if someone says a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult

That is a horrible sterotype. It's not like that here. Well it's like that everywhere. Look on your local state website for registered offenders. It will make you sick at how many dots are around you.

You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't pick on Kentucky like that. Not when there's Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama...
Here is the top ten list for the most sex offenders .


10. Colorado – 3.10
Colorado has 16,098 sex offenders living in their state. In 2005, their policy was revised to release more information about their offenders. This includes the sexual offenses they were convicted of. Plus, they update their database several times a day.

9. Florida – 3.17

With a total of 61,303 sex offenders in Florida, it is tough to understand why they have such lenient policies where sexual predators can live and work. Their only policy is preventing sex offenders from working in a position where they would be in contact with kids.

8. Minnesota – 3.26

The state of Minnesota has 17,541 offenders in their state. After each sex offender serves their time, they are put in rehabilitation treatments for an indeterminate amount of time. The treatment consists of individual and group therapy.

7. South Dakota – 3.76

With 3,132 sex offenders in South Dakota, they say their database is updated frequently. Unlike other states, they do not give any specifics. Rather, they say the information changes so much that it is nearly impossible to keep it updated all the time.

6. Wisconsin – 3.98

Wisconsin has 22,803 total sex offenders registered in their database. Their policy aims to convict any predator, who harms children, for up to a decade. Despite the time a convicted offender will have to serve, they still have a high rate of sex offenders in their state.

5. Michigan – 4.12

Despite being high on the list with a total of 40,692 registered offenders, Michigan’s total has declined from 50,000 in the last five years. The State of Michigan is trying hard to improve its tracking of sex offenders and tighten its policies.

4. Arkansas – 4.38

The state of Arkansas has 12,919 sex offenders. One of the states issues is only releasing names and addresses of offenders. Maybe they need to consider releasing information about what each offender is guilty of.

3. Oregon – 4.87

Oregon has 19,000 registered offenders. Their database is updated frequently, but it only contains information about offenders that pose the greatest threats. They could consider expanding the requirements for whose information gets released.

2. Wyoming – 6.32

Wyoming lists information about all 3,641 of its registered sex offenders. They claim that anyone listed in the registry is not considered to be dangerous at the moment. Wyoming is definitely a state that could improve its tracking and policies in regards to sexual predators.

1. Delaware – 7.70

Delaware has 4,871 sex offenders in their database, which is huge given their relatively small population. Despite having the highest rate of sex offenders, they try to combat that by making sure offenders register their new home address within three days. This is significantly shorter than most states, which may offer up to a week and a half.
Do you think a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult?

Technically speaking you are probably an adult, but if you live in your mothers basement and don't support yourself you probably have more in common with lots of teenagers than many adults. I recommend you get out more often and do something productive rather than spend lots of time speculating on having sex with young teens. Aren't there any productive kinds of things you could do to take your mind off theses things you seem to obsess about?

Avoiding the question again.


I don't know every individual person that is 13 and can't make their choices for them. I recommend you let your wife bring the babysitter home though, to avoid any problems with the cops that used your mugshot in a rapist lineup.
but it would be totally consensual for an 80 year old like yourself to have sex with a 13 year old, right?

One cannot derive an answer from the false information you have provided.

I will say, I'm put off by the idea of a large age delta between people that engage in consensual sexual behavior, it's not my thing.

Also, I'm not 80 Poopy Pants.

Perhaps you could describe in detail how a person comes to be able to consent to things and at which age certain things can be consented to.

We seem on the surface anyway to agree that nonconsensual interactions involving force are bad things, except you often contradict yourself and embrace it when it serves your purpose.
I don't know every individual person that is 13 and can't make their choices for them. I recommend you let your wife bring the babysitter home though, to avoid any problems with the cops that used your mugshot in a rapist lineup.

This is not an answer to the question. You avoided the question and not very gracefully.
Technically speaking you are probably an adult, but if you live in your mothers basement and don't support yourself you probably have more in common with lots of teenagers than many adults. I recommend you get out more often and do something productive rather than spend lots of time speculating on having sex with young teens. Aren't there any productive kinds of things you could do to take your mind off theses things you seem to obsess about?

I don't know every individual person that is 13 and can't make their choices for them. I recommend you let your wife bring the babysitter home though, to avoid any problems with the cops that used your mugshot in a rapist lineup.
So you do in fact think that a child of 13 years can consent to sex with an adult.

Just need to clarify this, for all those people who say that we're calling someone a pedo for no reason while those same people throw around completely baseless accusations of the same.
There's a break in logic here. A 13 year old can't consent to sex just like a retard or a 95 year old dementia patient can't consent because they don't have that decision making capacity. It's why we don't let them drive cars, own guns, vote, etc..
Rob Roy you going to answer this question?
Why are you avoiding answering the question?
It's either YES or NO
Technically speaking you are probably an adult, but if you live in your mothers basement and don't support yourself you probably have more in common with lots of teenagers than many adults. I recommend you get out more often and do something productive rather than spend lots of time speculating on having sex with young teens. Aren't there any productive kinds of things you could do to take your mind off theses things you seem to obsess about?

I don't know every individual person that is 13 and can't make their choices for them. I recommend you let your wife bring the babysitter home though, to avoid any problems with the cops that used your mugshot in a rapist lineup.

Rob Roy you going to answer this question?
Why are you avoiding answering the question?
It's either YES or NO
So you do in fact think that a child of 13 years can consent to sex with an adult.

Just need to clarify this, for all those people who say that we're calling someone a pedo for no reason while those same people throw around completely baseless accusations of the same.

Do you have a confession you're trying to make here champ? Was it on one of those government paid for vacation trips you take when you get out of your mom's basement? You're not gonna try the "she looked 18" thing are you?
Rob Roy you going to answer this question?
Why are you avoiding answering the question?
It's either YES or NO

You seem to be working very hard at this. Is it because you are seeking a distraction from the reality of your Pot Prohibition ideas or are you getting some kind of carnal thrill from it, you pervert you.

Which one is it?
There's a break in logic here. A 13 year old can't consent to sex just like a retard or a 95 year old dementia patient can't consent because they don't have that decision making capacity. It's why we don't let them drive cars, own guns, vote, etc..

At which upper end age does a person lose the ability to consent? You suggested 95 was within the parameters. Does that mean anybody 80? 85? 93?