If I put cannabis dried buds in curry will it get me high?


Well-Known Member
So I had some dried cannabis buds left over on the stem from my harvest and they're crispy so dry that they turn into dust like dried herb, if I put it in and cook my food will it work?
any steps to follow?
you dont have to do shit to it...I ate a bud of purple urkel about the size of my thumb cause the doggy was workin at the border check...about an hour later I was high as fuck lying face down on a bed thought I was breathing under water and shit.....Ya I dont do edibles much.
you dont have to do shit to it...I ate a bud of purple urkel about the size of my thumb cause the doggy was workin at the border check...about an hour later I was high as fuck lying face down on a bed thought I was breathing under water and shit.....Ya I dont do edibles much.
My first time trying this, nervous as fuckk!, and yeah technically speaking it would work because your stomatch acid etc.. is so hot it could burn your skin if you were to touch it.
If you want the cannabinoids to cross the blood brain barrier and get high they have to be decarbed.thca is too polar. Decarbing means take the carboxyl group-cooh off the thca as produced by the plant and leave active thc.
It will decarb naturally over time in 5ish months. Heat speeds this process. Heat also degrades the sensitive compounds. Cbd is much more sedative than thc and is more stable. Thc also quickly forms cbn around 400°f but the higher the heat used the faster it breaks down..
So typically most edibles are more sedating. You could boil it in water+oil, thats what most people do