What constitutes an “old head”?

i've been a pothead since 1969 or 1970. i dealt for most of my life, first joints, then lids, then kilos and beyond. i stopped a few years ago when we went legal. i've also grown most of my life so i didn't have to deal with running out and having to smoke from dirt weed that smelled like something nasty and people i didn't like or trust.

i got stationed in thailand for a year and lived as a civilian in thailand for 2 years because their northern weed in the 60s and 70s was stunning, despite what that government report said about the average thc being 10% or less. the vast majority of the weed they tested was very average mexican and jamaican. decent weed but not even close to the stuff from South and S.E. asia. or columbia, or panama or some of the craft mexican stuff. it's annoying when somebody says that their uncle smoked thai stick in the 70s and it sucked. people used to shove a bamboo stick through any bud they had and called it thai stick. dummies had no clue. the air force guys i knew all wanted to be stationed in thailand. the girls were fun but there were girls at home, there wasn't much thai stick as guys in the military rarely sold when they smuggled home. if you smoked it, it stoned you to your bones.

i love weed more than i can express, as i don't have a poet's soul.
I had some crazy Thai bud in the late 70’s we called budda bud. Crazy strong and the smell was outrageous. Stunk up my cassette case for years afterwards.
The military thing brings back a memory of one of my buddies back around 77 or so . His brother was a Load master in the Air Force who flew in and out of Turkey quite a bit . Every time he came home on leave he'd throw us a big chunk of hash . Those were the days !
the kc135s helped smuggle more drugs than el chapo jr. on a good day. they'd take off some panels, stuff them full of whatever and shazamm. i used to swallow condoms full of various powders and herbs. too stupid to consider how dangerous it was if the condoms burst. made a lot of $$$
I started in the 80's and all I ever saw was super skunky sticky green buds. But we just called it bud.
Lucky guy.
We got some stuff they called red hair, northern lights, and purps. But their availability was based on concerts just like lsd.
Skunk was here and there.
Later on had alot of indoor from vt but most was un-named. It was a rarity here for the most part.
In the wealthy neighborhood nearby we could find some white widow, and ak, but that wasnt the norm
Green bud is a pretty new phenomena. Around 2000 i had a single guy that had green brick.
Used to buy the bottom of his lbs.... Basically shake, for less than 100 an oz. Great deal at the time .

I basically brought green weed to my local market back in '80 . First successful grow in '79 we kept for our head , in '80 we went balls out .

Until then green was "homegrown" and laughed at . When they smelled and smoked ours it freaked people out , they'd never been that high in their lives .

My gang was lucky , we had some very connected older brothers/sisters who took good care of us . Most times we got pretty good Mexican or Columbian weed in the 70's , the Thai in the end of the 70's .

Made a lot of money pushing brick weed out of Texas to but that's another story...;-)
Lucky guy.
We got some stuff they called red hair, northern lights, and purps. But their availability was based on concerts just like lsd.
Skunk was here and there.
Later on had alot of indoor from vt but most was un-named. It was a rarity here for the most part.
In the wealthy neighborhood nearby we could find some white widow, and ak, but that wasnt the norm
Northern Lights started from where I was. I never even heard of mex, brick, or shwag until I moved to Tahoe in the 90's. We still had looks of kind bud or green bud or whatever they wanted to call it though, lol. I'm sure a lot of what I smoked was Tahoe OG. Shit was like $50-60 1/8 by then. It was only $30 1/8 when I started. Ounces of mex was $60, but I had a hookup for $300 lb. Earned the money for a few season passes like that. :bigjoint:
Northern Lights started from where I was. I never even heard of mex, brick, or shwag until I moved to Tahoe in the 90's. We still had looks of kind bud or green bud or whatever they wanted to call it though, lol. I'm sure a lot of what I smoked was Tahoe OG. Shit was like $50-60 1/8 by then. It was only $30 1/8 when I started. Ounces of mex was $60, but I had a hookup for $300 lb. Earned the money for a few season passes like that. :bigjoint:
I never moved for profit.
Would get qp's for 250, sell half's for 50 and keep the rest.
If you've never smoked this you'll never be an old head. Sorry that's the rules. Extra points if you smoke it out of a coke can or an apple. double extra points if you broke it up with your fingers and rolled it up with the blank page in the back of a bible.


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