If "Organic" Includes Bottled Ferts, What Is Plain 'Ol Soil Called?


Well-Known Member
People who grow natural (ROLS, etc) avoid the hype and bottles but what do we call this no-bottle growing? "Organic" clearly doesn't fit the bill, as that's become a meaningless phrase to many of us.

Darth Dank

organic means no chems were used anywhere. and the bottle stuff is for indoor soilless or lazy outdoor ppl. my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
We used to call it organic, but that's lost it's luster.

"Old School" is about right.


Well-Known Member
Could be called the "don't waste your money" method. The "why throw away soil?" grow technique


Well-Known Member
Yeah it is terrible when you mention you grow using old school organic techniques and someone chimes in on how they just bought there organic fertilizer from the hydro store. I would say it would have to have something to do with the "Soil food web". That is what these beginners are missing, they know nothing about the food web in there soil. They think they need to feed there plants, not the soil.


Well-Known Member
I've always said there's a real desire among males to tweak and add stuff they think gives them an edge. Look at anything including cars, stereos, weapons. Especially young males. Note the bottled ferts. Is the labeling targeting young males? Methinks so...


Well-Known Member
Yeah they got me back when I first started growing. I thought that hydro was the way to go.. But for some reason I always messed up, i guess i suck at being spoon fed directions. Cause the ONLY successful grows I have ever had were grown using organics, or the soil food web.


Well-Known Member
I loved growing hydro. In my heart I wanted to be a chemist, I guess. I loves measuring pH, PPM, mixing, etc. I liked it but don't miss it.


Well-Known Member
People who grow natural (ROLS, etc) avoid the hype and bottles but what do we call this no-bottle growing? "Organic" clearly doesn't fit the bill, as that's become a meaningless phrase to many of us.
I thought we already had a name for it.... ROLS!

I mean the soil that u use certainly grew other things before, so even in a first no-bottle grow, u are basically already using recycled organic material! from amendments to worm castings. and the cooking process or simply the action of planting a seed in it and watering brings it alive.


Crab Pot

Well-Known Member
Anyone care to give an estimate of what percentage of organic farmers are practicing "old school" organic farming vs "new school" organic farming (using bottled crap and that includes any bottle nute)?


Well-Known Member
I never spent the money on all those fancy gadgets that's probably why i was never successful! I can now afford to grow my medicine, and it taste better in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
how bout bioganic??? kind of funny how by definition the organic bottled nutes ar actually chemical compounds derived from organic sources but that's being a little over analytical....


Well-Known Member
Here's my take on natural sources that are extracted and bottled. Why not just give me the kelp, and I'll add it myself. It's just sooooo easy to get the real deal, no extractions.

Also- there are often unseen advantages in having the nutrients delivered with their natural compliment of enzymes, hormones, secondary metabolites, etc. These are often lost during processing, extraction, exposure to O2, etc.
Anyone care to give an estimate of what percentage of organic farmers are practicing "old school" organic farming vs "new school" organic farming (using bottled crap and that includes any bottle nute)?
there are actually a few companies that produce good organic bottled stuff.....Neptunes harvest and Blue Mountain Organics comes to mind.