If someone broke in and found your grow?


Active Member
HAHAHA ok first of all... IF you catch them with a boobytrap, what are you gonna do? cant call the police becasue they will just blab to the po's "HES GROWING POT!!!"
second of all, dont get too scared man if they come back be prepared. i like the idea of an alarm system. . i have an american bulldog. a very nice loving dog thinks he is a lap dog but hes 70 + pounds.. but he hears anything close to the door he barks barks barks.. and if oyu do catch them in the act... be nice bro tell them to wait right here.. go grab a joint. sit down smoke and tell them.. be like well i smoke a lot of weed. those plants where just experiments and i know now not to do it again blah blah blah smoke them out tell them if they come onto your property again then you will be forced to do something about it like call the police or w.e. and tell them that you think the growing thing is a bad idea. just make up some bullshit bro. if you smoke them out they wont care. theyd be like dam this guy is cool as hell. just tell them to leave you alone. but dude i think its time to pack up until you are sure you are safe again.. good luck to ya


Active Member
Edit* dude i caught some people trying to rob things outa my house.. they walked in and i knew one of them it was my sisters boyfriends enemy. and i was like wtf you doin here. they seen me with 4 plants walking from the grow room. i simply said aye man come to my room. smoked them out told them that i am only growing these to make $350 for a plane ticket to go see a concert. LMAO they believed it tho and all i did was smoke a blunt with them. i did call them out saying man why would oyu rob someone tho. first of all i coulda called the police and i scared the shit out of them. they said man dont worry were sorry "david" boyfriends name saidit was a jackpot blah blah.. i didnt care i just dont want them in my house. see pot is an amazing substance.. it can change someones mind very fast and easy.. one moment he wants to rob you, the next he wants to be ur main nigga.. but dont be stupid about it.. dont say yea man i grow weed. make an excuse for having them..


Well-Known Member
it's your own fault for leaving the garage unlocked. NEVER EVER EVER leave any door unlocked.

that gives cops the ability to open it and look inside. they don't have to step inside, they can just look. they'll say the door was open.

you don't need an alarm, just a motion detector, or motion activated light. they're cheap, and will beep or turn on whenever somebody's fucking around with your plants, or hanging around too close to your house.

if you hear that go off, you know to check...

also, if you can, get a dog.... training a dog to not bark and protect isn't easy, but it's possible and very effective.



and do not set up booby traps. if you rent, and you're landlord wants to make an inspection, you could end up in a real problem.

also, if you catch the thieves should they come back, don't lock them in your house and kick their asses. that's false imprisonment, and you could set-off a i got you last chain-reaction that won't help you out at all.

and move your plants. if the dumbasses get caught with the weed, they'll have no problem pointing the finger to your house to get off easy.

lock the damn gate next time!!!!


Active Member
if i cocked it theyd run like they saw a ghost!
No, If they even saw it they just might deiced to do you one better and take your ass out with no problem. Don't fuck around with filthy doper Junkies man. You don't know what their state of mind is.

GTFO and move on. Cut your losses. Next time think ahead bro. Good luck. It's a bummer for sure.


Active Member
they came back last night my neighbor ran him off.
Nice Neighbor. If they keep coming back and keep getting run off then they might get tired of trying but I doubt it. Bottom line, if you don't move you'll always have to be watching your back until they get caught or something and even then you still might be in trouble but with the law.


Active Member
Yea, I feel ya. You have ever right to beat him. Just gotta hold back. Karma will get these kids back somehow. They'll probably end up in jail some day and get their sweet virgin ass pounded.
^^^^^^^^-Half baked quote btw.


Two solutions. One, like everyone else is saying, get rid of the plants. Give them to somebody you trust or kill them. They are now a liability more than anything. You might have to worry about police but I would be more worried about the kids' return visit. You don't know how many will come back (and if theres "free" cannabis involved, they will come back). You also should consider your safety... kids are stupid and immature... they do stupid and immature things.. like bringing a weapon to ensure their safety while robbing you. Your either dead or minutes away from the police coming. (Also consider your neighbors who might see your place getting robbed and call the police).

The other solution will be difficult at best (and will try to think of a better solution). First, assume that the kids are watching you house. Under this premise I would relocate your grow opp for the time being (HARD, I KNOW). The next step is to open up your garage for the world to see. They likely won't be coming back if theres "nothing" to come back for. Not ideal, I know.

A loud as alarm would be great as well... kids are fast to get scared and flee the scene when doing illegal shit!


Active Member
Has any one mentioned a closed circuit cameras? I'd set up some cameras along with some other suggestions...

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Hey ohgr, i was going to ask who the guy in your avatar was, cause it looks kinda like Bill Hicks, but then i saw your signature. Bill Hicks is fucking awesome!