if someone says a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult

Look at the right wing shit stains who think children can consent to sex trying to derail the thread because they lost yet another debate...

The Kiddie fiddling alchie is back. .. .

i know who i'd rape.


Full Definition of VILE

1: morally despicable or abhorrent <nothing is so vile as intellectual dishonesty>

2: physically repulsive : foul <a vile slum>

3: of little worth or account : common; also : mean

4: tending to degrade <vile employments>

5: disgustingly or utterly bad : obnoxious, contemptible <vile weather> <had a vile temper>
The Kiddie fiddling alchie is back. .. .
Speaking of projection. I'm a parent vehemently arguing against the view which you share, that children can consent to sex with adults.

Oh and I haven't had a drink in over 3 years.

Where's that projection thing you have spammed all over the site?
Your thoughts and what You say give You away Pedo. ... try thinking of something other than kiddies and booze... it will end up getting You into a lot of trouble. ..
I'm not American OR Muslim so the Answer would be No a Child cannot consent to any Illegal activity, but Hey I'm not part of the RIU Pedo Ring like a few members on here that go on and on and on and on... Why don't they see their Shrink..might help.. ..
Im starting to think you might be also.

The correct answer is NO a child of 13 cannot consent to sex with an adult.
Do you disagree?

One last time:

I really don't give a fuck what you think; you've already demonstrate you're not very good at it.

Why are you seeking my permission to go have sex with a 13 year old child anyway?

I already provided you with the link to State Law; simply look up your state and see if you're in the clear.

Now scurry off and don't hurt yourself.
Why are you seeking my permission to go have sex with a 13 year old child anyway?

no one is doing that, we're just not sure why you refuse to say that a 13 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult.

it should be easy to do, watch:

a 13 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult.

see how easy that was?

now you and cici the spambot should do the same.
You Are Scum!!!

racists often tend to say that about me while conveniently overlooking the fact that they think less of an entire race of people based on their skin color.

i just laugh, cici.

and i'm still not sure why you refuse to say that a 13 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult.
racists often tend to say that about me while conveniently overlooking the fact that they think less of an entire race of people based on their skin color.

i just laugh, cici.

and i'm still not sure why you refuse to say that a 13 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult.

it takes an especially shameless hypocrite to try to accuse others of that which he is guilty of himself.
Here is the self confessed rapist unclebuckley hanging around with fellow pedos trading pictures on pocketfives

View attachment 3469773


comments like
"wtf, that looks like a 9 year old, not a 15 year old."

An artists impression of unclebuckley below
View attachment 3469775

going back to that same old debunked lie in order to take attention off the fact that you buddy up with white supremacists?


tell more stories about less refined women. those are better.