this from being.

I shall end with a post that I found that you had posted before:

3. "And, I get "worked up" when people say things that are not true that have to do with me. I work hard at what I do, and spend a lot of money on research and development. I take offence when some guy just states all these things as fact when it is nothing more than a misinformed lie.... If someone says something about me or something that is mine and it is not true, I will defend it, and I will prove it."

https://www.rollitup.org/led-other-lighting/604523-leds-go-3.html#post8449886 (2nd post down)

Sounds like me. I feel like that. It's not nice, therefore I wouldn't do it to anyone else. You don't like people doing it to you, yet you do it to others? How does that work?

My advice to you - Concentrate on your own products and help out people out if they need it. But posting things about other companies that you actually have no idea about is not good practice. You assume that every company lies about their parts and diodes, as if every company is trying to convince the customer that their LEDs are the best. Well I can tell you now, and I will restate again that we don't use the "best" LEDs in the world, nor do we have parts codes and bin numbers. You must understand our customers, our business model and what we are about before you try to take the higher ground and harp on about part numbers and bin codes etc...Our customer want value, and that is what we give them. For those that require top end LEDs, with the data to back it up, there are plenty of companies out there to choose from.

With over 1000 happy customers and not a single return, we must be doing something right. I mean, the way people go on about Chinese diodes you'd think they wouldn't grow anything at all. There is a place in the market for everyone, and the grower has a multitude of options to pick from, with a price to fit every pocket. LED grow lights are usually more expensive if they have new features or offer good power economy. If that is what you are after - Great. Be prepared to pay more upfront, and a little less over time due to the running costs. If you don't want to pay so much to begin, and would prefer to pay a little more over an amount of time - then fair enough. It just depends on how you look at it and what you perceive as "Value".

The LED grow light market is vast, with room for lots of companies. There is no need to attempt to sully another companies reputation unless they are purposefully being deceiving and even then I feel this should be left to non sellers to decide. Concentrate on the great features of your light rather than trying to pick everyone else's apart. In the long run, you will be better off for it.
Ok i've decided gonna go with Cidly. Was my first choice i wanted, I just don't know how to order lol. Want to get 2 Apollo 4's, 1 veg, 1 flower. Do I need to customize the spectrum?
Ok i've decided gonna go with Cidly. Was my first choice i wanted, I just don't know how to order lol. Want to get 2 Apollo 4's, 1 veg, 1 flower. Do I need to customize the spectrum?

Go to contact page. Click on Winter Lui. She was my contact for sales. Get the aquarium model. The grow model is limited to how many whites and blues. 5 per module. Which makes it to red heavy. The aquarium model uses 3 less diodes per module but there is no limit to the amount of whites or blues. Use different drivers and run on 2 plugs. Maybe not for a 4. I would go with a 6. For your set up. That will do a 2x2 good.

For spectrum per module.
2x 660
2x 630
4x 2700k
4x 4000k

2x 630
4x 2700k
6x 5000k
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