If someone broke in and found your grow?


Active Member
any dog can be bribed with dog treats. so while a mean dog is probably your best bet and the intruders probably arent the smartest guys in the world.... all he/she/they would have to do to bypass your dog would be to give the dog some amazing dog treats and the dog wouldnt guard shit.

Personally, if it was me and if I had the funds I would not only get a bad-ass pitbull but also I would boobie trap the point of entry with a "large-game" tranquilizer dart gun (the kind they use for tigers, deer, gorillas, and horses etc)... you can pick them up at any outdoor/hunting/fire-arm shop. Rig it up to via fishline trip wire (they will never see it in the dark) so that it shoots in the chest area of someone who is 5'10.

That or guard your shit and shoot them with the "large-game" tranquilizer dart with your own hands.

If you really want to scare them, while they are passed out, hog tie them via duct tape and pull down their pants all the way to their ankles and put some anal lube on their assholes. That way when they wake up they will see their pants down and feel the lube on their ass and they will think that they were butt raped. Would totally scare the shit out of them and I doubt they would come back. They probably wouldnt brag to their friends either about the incident either... If they go to the cops all the tests for butt rape would come back negative and they would feel like total jackasses anyways. :)



Well-Known Member
Funny thing you say because my dawggy is trained to ONLY accept "treats" from me.
Correct. Most all dogs trained in schutzhund are trained not to take food from strangers. K9 units wouldn't be too effective in hostage situations if they rolled over for steaks.


Well-Known Member
Any dog can be bribed with treats? Good luck with that. My dog would attack you and watch you till I got home and if you were still alive I would shoot you then give the dog your treat


Probably the best advise ive read yet it get a cheapo alarm system from a store, shit if you wanna spend money get the ones with motion detectors. Also go get some wireless security cameras, set them up so you can keep eyes on different points of the residence they are cheap and you can set it up to record and also watch them from any computer. Anyways good luck!


Active Member
Just lock your shit up next time. If they try to break in again, which they most likely will. Then just point a gun at them and they'll probably run.


Well-Known Member
no matter how well trained a dog is a properly trained person can kill one in less than 20 seconds. that being said I doubt if your thiefs would know how, fuck treats let em attack, I say

He needs to move or he is gonna have trouble, period


Well-Known Member
You fucked up and now you must pay the price. Time to close up shop and hope your house doesn't get hit again.


Active Member
Violence is not the answer. I realize you are upset and want revenge for losing 2 mature plants but remember you can always grow again and one thing that these thieves cannot take away is your knowledge on how to grow Cannabis.

If i was in your position and i knew my grow op had been compromised I would do the following.

1. As much as it pains me to say this but, "destroy your plants, take all your growing material and store it at a separate location. Like a storage unit.

2. Get a good security system, because you have been marked by the thieves and they will brag to other miscreants. Outside lighting with motion sensors are great. Get a dog regardless of meanness or size is also a good idea. Have a firearm but only use it as a last resort. Nothing is worse than shooting the intruders when your life is not threatened. Make sure all entry points into your house are secure this includes windows and side doors and fenced gates.

3. If you plan on staying at your current location do not grow for at least a year. This is even not recommended. If you plan on growing again its best you grow in another location far from your house.

4. Move away if possible, and as soon as possible. Don't tell anyone outside your family and close friends where you plan on moving to unless absolutely necessary. The last thing you want is those thieves to tail you or worse the cops. I might be a bit on the paranoid side but I say its better to be overcautious than getting caught, know what i mean?

What I just described is called "Target Hardening." Much like a porcupine when threatened by a predator he rolls into a ball of quills. Why would a predator mess with a porcupine when he could just go over and easily kill a field mouse that is easier pray. Be the porcupine and then a wolverine if you are cornered. LoL sorry for the bad analogy.

I hope everything works out for you. Good luck!

Peace and positive energy to you



Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, do not continue growing in that garage. You've made the mistake of keeping it unlocked and you got caught =/ Grow somewhere else, if you're that dedicated to grow, rent out a store unit or a small shack, or just go guerrilla and plant outdoors somewhere secluded.


Active Member
I had this happen to me once, but I was growing in my basement, and the punk kids broke and stole all my games, stereo, most of the plants and my pistol.
They got busted for the pistol and told the cops I was growing pot to get themselfs out of trouble, only thing is I pulled everything the day after they broke in, and when the cops showed up to "find my weed growing operation" there was nothing there, so they assumed the kids were full of it, in michigan the victum has a say in the sentancing, I explained these young ones needed to be taught a lesson so not to do this in the future, Little fuckers got theres.
Now I have two mean ass pit bulls, and the whole fucking neibourhood see's Me carring my 9mm every where I go, and I have not had a problem since.
Plus I have a med card so I can grow leagly now, and it helps that my house is now like fort knox!


Active Member
Thats why theres a remington 870 under my bed..no mercy.
Theres no way ur gonna burry a few punk kids out back behind the tool shed, and not get caught.
If you have illegal things in your house, u want as little attention as possible. shooting someone is not "Low key"

I saw a story somewhere, about a bunch of punk kids going into a grow house. and the House owner, captured at least one, and scared this shit out of him.
and then the house owner was the one arrested for false imprisonment and other charges.

Its fucked up i know. but compounding charges is not a good thing.

Gotta stay stealth.


Well-Known Member
Last night someone was going through unlocked cars (probaly kids) stealing stereos and my garage was unlocked( i know stupid me) they checked my garage and hit a jackpot. They stole 2 mature blackjacks prolly would have gotten all of them but the knocked over a tower fan making noise and took off. If they saw plant they know there is bud in the house. Probably come back for the others, or get caught doing something stupid and blab to the cops. Would you pull all your plants?
I would clean house. You hit the nail on the head. These punks get busted and more than likely they will rat you out too make a deal.


Active Member
Theres no way ur gonna burry a few punk kids out back behind the tool shed, and not get caught.
If you have illegal things in your house, u want as little attention as possible. shooting someone is not "Low key"

I saw a story somewhere, about a bunch of punk kids going into a grow house. and the House owner, captured at least one, and scared this shit out of him.
and then the house owner was the one arrested for false imprisonment and other charges.

Its fucked up i know. but compounding charges is not a good thing.

Gotta stay stealth.
if i cocked it theyd run like they saw a ghost!